That sounds great! I’m envisioning something that for each loaded namespace would show:
- fns that match saved files - fns that differ: - newer in file / not in REPL - newer in REPL / not in file
A namespaced list of all public var names can be thrown together pretty quickly, but it seems less helpful:
(->> all-ns (ns-name) (map (juxt identity clojure.repl/dir)) (into {}))
(I’m on mobile so I haven’t checked that!)
That sounds great! I’m envisioning something that for each loaded namespace would show:
I guess that would have to be an IDE-level thing, since it needs to know about file changes and REPL contents.A namespaced list of all public var names can be thrown together pretty quickly, but it seems less helpful:
(->> all-ns (ns-name) (map (juxt identity clojure.repl/dir)) (into {}))
(I’m on mobile so I haven’t checked that!)