Love his informal style. This video from him presenting at Stanford about the beginnings of Nvidia is so awesome exactly for that reason: "...You talk about that for about 6 months. The big event for the day would be 'Hey, where do you guys want to go for lunch?'" Beautiful when you pair it with the fact that they built a company worth many billions of dollars.
I thought he was nerdy business man trying to be cool and it was / is cringy, but years ago I saw him talking with TSMC founder on computer history museum and since I think highly of the guy and really appreciate him. There's a dose of genuineness behind him and you can tell.
I rather watch him than those fake converstations on stage done by professional CEOs, or those guys in fancy suits that feel like someone from a TV sales channel.
Is this a bad thing? I personally avoid presentations made by CEO of big corporations as it’s usually a Bingo of all the trendy buzzwords that as in fine no meaning.
Tech demos are notorious for failing on stage. I can’t even think of a well known CEO who hasn’t had one happen. I don’t think this has a thing to do with Jensen’s style.
Especially when he runs over his keynote by like an hour. It's frustrating (is he going to finish before I have to leave for this meeting?) and also really fun listening to a CEO who's so excited about what they've built that he completely loses track of time.
Saw him recently for the first time and really enjoyed his enthusiasm and "real-ness". At one point during the (long) talk, he opined that he really wished he hadn't drank so much right beforehand (i.e., full bladder). Ha.
I remember thinking during an entire GTC presentation "Wait, this guy is the CEO?"
He seemed like an excited engineer who happened to stumble onto stage.