That article proves the opposite point, despite the intense message-warping attempted.
The report in question is a hypothetical "what if" scenario analysis (one of many) that outlines one possible strategy to address a future where US corporate innovation is not in the top tier. It's not real and it's speculative about the medium-to-long term future.
Despite falling over itself to try to imply the US might actually be guilty of trade secret theft for corporations... it fails to provide a single example.
I am easily as aware of the activities of US intelligence SIGINT programs as nearly any civilian on this site, and just as reflexively critical of them as you would expect of a HN poster (my interest stems from my opposition), but I have never seen any indication of industrial espionage on behalf of American businesses à la China in at least the post-Church committee period. If you make a strong claim, you should be able to support it with evidence.
It’s worth noting that the article only references a leaked memo for a potential plan for the future, rather than concretely describing current activities. Not to say you’re necessarily wrong, but that article isn’t the strongest evidence IMO.
i don't see any indication that anything like that happened