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The State of the AWK (lwn.net)
213 points by benhoyt on May 19, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 86 comments

The new namespaces look interesting, although I really don't think the lack of namespaces it what has hindered Awk from widespread use.

I am speculating of course, but as someone who evangelizes Awk the most common thing I hear from people as to why they don't use it, is that they just don't know the language all that well. For people that don't know much about Awk, it looks really complex and esoteric.

To address the Awk ignorance, I put together a talk for Linux Fest Northwest last year, and it was so popular that I gave it again (virtually due to COVID-19) this year. The conference was fully remote so the talk is on Youtube.

If you've ever wanted to learn Awk, this will take you from zero to proficient. There are exercises as well for practice:

* Presentation: https://youtu.be/43BNFcOdBlY

* Exercises:

- Source: https://github.com/FreedomBen/awk-hack-the-planet

- My solutions with explanation: https://youtu.be/4UGLsRYDfo8

> although I really don't think the lack of namespaces it what has hindered Awk from widespread use

I agree (I side more with Kernighan than Robbins here). My take on what hindered it from larger-scale use: lack of a big standard library (Kernighan more or less says this) -- Python and Go's stdlibs really helped them for example, and some significant quirks like lack of proper local variables (you can get them with extra arguments, but it's weird).

Just skimmed your AWK-learning talk -- very good stuff. I'm relatively proficient, but keen to try your exercises anyway!

Also agreed. I want the built-in Python data structures like dictionaries without getting too much Python DNA.

Awk arrays are dictionaries, what are you missing?

Never knew it lol, so thanks for pointing it out. It still stands that other functionality is missing.

The problem I think is that most people only use awk occasionally and that makes the skills hard to retain due to lack of practice.

I agree. And since you can have php (or whatever) on the command line, you really have to ask yourself "why should I spend 45 minutes or more going through old scripts I wrote to re-learn how to do what I want to do?"

I love playing with awk. I think it's really cool. But there's a cost to it.

I love AWK with a passion. It's just perfectly fills the gap between grep, sed and 'I better fire up a text editor'. I guess 'perl -pie' used to sit in that niche, but I've never used it much.

Very eye opening presentation and good exercises in the second video!

I had no understanding of awk whatsoever and can now fully grok the following command, which returns the number of different cities in a structured file with a header line, addresses and the city in column 5:

awk 'NR != 1 { print $5 }' payroll.tsv | sort | uniq | wc -l

This is beautiful.

Almost. It doesn't handle multi word cities, eg "San Franciso", and it spawns extra processes. Try:

  awk -F "\t" 'NR != 1 { if (!cities[$5]++) n++ } ; END { print n }' payroll.tsv

It is a very nice presentation! I did however see a lot of screen tearing. It looks like a partial flash of a terminal window.

I see[1]:

    Title: ben@bensystem76
I is only periodically but seems to be the same terminal tearing in[1]. I saw some in the beginning but now at 22:20 I am so annoyed that I come here to complain! ;-)

I checked both 720p60 and 1080p60 - I just pause at 22:20 - but plenty before that as well.

Maybe consider re-encode/re-upload if possible. If not: Epileptics beware!

[1] https://i.postimg.cc/6Q2RvbCn/AWK-screen-tearing-in-Youtube....

Aaaaand 1 minute later in the video you acknowledge the problem yourself.

Nothing to see here. Move along...

Haha yeah, so sorry. My OCD flares when I see that :why:

The reason AWK is not widespread is that it's only great for one case: working on a stream of lines. It's a pretty narrow niche.

Sure you can code anything with it, but there is always another language that will be better at this other thing, and still decent at what awk does. Awk looks more like a DSL than a generalist language.

So why learn awk to save you a few minutes for the rare cases you do need it? Just learn Python/Ruby/etc, it's a better investment, and it has a better crossplateform story.

> It's a pretty narrow niche.

If you're working on any kind of Unix, it's a niche that you encounter almost constantly.

> Awk looks more like a DSL than a generalist language.

Yes, it is pretty much the ultimate text processing DSL. So if you need to process a text file a line at a time, in most cases AWK is the optimal solution.

> and it has a better crossplateform story.

I think AWK is available on almost every platform where you can install those languages?

Regarding AWK being cross-platform, it is part of the POSIX standard.


The reason AWK is so awesome is that it's only great for one case: working on a stream of lines

Is there any reason to prefer it over `perl -pie` ? I found out that at the base level, they are pretty comparable; and at advanced level, CPAN (or perl- packages in distro's repo) have saved me more than once.

(Some embedded systems often do not have perl, but if they are that limited, they might have a very stripped down version of awk too)

If you already know perl -pie well, then it may not be worth it to switch to Awk unless maybe you do a lot of embedded development.

Awk is part of posix so is pre-installed and available nearly everywhere, even on many embedded devices. Busybox for example includes an implementation of Awl. Even my super cheap home router had an awk interpreter on it. Perl is also decreasingly commonly installed. On the latest Fedora for example I had to install it explicitly. Awk is still installed by default.

Not really. For many years, perl even shipped with a tool ("a2p" [1]) which would automatically translate awk syntax to perl -- there's very little distance between the two, syntactically speaking.

[1]: now available as https://metacpan.org/pod/App::a2p

One likely unpopular answer is that learning to use perl-pie well is more likely to lead one to create large perl programs, vs awk. Many of us feel those programs would be better written in Python.

Thanks for posting this. I'll give it a watch.

I bought an awk book and read it. Didn't see the point of the language any more. I have regexps if I need them, python if I need more. I rarely do much textual data munging anyway.

The exercises look bizarre - "Questions to answer about our payroll data using awk to analyze" - doesn't make sense. That's what DBs are for, or similar tools. It's just an exercise but still.

Final coffin nail is that having awk on your CV is useless, because everyone wants full-stack cassandra, spark and hadoop, and other stupid things. Awk won't help get you hired (try to find it in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23042618)

Often old *nix tools are disparaged here by professional software developers. But not everyone is working in software development professionally, and not everyone needs sexy qualifications in other tools.

As an ordinary person whose day job is in the humanities, learning awk, sed, Emacs Lisp and other such tools has allowed me to quickly solve tasks that would have taken me ages to do manually. These tools have docs that are very accessible to the ordinary computer user (after all, they were conceived as something that clerical staff could be trained in). I am happy these tools are still around and I think they should be more widely known.

> I rarely do much textual data munging anyway.

Well, since that is pretty much AWK's entire reason for being, of course you don't have a use for it.

> That's what DBs are for, or similar tools.

But if you have a text file with a lot of semi-structured data and just need to answer a few questions, using AWK will almost always be faster than designing a schema and importing into a database first, before answering the question.

Oh, and want to know a really good tool for getting data from a text file into a database? AWK!

> Awk won't help get you hired

AWK just lets you accomplish many tasks quickly and without fuss that can create value for your company, and those are things that can go on your resume. At some point in your career, pointing to specific things you have accomplished becomes more important than the keywords on your resume.

> using AWK will almost always be faster than designing a schema and importing into a database first

I have never had to do that with unstructured data - ah wait, I lie! I pulled data off the covid wiki page, a quick emacs regexping, a bit of macrology, pasted it into a spreadsheet (libreoffice recognises it's tab or whatever separated) and bingo, you're off.

> Oh, and want to know a really good tool for getting data from a text file into a database? AWK!

For smallish amounts, I use emacs regexps. For data too large for emacs, I'd probably use python.

> and without fuss that can create value for your company, and those are things that can go on your resume.

That's not how it works any more. They look for skills. They should not, they should do as you say, but seems not any more.

> specific things you have accomplished becomes more important than the keywords on your resume

again, no. Believe me, I have a track record of delivering, but all my job agents do is match by skills. And that's what their clients want. It's depressing.

So I disagree but thanks anyway

> a quick emacs regexping, a bit of macrology, pasted it into a spreadsheet (libreoffice recognises it's tab or whatever separated) and bingo, you're off.

It's very likely that, if you knew AWK well, you could have completed this task faster.

> Believe me, I have a track record of delivering, but all my job agents do is match by skills. And that's what their clients want.

It's hard to find the few companies that actually prioritize results, but it's worth it.

For large data why do you use Python and not C++ or Haskell ? They can do anything that Python can do.

What's that you said, 'convenience and specialization', ah I see, that thought never occurred to me. May be that's why I reach for AWK over Python.

Awk, particularly mawk, is several times faster than python for a lot of file ripping tasks. If I had several billion lines of data to reformat or summarize, I'd almost always reach for awk before python.

Yes, the only time I come across Awk now is as part of some shell pipeline. It just seems to have been crowded out of lots of places. I still think it’s cool though.

There are two use-cases I’ve run into where awk really shines, and is hard to replace:

1. Writing scripts for environments that only have Busybox. Technically you can write scripts in ash, but I don’t recommend it for anything beyond a couple lines. It’s missing a lot of the features from Bash that make scripting easier, and it’s easy to get mixed up if you’re used to Bash and write things that don’t work. Awk is the best scripting language available, even if you’re doing things that don’t exactly match what it was designed to do.

2. Snippets that are meant to be copy+pasted from documentation or how-to articles. In that case, it’s often not easy to distribute a separate script file, so a CLI “one-liner” is preferred. You also can’t count on Perl, Python, etc. being available on the user’s system, but awk is pretty universal.

For most other cases, I tend to create a new .py file and write a quick Python script. Even if it’s a little more overhead, it helps keep my Python skills sharp, and often it turns out that what I actually want is a little more complicated than my initial idea anyway.

This is a great question, actually -- is busybox's AWK full-featured? When I saw that is busybox-provided, I kinda assumed it is annoyingly limited, just like ash is.

Should I have looked at it more carefully?

As far as I know, it supports all the awk features specified in POSIX, but doesn’t include the extensions added in gawk or mawk.

I’m mostly happy with awk. But splitting strings really sucks. I have to read the docs every time.

I think my dream awk-like tool would look something like:

1. Has an “interactive” mode to see what your script is doing as you write it. Something like a combination of less, fzf, and a Bret Victor style debugger showing matches/values of variables at each line

2. Supports things that aren’t list RS-separated records of of FS-separated fields. Some formats I would like are json, csv, records where the fields are all key=value, and maybe some other formats. Support would mean some way to specify patterns for different formats

3. Extracting marching groups from regex matches.

There's a online website [0] for mawk 1.3.4 that accepts input data, command and shows output as you construct the command

There's a handy github repo [1] with libraries, has one for csv. For json, see [2]. But yeah, having official support would be better. Or, use tools like xsv, jq, etc that are built for those formats.

You can use match() function to get capture group contents. If you are using GNU awk, then the syntax is much easier with arrays instead of fiddling with substr and RSTART/RLENGTH. For examples, see my repo [3]

[0] https://awk.js.org/

[1] https://github.com/e36freak/awk-libs

[2] https://github.com/step-/JSON.awk

[3] https://github.com/learnbyexample/learn_gnuawk/blob/master/g...

AWK REPL looks useful. TIL

The thing you have to be really careful about is escaping.

Compared to the Object Oriented PowerShell where every column is just an object property, strongly typed and everything, the string-based bash programming to me seems absolutely bonkers.

Like... what do you do if some text doesn't fit into the space available?

How do you handle Unicode?

What about simple escaping of names like O'Toole, embedded double quotes, leading or trailing spaces that are meaningful, embedded line feeds, etc...

Eventually you have to use a full parser, not a bunch of regexes. I've found that "eventually" to mean: almost immediately, even for supposedly simple problems.

Even seeming trivial things like correctly splitting up an X.500 name as seen in LDAP or PKI is deceptively difficult. Now, if it's a LDAP name that includes quotes embedded in a CSV... err... I don't even know where to begin.

I found tab-separated files can get me pretty far. It can handle arbitrary length text, Unicode is no problem at all, leading/trailing spaces are preserved and so on. It is trivially convertible to name=value format, as long as you guarantee the "name" part is well-formed (usually the case).

The only tricky parts are embedded line feeds and tabs, and those can be defeated with trivial escape schema, even something as simple as '\r', '\t', '\\'.

Bash quoting also works. If you master the difference between "${x[@]}" and ${x[*]}, keep in mind order of expand / split all the time, and never forget the right kind of quotes, you can have a robust system which can handle arbitrary strings. But I would not recommend this to anyone.

Or ASCII control characters

No reason to use tabs, when there explicit group/record/unit separators

Totally. In bash 99% of the time is lost in side effects. PowerShell makes everything possible in 3 lines of code.

You try doing any reasonable data processing with PowerShell and it will use a lot of resources. You can accomplish a lot with awk. I was a PowerShell advocate but it still has a lot of rough edges which is disappointing. And is very verbose. Sometimes grep | awk can be incredibly succinct and fast.

Not sure what you mean because it uses dot.net regex. Sure, its way more generally resource hungry then awk but again, it does tone of things. Its also good to know that you have that power ASAP on Windows and without any extra toolson *nix such as awk or jq or sed.

I regularly handle 100MB files with Powershell regex , yeah, I wait few seconds here and there, but nothing except ripgrep handles this fast.

Verbosity is nonsensical arugment for anything as you have alises. Bash is equally verbose if you use long parameter names.

1. I was thinking many times about this - an awk IDE, that would also handle common utility functions (i.e. there is no convenient way to print a range of fields). Maybe an Awk Language Server would be a fun project.

2 & 3. Structural regular expressions awk is something I long for. If someone wants to rewrite awk in Rust or whatever, please add this, that would be a killer feature.


EDIT: There is an Awk Language Server! - https://github.com/fwip/awk-language-server

This doesn't have the debugger but it allows for a repl interface for awk https://paweldu.dev/posts/fzf-live-repl/

edit: There's also https://github.com/akavel/up which could possibly be used in combination with fzf

That's useful! Thanks for the pointer.

Although one must be careful, because awk still can overwrite files and shell out to rm.

Kernighan’s recent memoir has made awk pop in my head a lot more recently and allowed me to stay in shell script land vs bailing to Python.

I used it plenty over the years, but with a lot of trial and error. Now, I see it as an event engine and it just flows naturally. It’s so great for generating reports from log files, simple csv, data dumps, etc. it’s sad to see it used as ‘cut’ in most scripts.

It’s like a basin wrench. It has a small scope, but once you use it and grok it, you’d never want to do those things with another tool.

That said, I have no use for features above POSIX. It’s essentially a DSL for me, and turning it into Perl ruins the simplicity. I’ll move on to a general purpose language that others can understand and maintain vs use esoteric extensions.

> allowed me to stay in shell script land vs bailing to Python

This is something I've been working on as well. I know how to get any utility task I want done in Python, but it requires a lot more work than being able to pipe commands well in a shell. I've been going out of my way to do things in Bash instead as a way to become to familiar with standard Unix utils. It's a fun little thing to do that ends up resulting in more efficient use down the line.

> Robbins believes that AWK's lack of namespaces is one of the key reasons it hasn't caught on as a larger-scale programming language

AWK never caught on as a large-scale programming language because it's an esoteric language for processing text-based streams. Not because it didn't support "namespaces". Don't kid yourselves about "what coulda been..."

I mean that describes bash as well and it’s pretty darn popular.

Had awk been where it is today twenty years ago it could have been the glue systems language instead of bash for non-interactive usage.

20 years ago, there was Perl that was often claimed to replace sed and awk: I remember several books that said things like “there’s no reason to use awk now that we have Perl”

It's not that esoteric, It's a great language for certain, smaller problems, but no more than that. There's no way I would write a larger program in awk. Not everything is a stream of lines with string fields.

Plus, awk's performance is not great, the way you have to introduce local variables is more than awkward, and there are no structs.

I work in data processing and I use awk occasionally to work with csv files often gigabytes in size.

I join csv files that each have a header with

  awk '(NR == 1) || (FNR > 1)' *.csv > joined.csv
Note this only works if your csv files don't contain new lines. However if they do, I recommend using https://github.com/dbro/csvquote to circumvent the issue.

Yesterday I used awk as a QA tool. I had to subtract a sum of values in the last column of one csv file from another, and I produced a

  expr $(tail -n+2 file1.csv | awk -F, '{s+=$(NF)} END {print s}') - $(tail -n+2 file2.csv | awk -F, '{s+=$(NF)} END {print s}')
beauty. This allowed me to quickly check whether my computation was correct. Doing same in pandas would require loading both files into RAM and writing more code.

However I avoid writing awk programs that are longer than a few lines. I am not too familiar with the development environment of awk, and I stick to either Python or Go (for speed) where I know how to debug, jump to definition, write unit tests and read documentation.

If you add a guard to your awk script to check the line number you can avoid using tail:

  awk -F, 'NR > 2 {s+=$(NF)} END {print s}'

I used dynamically generated awk scripts a few years ago to take some delimited text files that were several hundred gigabytes and pre-process them for faster loading to a DB. It sped up the whole process a huge amount - I don’t remember exactly now but I think it went from 24 hours to get it all loaded to under 2 hours. Useful tool to have in the tool box.

We have a tool at work, that is forked from https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk, for the binary serialization of one of our proprietary in-house protocols, which has hundreds of record types.

I am blown away by how elegant the result is.

Neat! I'm curious -- would it be possible to share a few (non-sensitive!) details about how this works / what this looks like?

So essentially the binary records are tagged with a record type, which is used by the tool (via a library maintained by another team) to provide metadata (field names, types, ordering etc) for that record type.

Human meaningful field names are made available when records are processed in your awk expressions. This is an improvement over using a delimited text dump of the record and using regular awk with meaningless $1, $2 variables.

I could be wrong, but I believe the relational operators also recognize common record field types like dates and timestamps that a text dump + regular awk couldn't.

The output of the tool is always a human readable serialization.

Not the parent, but this is what the vnl-filter tool in the vnlog toolkit does: https://github.com/dkogan/vnlog

It is indeed mind-blowingly useful in countless contexts. Disclaimer: I'm the author

My first paid job programming was as a high schooler, a summer job for a university professor, circa 1992, using awk to analyze log file from a NeXTStep desktop app (for some kind of scientific computing, I forget), for a usability study.

Even during that job, as the complexity of the analysis increased, my supervisor/mentor suggested "Have you heard of Perl? You might find that more convenient." And I did find it more convenient, it was clear it could do everything awk provided as well as awk (even using close to the same syntax if you wanted), plus more.

Which led to my first web job, as a university student circa 1996, writing 'dynamically generated web pages' with Perl cgi, for the university. (At this point I haven't written Perl either in at least 15 years, and don't tend to miss it).

The main reason to use awk as opposed to a more convenient language (other than "our legacy code is written in it and it would be a big investment to port it" -- a couple cases in OP) seems to be that it's present on nearly every system. But isn't also Perl?

I believe Perl is not part of POSIX. So while you'll see it most places, you won't see it everywhere. For example, you'd bump into strict POSIX compliance in containers that are kept as small as possible. You probably won't find Perl on a Busybox container installed by default, but I believe that container would still contain awk. I can't verify this myself at the moment.

Thanks, that makes sense.

That the functioning of awk was part of POXIS was something I just learned from this article, and which surprised me. That POXIS includes specifications of entire languages within it! I guess it makes sense, but wow.

But I guess the extensions and advancements to awk being discussed in OP would not be part of POSIX-awk, so not necessarily to be found on a POXIS system, true? Would people using awk for it's POSIX-reliability avoid using new fangled awk innovations?

I feel the same way about VI. In college, a professor forced us to learn it. I still remember him saying, "VI is on all Unix systems. If you learn it, you will always be able to edit a file."

"AWK build scripts are surprisingly hard to kill, even when people want to"

Truer words have not been spoken, in my opinion. I've used AWK heavily for decades, and still use it for a wide variety of parsing.

Namespaces are an interesting addition, and I appreciate GNU trying to modernize such a ubiquitous tool, but I wish they would put more effort into expanding the built-in utilities. There's still no `join`, for example. No high-level date mechanics. Also, no Oniguruma! I'm tired of looping over `match` and `sub` statements because you can't specify non-greedy regex.

The @include and @load directives are extremely useful for shipping your own customizations, but I prefer the maintenance priorities of the JQ maintainers [1], who understand that powerful builtins are what burn into user's minds, making a tool mentally indispensable.

1. https://github.com/stedolan/jq

It is fairly straightforward to extend gawk since they added the gawkextlib functionality to regular gawk (vs xgawk).

Here's the readfile extension, for example: https://github.com/gvlx/gawk/blob/master/extension/readfile....

But, you're right...there aren't many extensions, and little activity around adding new ones.

Forget namespaces. What about local variables?

They would probably point you to unused function parameters as your "local variables."

This is official syntax by now. It works. I don't see any reason to think it as necessarily inferior, it is just another way to handle local variables.

It is inferior, because there are no local variables on top level.

For me, AWK is mostly for one-liners, at which it excels...

I generally use it in the same way. Anything greater than one line uses something else.

To be honest, what I mostly use it for rearranging fields:

  something | awk '{print $1" "$2}'
  something | awk '{print "xyz:"$0}'
  something | awk '{print "cp "$3" "$4}' | sh
what's a shame is how cut or other utilities make it unnecessarily bothersome to rearrange fields.

I actually made a utility once called "words" that does:

  ls -l | words 1 3 4-5

I wish gawk had a native strptime function. Always seems like an odd omission given strftime is included.

If you add the gawkextlib/timex library you can get access to strptime.


Most of the awk scripts I end up writing are for execution by other people on machines I don't have control over. If strptime was in the standard library, I could use it if I knew the target OS was something like "Ubuntu XX.XX or newer, RedHat X or newer".

When strptime is in an add-on library, I can't use it.

I came to AWK via DTrace http://dtrace.org/blogs/about/

When processing event streams, it's very natural to express transformation as FILTER + ACTION rules.

AWK is an embodiment of this idea for the domain of text processing where events are lines (or multi-line records).

DTrace uses the paradigm to process low-level system events (like scheduling events, or (kernel) function calls).

It's a good paradigm, worth using.

However, it's easily replicated in every other language with a loop:

    while true {
      rec = read()
      if( filter1(rec) ) { action1(rec) }
      if( filter2(rec) ) { action2(rec) }
You don't need a special language to do event processing like this.

On multiple occasions I have been surprised and disappointed that [my installed flavor of] awk has no native support for 64-bit integers. That aside, I love awk and use it daily. That "awk in 20 minutes" guide was a life changer when I read it a few months ago.

Pardon the pun, but I've always found awk awkward to use.

Literally every time I use awk I have to google the syntax because I don't use it often enough for it to persist in long term memory.

If only awk's syntax were a subset of a language I already knew, like python or JS

I found the syntax to be like regex plus something close to C. I expect back in the day when everyone using unix was also using C, this made awk syntax pretty obvious (certainly was the case for me). But if you don't know C, I suppose the syntax might be less obvious. I use awk all the time in one liners.

Or just use either a small wrapper to provide awk-like functionality, or an interpreter with explicit options for awk-like functionality.

E.g. Perl and Ruby "-pe"/"-pie" command line options, and assorted related variations both offers ways to do awk-like single-liners that are just minor syntactic sugar over full scripts. But writing a tiny wrapper like that for your preferred language should be easy enough.

"ruby -an -F: -e ' puts $F[0] '" is equivalent to awk -F: ' { print $1 } ' for example

-n adds an implicit "while gets(); ...; end" loop; gets by default sets $_; -n adds an implicit $F = $_.split($;); -F sets $; ; -e takes what follows as a Ruby expression.

If awk's syntax was a subset of either python or JS, wouldn't it be better to just use python or JS?

> If awk's syntax was a subset of either python or JS, wouldn't it be better to just use python or JS?

Not necessarily—sometimes it makes sense to use Datalog instead of Prolog, for example.

The great thing about awk is that 99% of what you need can be learned by just using "man awk". And if you need the remaining 1%, probably you should be using another language.

Personal opinion:

"The State of the AWK" should actually be called "The AWK word"

For a long time, I thought awk was just an abbreviation for "awkward" (in fact it is named after its inventors, Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan) which seemed fitting as its syntax looks arcane (compared to modern languages) - I really thought the name was some kind of elaborated joke ... :)

However I learned to like it and use it often in CLI one-liners (mostly to cut out or reformat specific columns, probably the most common usage).

I don't know any other tool that is so simple and can be learned so quickly and yet is so powerful. I use it daily.

The handful of minutes it took to learn have repaid that investment thousands of times over.

Yes, there will be better solutions for individual cases. But awk is always installed, always available, and for anybody quickly querying semi-structured text data on the Unix command line it is a godsend.

AWK really ought to have the inverse of its 'split'. Yes I can do that with string concatenation in a loop but that's not ideal.

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