>>is it just reading /newcomments? If it read out the on: <topic> that would give it more context.
It is currently reading comments for only one submission at a time. Each submission's comments are read from top to bottom so each thread's context should be retained.
Really like the idea, will be great to get an idea of whats on here while working on other items. The voice could definitely use some work as after a few minutes it becomes a bit painful and I naturally begin tuning it out.
Can I put in a request for a female british accent? That would be nice to listen to.
Nifty. Of course, it's missing a lot of context, is it just reading /newcomments? If it read out the on: <topic> that would give it more context.
Right now it just sounds like those precogs blabbering in Minority Report (while predicting the future), or the hybrids in Battlestar :-)