There's also the tendency among lispers to shoot for the right solution, instead of the working one. I've encountered that a few times in #lisp.
When I write Lisp, I am trying to Get Stuff Done. The Right Way matters, but not until it matters (Everything is fast when n < 10).
So I'd rather advocate by - in due time - rolling out working projects for people to use, pointing, and saying, "Look, this is useful software in Lisp".
c.f., Worse is Better, Worse is Worse, and Worse is Still Better, by rpg.
> Anything that ships is better than the best thing that didn't ship.
Minor strawman... I did not advocate waiting to ship the "best". Rarely are things that ship "short term" systems. Watch the balance. If you have to maintain/update it, you must be mindful of the costs.
When I write Lisp, I am trying to Get Stuff Done. The Right Way matters, but not until it matters (Everything is fast when n < 10).
So I'd rather advocate by - in due time - rolling out working projects for people to use, pointing, and saying, "Look, this is useful software in Lisp".
c.f., Worse is Better, Worse is Worse, and Worse is Still Better, by rpg.