Thanks! I just ordered The Wisdom of Crowds on Amazon--been meaning to read it for a long time now, and needed a push.
The core idea of decisionero is based on methods like The Six Thinking Hats, the Creative Problem-Solving Institute's six-step method, SWOT analysis, and other structured methods--and, of course, personal experience seeing the structured approach work in person.
Can someone recommend other particularly useful decision-making research? decisionero is not about heavily mathematical approaches, like the simplex method to optimize a decision. It's about collaboration, where people combine their knowledge and insight. There must be plenty of research about that.
I would definitely pick up the book Wicked Problems and Social Complexity that they cite. I haven't read it myself, but the first chapter is online for free in a PDF and it is pretty good. I can't really justify paying to buy it out of print, but you should since it's your area of business (assuming you find the first chapter useful).
The obvious thing to do is to have some sort of tool that matches the problem people are trying to solve to the best problem solving model for that type of problem, and then to force them to decide within the constraints of that model. If you can do that then you may have a pretty lucrative business on your hands.
The core idea of decisionero is based on methods like The Six Thinking Hats, the Creative Problem-Solving Institute's six-step method, SWOT analysis, and other structured methods--and, of course, personal experience seeing the structured approach work in person.
Can someone recommend other particularly useful decision-making research? decisionero is not about heavily mathematical approaches, like the simplex method to optimize a decision. It's about collaboration, where people combine their knowledge and insight. There must be plenty of research about that.