That is a big, rambling presentation with a lot of interesting topics in it. Despite the title, I think Sedgewick is really making a case for putting more mathematics into Computer Science. I think this is an important long-term trend.
Last year I read Bergeron et al's Combinatorial Species and then dipped into Flajolet and Sedgewick's Analytic Combinatorics. The first of these is concerned with mathematical structures that are tantalizingly close (or identical) to data structure that we often use. These can be represented as algebraic expressions and converted into related or equivalent ones using simple operations from algebra and calculus. F&S exhibit the tools necessary for analyzing the properties of these structures, using complex analysis, the same tools used to get a grip on "ordinary" algebraic expressions. It turns out these tools can help predict the performance of algorithms or help generate large random data structures for testing or statistical analysis.
We are used to the strong connections between type theory and mathematical logic, and here we see something that looks like types being manipulated with algebra!
To me the trend is this: CS will benefit in the future from borrowing more and more design patterns from math. E.g. Don't think databases, think relations, or better yet, graphs.
Computer science has always been in an awkward position. Is it science, is it math, is it engineering? Some people say that it's an entirely new thing, the "study of the artificial"
Personally my impression is that work in description logics, databases and such has been held back by a focus on mathematics. Roughly, the more powerful a logic system gets, the harder it is to 'compute' about it, both in the sense of using computational resources and in the sense that no sound and complete algorithm may even be available.
On the other hand, the real world requires us to represent facts like "Captain Kirk is a person is the Star Trek universe" and "Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God", "The identity of Deep Throat was unknown to most people in 1993", etc. For that we need highly descriptive representations.
On the other hand, we know that people and animals are quite capable of various sorts of modal reasoning. People aren't good at solving arbitrary problems with general structures, but they seem to have a bunch of heuristics that can deal with all of the problems that are actually in place.
Perhaps a scientific approach can be experimental, and not be so concerned with problems that ~might~ happen, but as an engineer I'm afraid the term 'science' is something that can be appropriated for the fashion of day, as in 'scientific socialism'.
It is something new entirely and the superposition of science, math, engineering, art.
I've talked (and I'll blog more about this sometime) about the role of a software architect.
Software is very free in an engineering sense. There is not reality except the limitations of the machine which compared to reality are kinda easy. There is no gravity, friction, collisions between matter, heat, radiation. There is just a machine.
In this freedom, you have art. It can be used to implement math or build mathematical theories on. You can do science and have lots of fun.
The role of the software architect is to define reality and this reality will enable engineering.
Once you start dealing with a lot of data, you feel a very heavy weight from the physical limitations of your computer. The path that led me to computing was really a flight from my blue collar roots and the tyranny of the physical universe, but now I have my days when I wish I was good at using a milling machine.
I don't object so much to the word "science" in CS as I do about the word "computer". Edsger Dijkstra said: "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."
I have noticed that any degree program that ends with "Science" is generally not science. "Social Science" and "Political Science" are two of the big offenders.
This is an old topic. Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim, both foundational to the social sciences, each sought to bring empiricism and the scientific method to the study of social institutions. I would argue that they were largely successful and it is a shift in our modern understanding of science that questions whether Social Science is "real" science.
Specifically, I think the power of mathematics as a tool for objective description of natural phenomena has given us the impression that any field without underpinning equations is soft, subjective, and inherently unscientific. Biology is Chemistry is Physics is Math, but the study of social institutions resists reduction to "hard" sciences, to the objectivity of equations. I have even seen people say that Chemistry is not science!
In this view, Sociology seems inherently less legitimate than Biology. And I think that is dangerous. If this is how we are to understand science, then we are doomed to belittle and ignore the possibilities for better understanding society and intelligent behavior.
"Personally my impression is that work in description logics, databases and such has been held back by a focus on mathematics."
"highly descriptive representations"
These two remarks were very popular during the hype period of 'artificial intelligence' (AI). The dream was that we could avoid math, use your
"highly descriptive representations"
and some magic dust, and, presto, get great results. We didn't.
Instead, it remains: To build something solid, we need solid specifications of (1) what the thing is to do and (2) what we have to work with and then actually design the thing so that we are fairly sure from the design that we will get (1).
E.g., to build a bridge across the Golden Gate of SF, we still need solid specifications of (1) what the bridge is to do and (2) steel, concrete, the bedrock, etc. Otherwise you won't want to drive across the bridge.
Well (1) is a 'specification', and so far we still need one. AI, etc. just wanted to say, I won't have a specification and, instead, will know I like it when I see it. Doesn't work well enough.
When my team and I gave a paper at an AAAI IAAI conference, nearly all the good work was from solid, traditional engineering with careful design as I have outlined.
For problems such as you mention,
"Captain Kirk is a person is the Star Trek universe"
a specification is difficult to write. It remains, for this difficulty, the only hope we have is math, but, yes, the math for such a specification is difficult and likely needs some advanced prerequisites and maybe some original work.
Possible in some seemingly challenging cases? Yes. Easy? No. Doable for all such problems now? No.
Without the math, with a lot of effort, some human 'domain expertise', some heuristics, a lot of fitting ('machine learning') to a lot of empirical data, a lot of testing and revision, we can build software that can do well, say, playing chess or answering questions on TV.
Still, you wouldn't want to drive across a bridge built that way. If the bridge had stood for a year, then maybe you'd try it. But you wouldn't want to be a test pilot for an airplane designed that way.
If constructing solid math specifications is too difficult and just "I will know I like it when I see it" is too sloppy, then we could use some new 'paradigms'. Here's a quarter, and it's worth more than a pair of dimes!
This is very interesting and very true. I think the main points of this article are:
1. Constants do matter, specially most programs end up with an asymptotic that looks like a N^b, and a and b are often not what you'd expect. This matches my experience a lot, and it's interesting that this is one level below O notation but one level above "counting how many operations should happen, roughly", which is what you have to do in practice to make algorithmic code go fast.
2. The examples around which an intro to CS course is structured are really uninteresting. I couldn't agree more, and never cared for computing factorial, fibonacci, etc, or for writing silly games or dumb data-processing programs; Simulations and numeric algorithms are far more interesting, and can get students interested more easily when they realize that other classes' work can be made far easier with computers.
3. Everyone should know CS. Even my philosophy-major wife often has the need to run short scripts to automate some tasks, and I think that if a philosophy major can benefit from CS concepts anyone else should as well.
All these things one should find out eventually, and I agree that exposing people to these concepts as soon as possible is a very good idea, far better than what is usually taught as CS-for-non-CS-majors.
And regarding your point (1), the slides also lay out the interesting case in which the typical-case asymptotic time complexity
a1 N^b
is far more favorable than the worst-case form of
a2 N^b
The first form is generally deduced through extensive experiments with typical data, while the second is (often) easily proved with just paper and pencil. The first is the more important in practice, but the second is what's quoted in textbooks.
There are so many algorithms in which a1 << a2, which enables all sorts of problems to be addressed that would be otherwise intractable.
The linear programming/max-flow type problems the slides mention are a major case.
2000s: Intro CS course relevant only to future cubicle-dwellers"
This is a serious problem. When I speak to students from programs other than Computer Science, even from other scientific disciplines, they question why they should ever have to take a Computer Science class. But if you tell a Chemistry major he needs a Physics course, or tell a Biology major that he needs a Chemistry course, it is likely to be accepted as perfectly reasonable. To many, CS == Computer Programming.
But this is a tough problem. To get non-CS students interested, we probably need to stress the applicability and practicality of being able to understand fundamentals and concepts of Computer Science as applied to other scientific disciplines. "Putting the science back into Computer Science" may be the only way to do so, while also dispelling the notion that you only need Computer Science education if you wish to program computers for a living.
It seems like most computer scientists, when observing the general lack of mainstream interest in computer science, assume that there's actually a problem with having a low number of computer science students. I disagree. Why do we ("we" being the computer science community, of which I casually consider myself a member) need more people? Is there reason to assume that there are many people who would be interested in and excel in computer science that never gave it a try? A decent portion of the supposedly interested computer science students I've interacted with don't even seem like they're a good fit for studying CS. If anything, I think we should have fewer CS students (perhaps this could be accomplished by requiring earlier or more difficult weed-out courses like Discrete Math, Algorithms, or Theory of Computation).
Especially with today's ubiquity of personal computing, certainly anyone who's interested in computers or computation can seek it out themselves—I don't think they need CS departments to cater or market themselves to them.
Oh, and about the "CS == programming" debate: If you don't like the act of programming, I really don't see how you're a good fit for studying computer science. This isn't to say that computer science and programming are one and the same. Consider this: biology != dissection, but if you can't stand dissection, I doubt you're a good fit for studying biology.
A good part of the presentation is a critique of worst-case-analysis, which is often not relevant for practical problems. The author doesn't mention smoothed analysis which addresses this very issue:
That's interesting. I hadn't run into this before in college or grad school, and it seems like a good way of bridging the analytical gap between theory and practice that Sedgewick talked about.
It's unlikely that Sedgewick hadn't heard of this before. I suspect that he didn't mention it simply because it isn't often taught. According to your citation, it was introduced in 2001 which is quite recent in academic terms. How did you come across it?
Yes, it is quite interesting, and although the main idea is straightforward, the analysis of concrete algorithms gets quite technical. Also, it's still actively researched and maybe not entirely accepted into the mainstream yet. AFAIK it has been successfully applied to many well-known algorithms which have bad worst-case, but surprisingly good behavior in practice (e.g. quicksort). I heard about it from my advisor.
Spielman and Teng are very famous, and have received even a Godel prize for their work in smoothed analysis. Currently they're doing some very interesting things with efficient algorithms on graphs laplacians and linear systems, you can see Spielman's talk at last FOCS, it's very enlightening:
To me, Computer Science has always really been more about math than anything else. I tell people that CS is basically a glorified math degree. Although it is possible to create programs without knowing much advanced math (beyond high school), they still require you to understand math.
Also, telling people I'm a glorified mathematician means that I don't get as much requests for tech help.
I thought his reasons for advocating Java for teaching are interesting, in particular:
Q. Why not Python?
A. Poor data abstraction; everyone needs layers of abstraction
I've recently been telling my dad that he should teach himself Python (he has no programming background aside from BASIC), perhaps I should rethink this. I like Python's REPL for teaching, but back in my Java days I used to use to provide something similar.
I'm not entirely sure that's a cogent argument. Two major objections:
1. If anything, I think the problem with Java is that it encourages too much abstraction. This isn't inherent in the language design, but is a product of Java culture—the massive UML diagrams and fragile class hierarchies which are glorified in Java tend to encourage adding extra abstractions to things which don't really need to be abstracted away, and you spend time doing extra work to accommodate them. There's an attitude among computer scientists, especially of the academic variety, that there's no such thing as "too much abstraction," and while abstraction is generally a decidedly good thing—I have, in my time, written Strategy-Factories, after all—I think it can be possible to overemphasize and overuse it. (John Carmack: "It is not that uncommon for the cost of an abstraction to outweigh the benefit it delivers. Kill one today!")
2. I'm not entirely sure that I agree with the statement that Python has poor data abstraction, especially in comparison to Java. Python in many ways lets you abstract away more details than Java does; e.g. duck typing allows you to treat several pieces of data as identical black boxes without having to worry about the implementation details and without using subtyping or interfaces, which is exactly the definition of abstraction. On the other hand, Java fails to abstract away some of the implementation details which are unimportant to the kind of programming that beginners do, e.g. the differences between int and Integer.
My own two cents is also that I also prefer Python's OOP-but-not-necessarily-always philosophy to Java's OOP-all-the-time-everything-in-a-class-somewhere philosophy. I am involved with teaching a Java course right now, and it has made me really wish that students could start out not worrying about classes and just writing scripts, as in Python, before they have to learn about classes and inheritance and data abstraction. (I have previously taught everything from C to Scheme, and it really is wonderful to just start people out writing code in a high-level Python-like language without having to handwave about static and classes and so forth.)
My impression (given the next FAQ about Matlab) is that by "abstraction" he means "static types". Whether static typing is better or worse for beginners than dynamic typing is (as far as I know) an open question, like (unfortunately) most questions about software engineering practices.
By abstraction, the author mentions interfaces earlier on.
I take the point of the other commenter who states that Java practitioners use too much abstraction, and would also point out that the later versions of Python add abstract base classes:
After comparing Java and Python solutions on Rosetta Code: I think new programmers would find it easier to learn when using Python.
More than anything else, Computer Science is young. Unlike other disciplines, there has not yet been a schism between the theoretical and practical yet. In school, we learned a bit of everything. I took classes focused on algorithms and computation, but also took classes on software design, learning how to use databases and practicing loose coupling and such.
If you look a physics, which has been around a little longer, you see a definite split. A physics major is a license to explore the theoretical limits of the physical world. Engineers design bridges and learn skills that let them do that really well. Both sides have overlapping knowledge and their knowledge is complimentary, but schools split them into distinct groups.
My guess is that, in time, we will see the same split in computer science.
I really agree with this, but think that we'll see even more of a split than just math/application. I got my PhD in Information Systems and Technology, which fused a social science approach with a topic of information systems being used in different domains. I found it really useful, and think that a business-oriented/programming-oriented/math-oriented division will probably split up the field.
You know, correct me if I'm wrong, but I always viewed a true science as something held the scientific method at its core. So the big test for me is whether computer scientists apply the scientific method. And to be honest, I can't think of many examples where people rigorously chase a problem using the scientific method.
From Wikipedia, in case anyone's unfamiliar:
1. Define the question
2. Gather information and resources (observe)
3. Form hypothesis
4. Perform experiment and collect data
5. Analyze data
6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
7. Publish results
8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)
How many people do this other than maybe to try and solve P=NP?
Debugging a program is slightly different from trying to understand the nature of the world, no? I suppose that's the other major criteria I tend to use when thinking about scientists.
Sure, I'm just comparing the methods. I think its interesting that as software systems become more complex that scientific methods become more and more useful.
Quadratic algorithms are useless because performance matters? That is a textbook false dichotomy. Performance obviously matters, but the time hierarchy theorems suggest that there is certainly legitimate computation that requires quadratic time. Max flow will need at least quadratic time.
There are lots of algorithms with very high time-compleity that are still usefull in practice. One nice example is the decision-algorithm for Presburger arithmetic which runs in O(2^2^n).
Not really, Big-O has its places. I think his point in that area was that the constant factors do matter, and are glossed over (by definition) in Big-O. Reminds me of DJB's book on high-speed crypto, where he talks about this issue:
Poor Sedgewick: He's looking for work! Close to the terms of Steve Blank, he is looking for "product/market fit"! So far, he's a long way from finding it!
Computing is the greatest gift horse to civilization so far. Yet poor Sedgewick wants to look at this horse, strain to find a flea on its back, rush off to do a 'scientific' study of how to overcome fleas, and then scream that he has saved hackers in cubicles struggling with performance problems and has enabled the power of the gift horse for the benefit of civilization.
So he wants to "Save the world" and, thus, get praise, acceptance, approval, status, prestige, popularity, admiring Princeton coeds, lecture invitations, and book contracts! Heck, just the coeds should do! A lot of them have rich fathers who actually have done well finding product/market fit!
Part of his evidence for the value of his 'science' are enrollments in his 'computer science' courses! He interprets the enrollments as high interest in overcoming fleas instead of just using the horse!
For the science, he wants to use old Princeton heroes von Neumann, Ford, and Fulkerson.
Alas, in his steps toward science, in his first step he talks about 'randomness' and falls flat on his face in the mud. Instead, he needs to walk across campus and talk to some people who actually know how to define and work with 'randomness'; there are such people, but I will omit names here!
Then he wants to claim to use 'von Neumann's science' to dig into details of performance of Ford and Fulkerson graph problems and try to find one measure of performance "to rule them all".
Then he discovers generating functions!
Where does he get that really strong funny stuff he's been smoking?
But, the rest of us can relax: So far Sedgewick at Princeton hasn't found anything important in 'computer science' beyond some middle school course in Java!
Last year I read Bergeron et al's Combinatorial Species and then dipped into Flajolet and Sedgewick's Analytic Combinatorics. The first of these is concerned with mathematical structures that are tantalizingly close (or identical) to data structure that we often use. These can be represented as algebraic expressions and converted into related or equivalent ones using simple operations from algebra and calculus. F&S exhibit the tools necessary for analyzing the properties of these structures, using complex analysis, the same tools used to get a grip on "ordinary" algebraic expressions. It turns out these tools can help predict the performance of algorithms or help generate large random data structures for testing or statistical analysis.
We are used to the strong connections between type theory and mathematical logic, and here we see something that looks like types being manipulated with algebra!
To me the trend is this: CS will benefit in the future from borrowing more and more design patterns from math. E.g. Don't think databases, think relations, or better yet, graphs.