What is a good secure way to pass a random token to the browser? If the token is part of the URL, which is in the command-line, then it appears other users can see the token. What I do for DomTerm (https://domterm.org) is create a small only-user-readable html file which sets the secret token, and then does a 'location.replace(newkey)' where newkey to an http url to localhost and includes the secret token. I spawn the browser file a file: url, so teh browser can only read the file if it is running as the same user. Better suggestions?
I use chrome's devtools protocol, so I get a pipe to the browser that I can issue commands over. The token is sent to the browser via that; there is no URL on the command-line for other users to snoop via 'ps' or the task manager.
Pgadmin does something like this. And also makes it easy for you to get another URL with that token, in case you want to open the same page in a different browser.
No, because CORS can only restrict which origins (scheme, domain, port combinations) are able to access the site's data. But you're not even connecting from a web origin but from localhost and you're trying to defend from all access except by your frontends. For this, you need a shared secret between the server and the frontend.
A further limitation of CORS is that certain requests are allowed even if they are not from an allowed origin.
I assume someone could have a look at the JavaScript on the browser and see hey this must be the secret stored here because it is passed to the server on every request. Then write there XSS attack to use that.
One problem is that we developers are lazy and use Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (wild star) instead of actual hostname. (eg. allowing all origins to access the backend)
No modern browser allows access to localhost without that header.
But it's still possible to forge a request using curl or whatever to bypass CORS.
So as the parent post suggest - use a token of some sort.
I also recommend using a strict Content-Security-Policy to stop X-site injection attacks. (eg someone adding an image to your page/app with src="/api/cmd=rm -rf /"