If you accept Dreyfuss’ argument that a computer can’t acquire some kinds of knowledge without a body, there’s a fairly obvious workaround. Give it a robot body. And in fact, many research projects are doing this.
The Dreyfussians may retreat to their motte and say, well, a robot body can’t give it the experience of walking barefoot through the grass so it can’t be fully general because there’s something people know that it can’t.
But it’ll surely know things we can’t, and we’ll have to admit that humans don’t have fully general intelligence either. Wr just think we do because we can’t think of the ideas we can’t think.
The Dreyfussians may retreat to their motte and say, well, a robot body can’t give it the experience of walking barefoot through the grass so it can’t be fully general because there’s something people know that it can’t.
But it’ll surely know things we can’t, and we’ll have to admit that humans don’t have fully general intelligence either. Wr just think we do because we can’t think of the ideas we can’t think.