The other approach is SSR with React/Vue that hydrates on pageload with something like Next.js/Nuxt.js.
But the Phoenix approach seems better for a more Railsy single framework approach (assuming you don't like writing the entire server side code in JS, which I do not). It's more cohesive and quicker to roll something out.
I currently do mostly Vue with Rails backends professionally but if it was from scratch or rearchitected with Elixir I'd seriously reconsider using full blown Liveview.
My only concern would be missing out on some UI libraries and pure size of community support. But I wouldn't miss getting rid of the super complicated JS tooling set ups I currently use (in addition to rails or trying to jam it through the asset pipeline via webpacker), in exchange for a more centralized approach. I've gotten a bit too used to maintaining the frontend almost separately from the server app and sometimes miss the simple days of being pure Rails.
One additional concern may be portability for mobile with React native. But that only applies to a subset of apps where reuse/cross platform makes sense. Still it was a big reason why these SPA style frameworks flourished like they did.
DHH was right about this stuff long ago in 2012 (mixing server side rendering with interactive JS frontends) even as the software wasn't quite there yet:
The other approach is SSR with React/Vue that hydrates on pageload with something like Next.js/Nuxt.js.
But the Phoenix approach seems better for a more Railsy single framework approach (assuming you don't like writing the entire server side code in JS, which I do not). It's more cohesive and quicker to roll something out.
I currently do mostly Vue with Rails backends professionally but if it was from scratch or rearchitected with Elixir I'd seriously reconsider using full blown Liveview.
My only concern would be missing out on some UI libraries and pure size of community support. But I wouldn't miss getting rid of the super complicated JS tooling set ups I currently use (in addition to rails or trying to jam it through the asset pipeline via webpacker), in exchange for a more centralized approach. I've gotten a bit too used to maintaining the frontend almost separately from the server app and sometimes miss the simple days of being pure Rails.
One additional concern may be portability for mobile with React native. But that only applies to a subset of apps where reuse/cross platform makes sense. Still it was a big reason why these SPA style frameworks flourished like they did.