It is weird, very weird. A very nice explanation of the proof is in a video by Mathologer "Ramanujan: Making sense of 1+2+3+... = -1/12 and Co."
[spoiler alert]
You can extend finite summations to infinite summations. The first extensions are nice and you get intuitive results, and are the extensions studied in Calculus in the university.
But these extensions are not enough for this sum. You must make more bold extensions, and the results are not as intuitive, and not useful outside some special applications.
Honestly, I don't buy the proof. When you take a formula that's valid for a certain range of inputs and just use it outside that range anyways, you're no longer in the land of proof. At that point, you're in the land of "if we extend out mathematical system, we get this". And that's fine, but you don't wind up with "sum(1...inf) === -1/12", you wind up with "in this other mathematical system, sum....".
I'm not going to blame you. As the video explain, this is not a straightforward and obvious generalization of summation.
I think that the generalization that use averages are fine, and some analytic continuations using power series are fine. Analytic functions are just too good to ignore them. It is not another mathematical system. It it just the extension of our mathematical system.
Anyway, to get a result for this sum, you must drop too many of the obvious and expected properties of summation. For example if you add a zero in front of the sum, the result changes :(. There was a nice blog post I can't find, but there is a hint of the problem in . So the result is ... polemic.
[spoiler alert]
You can extend finite summations to infinite summations. The first extensions are nice and you get intuitive results, and are the extensions studied in Calculus in the university.
But these extensions are not enough for this sum. You must make more bold extensions, and the results are not as intuitive, and not useful outside some special applications.