um, this is the internet..yes it does. additionally, you were clearly digging at gmail/google as an enterprise email that's ok, but digging at you for digging at them isn't? since when is being a hypocrite civil? also, does your mommy still tuck you in at night?
if you read the article, i did explain the probable reason for this limitation, under my real name in the comments. i choose when i want to share what information where, and i stand by my statements in this thread. some jerk tried to belittle google apps as an enterprise solution, only to cry when i called him out, saying he lives under a rock. not a big deal..except to all the pansies on hacker news, apparently. i'm not here for yours or anyone's approval..i just read the news..and apparently, i am a troll. go figure. if you want my assistance on google apps, you can find me on the help forums, answering google apps administrators' questions about google apps, in my free time.
why is that? my business model doesn't include a strategy to win over HN readers with my comments. secondly, i'm not interested in joining y combinator, nor am i here to network. i read the news here and occasionally comment on something related to google apps, but not nearly to the extent that i do so other places, where my input has far greater value. i have already stated that i do not come here seeking approval. commenting on a link to an article on a website that aggregates links to other websites is not really a great use of my time (i happen to be on the tail end of a business trip sitting in my hotel room after a long week of work, so i have some downtime and this little conversation has provided me with a little entertainment this evening). the person whom i said clearly lives under a rock made a stupid and baseless comment meant to dig at google apps, as i stated above. this isn't exactly in the spirit of HN, yet when i call him out on his obvious bias, i get scolded for being a "jerk". sorry if this seems off to me, i am clearly in the minority here. i understand that now. in any case, i still stand by every single word i have written in this thread. and furthermore, the guy who did make the original comment is a liar. google uses google apps,...anyone who knows anything about google knows that (if you know of the existence of HN, you also know about google). last time i checked, google had over 20k employees, again, a common fact amongst the tech community. so i was being polite when i said he lived under a rock (insinuating he was uninformed), rather than calling him a troll or a liar.