> Only concertos sometimes occupy a whole book. Even then, they also contain the piano accompaniment scores.
Aren't the piano score separate, so you can give them to the pianist? All concerto scores I have a separate, thin, staple bound score for me, and a thicker one for the pianist. (I don't know how they manage to turn their page with the audience hardly noticing.)
Some has a separate, loose solo score, but not all of them. (But I’m mostly talking about carrying scores for practicing and lessons. For performance, the soloist has to memorize the score anyway.)
Ideally, there should be a page turner sitting next to the pianist.
3. I play the violin and most of my music didn’t come in one piece one book. Each book has many pieces.
Only concertos sometimes occupy a whole book. Even then, they also contain the piano accompaniment scores.
4. I agree, some good editions are very considerate.