I love the design, especially the bizarre loading screen. Initial UX thoughts from a elfeed user who imported their feeds with an opml:
- It would be great if the enter and close buttons were in the same spot, instead of the close button jumping to the bottom, so you could open and close drawers more easily.
- It'd be great if links could be shaded after they'd been opened, or marked somehow else as having been read.
- Would love to be able to reorder tabs
- Would be great if you could change the label for all the entries in a group in one go. Eg, I set the yellow geekface emoji for my tech follows, but I want to change this to a darker skinned variant without having to do so one-by-one.
- After I've added my feeds and given them all categories, the home tab is empty and calls me to add follows. It's unclear if I'm waiting for feeds to update or something, or if I need to leave some uncategorised, etc.
- Love the graphs but I'm not exactly sure what they mean.
- As you'd expect from an emacs user, would love to have more keyboard binding. Cycle through, unfold this drawer, unfold all drawers, switch tab, etc.
And the video is amazing.
I love the design, especially the bizarre loading screen. Initial UX thoughts from a elfeed user who imported their feeds with an opml:
- It would be great if the enter and close buttons were in the same spot, instead of the close button jumping to the bottom, so you could open and close drawers more easily.
- It'd be great if links could be shaded after they'd been opened, or marked somehow else as having been read.
- Would love to be able to reorder tabs
- Would be great if you could change the label for all the entries in a group in one go. Eg, I set the yellow geekface emoji for my tech follows, but I want to change this to a darker skinned variant without having to do so one-by-one.
- After I've added my feeds and given them all categories, the home tab is empty and calls me to add follows. It's unclear if I'm waiting for feeds to update or something, or if I need to leave some uncategorised, etc.
- Love the graphs but I'm not exactly sure what they mean.
- As you'd expect from an emacs user, would love to have more keyboard binding. Cycle through, unfold this drawer, unfold all drawers, switch tab, etc.
Thanks for this ace project!