My Facebook profile was disabled for the second, and what seems the last time ("We will not be able to reactivate your account, nor will you be able to recover any content within the account. This decision is final.") on Sunday. The reason, too much "activity"?!?! Over the year and a half I have had my profile, I had amassed hundreds of pictures, hundreds of personal messages, many links/bookmarks, and hundreds of useful personal contacts; and all have now been lost due to Facebook egregious and bull doggish attitude.
The first time my account was disabled, I was doing something as simple as thanking all my contacts individually for their birthday wishes. Not been given the specifics to why I was banned this time around, but I’m sure it was a combination of adding friends, mass emailing (sent out a group email to my Facebook group!).
The ridiculous rules to use Facebook within limitations, and limit ones networking on a networking website are absolutely absurd. Furthermore, these "limitations" aren’t even published, so one is working in the dark, without any knowledge of whether they are going to break a rule of not.
With no way to back up any of the Facebook content, losing all that data is akin to losing data on ones own personal computer. And not only do they delete your account, they remove all pictures you uploaded to groups, delete all the wall posts you ever made on anyone’s profile, remove the tags off all the pictures you were in, remove you off all your contacts friends list, de-admin you from the group you created… essentially, making it such that "you don’t exist, and you never existed" ('1984' anyone?).
of Facebook.
A quick search on Google shows that banning users is more common than fish and chips (I’m from England). The comments on the following blog make for an interesting read:
"facebook disabled my account for adding too many people. i dont understand…if the point of facebook is to add friends, why is there now a limit on how many people you add."
"I was just disabled for not being verified with my school network."
"I just got disabled for posting too many comments on group walls!"
"I have been disabled twice… and this is my second time… I do nothing! Just post on walls.. I don’t abuse anyone… I don’t even make fun of other people… I mean what the heck?"
"Facebook just disabled my account. I started a group for people with the same last name as me and i started sending messages to people with the same name to join."
"I added a number of friends from my College because of the mere fact that people in the same school should know one another."
"They said I wall posted too much"
"I made a charity event and sent out over 100 invites.. as people started requesting information, i was mailing people back."
"Yea so like i was Poking some friends last night right and it said slow down or ELES! your Account will be Disabled."
"Facebook, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to disable me. They claim that I do not go to Plum Senior High School."
"My Facebook account was disabled because Facebook felt my name was fake. My name is of Indian background."
"My account was disabled a few hours ago.. because I was friending too many people."
Has anyone else encountered this? And if so, how did they deal with it? Are you a Facebook employee? Can I have my account back?
"Facebook just disabled my account. I started a group for people with the same last name as me and i started sending messages to people with the same name to join."
"I added a number of friends from my College because of the mere fact that people in the same school should know one another."
"My account was disabled a few hours ago.. because I was friending too many people."
I do not want to be friends on facebook with people I've never met in person. It sounds like Facebook is trying to prevent the same problem I had on Linkedin. Just because you worked for Big Company X or used to go to X school, it doesn't mean I want to add everyone from those places on my friend list, nor do I want constant emails or notices from Facebook of these people trying to add me. I don't want 'friend request' spam. This is the reason I killed my Linkedin account. In general I don't want tons of people I don't know, messaging me on Facebook unless I actually met them face to face in the past.