Probably not even worth the time he invested in looking for the bug or writing the post. And is basically nothing compared to the value of "exploiting" this bug.
I would've expected at least a job offer or public praise for his offers. No wonders bug hunting is not attracting enough people.
> And is basically nothing compared to the value of "exploiting" this bug.
Out of interest, how do you think you'd go about monetising this bug?
I agree that the information leakage is definitely bad, but exploiting that to turn it in to cold hard cash seems tricky at best imo. I presume this factors in to Google's payout calculations.
Make a VPN service, market it in China, put this code into the control/account panel, sell data to Chinese government.
And no, how much it could be monetized certainly shouldn't factor into lowering the bounty. Maybe when raising it, since you need to be competing with the black market, but an exploit should be valued only on how much damage it could cause, and getting people disappeared for watching anti-government videos sounds like pretty big damage.
Or just sell the exploit on the dark net, where a Chinese state-sponsored hacker would surely find it and buy it. I'm certain China has a pile of crypto somewhere intended for just that.
Bug bounties are ridiculous. If you disclose in an “irresponsible” way you’d get shamed here on HN, and yet we almost never talk about how pitiful the rewards are for “responsible” disclosure (maybe nothing or even legal trouble!).
YouTube embeds are such universal things on the web, I doubt anyone would even think twice about security concerns coming from seeing that on a third-party site.
Nice. What amazes me is how most of big tech's efforts on web development have gone into making you 0.01% more likely to click on an ad, and almost none of has gone into cleaning up the privacy nightmare of 25 years of hacks with clean browser-based protocols.
Reminds me of when Google awarded me a whole Nexus 7 tablet for finding a way to run external JavaScript inside of Gmail for Android. The exploit required the user to tap on the email after opening it, which is why it didn't qualify for any money.
Unlisted? This also seems to apply to private videos? There was a recent exploit that let you copy private videos frame by frame if you had the address.
That's barely worthy the time to create a proof of concept and write up the bug, let alone all the time spent understanding and finding it in the first place. A full time engineer costs Google more than that each day.
Its too bad (in a way...) they couldn't get private video IDs to leak. It would have made an impressive combination with their bug posted earlier this month (Stealing Your Private Youtube Videos, One Frame at a Time
Speaking of... do security researchers sometimes just sit on their discoveries in hopes that they will eventually lead to a bigger payout? I would be kicking myself if I had reported a bug for a relatively small reward that I could have leveraged in combination with another discovery
Yet another example of why the whole concept of third-party cookies does much more evil than good. Yet all major browsers keep them enabled by default.
I honestly feel like Google's award in this case is pathetic. This is an exploit which would be worth 100s of thousands, if not millions to the wrong people.
There is no entity that would pay anywhere near that amount of money for this. This is useless to black hats, and of course no legitimate service could pay to exploit this flaw. The last remotely plausible actor is like, various espionage agencies but good luck with that one.
I suspect the NSA would be able to keep much better tabs on people if they know exactly what they're watching on Youtube all the time, and $100,000 would be a pittance to them. I assume they already have access to this, but other espionage agencies may not.
Or pretty much any other person. I think a lot of people in HN forget that they are in a silo, and the majority of internet users don't add additional security features like containers to use their social media.
It is a bit an "elitist" comment in the beginning of the thread. The original comment can easily be interpreted (whether it was intended like that or not ...) as "there's no problem, I'm not affected, easy to avoid" to which the GP reacted "well, yeah, good for you, but other less tach davy people won't do" to which I would append "and they shouldn't have to. We should try to get such traps out of the net. Joe Average should be able to use the net in a productive and safe way"
It's an ageist way of saying that this exploit is less critical for people who take proactive counter-measures, and more affects less technically inclined or security-minded people.
It’s very easy to be nice. For example by saying that you shouldn’t just think about yourself, but also your parents and grandparents.
What isn’t nice is then to say that that is an ageist thing to say. Even though it is a perfectly valid thing to point out real people who are affected by certain online threats.
You misunderstand: it's ageist to suggest that parents and grandparents are by definition not likely to be technical enough to use mitigations like containers and such.
The commenter said "your" parents and grandparents, who are by definition one and two generations older than "you", in age. I can't think of any other reason to invoke "your" parents and grandparents.
If the point is that it's unhelpful to make irrelevant assumptions about parents and grandparents, then this is in complete agreement with the parent's point and is not a critique of it.
I think you misunderstand. Ageism is about discriminating on the basis of someone’s age.
The original comment was about grandparents and parents neither of which you need to have a certain age to be one. Assuming that it IS about age is in turn actually ageist because you are signaling that people should be parents at a certain point in their life.
To be clear, I don’t think your intentions are wrong: you are just trying to right a perceived wrong. I am just asking you to grant others a more favourable interpretation of their intentions as well. I do this by pointing out that your well intended call out of ageism is in turn also interpretable as something unwoke.
Hence arms race. There is always someone who can be more politically correct.
What is the point of this conversation? We're sanitizing language to protect the egos of everyone, at the expense of derailing a conversation that actually could relate to a lot of people here.
My parents are NOT AT ALL technically savvy. My mother's web browser has a ton of bullshit addons all over it, or at least it did last time I looked at her computer in 2014-ish. I can't imagine she's gotten much better about this stuff. But we can't talk about this pattern because it could hurt the identity of older HN readers who are technically savvy, it's offensive.
Ageism is bad when it's preventing people from getting work or engaging in society in a meaningful way. I simply do not care if it's used to make casual remarks with the specific intent of getting people to relate to an idea, e.g. people who don't know any better about privacy are actually people you know, most likely your parents or grandparents or some of their friends. And taking part in shutting down that conversation because of "ageism" is, IMO, worse than the ageism itself.
> How do you think you get the sort of ageism that prevents older people from getting the job?
I think you get it from a multitude of reasons, including allowing interviewers to come up with bad faith assessments on culture fit and other un-quantifiable employment parameters that amount to nothing more than, "I liked or disliked the candidate." I'd even extend that logic to a larger cause, allowing coworkers (i.e. same level individual contributors) to interview candidates, as I don't think coworkers necessarily have the proper skills or incentives to neutrally evaluate future coworkers, especially not beyond, "I like this person because I can relate to them because we look the same, have the same interests, etc." This isn't strictly ageism either, it can affect people by class or race or other things that set them apart.
HN readers' parents are likely far more technically inclined than an average person.
(The commenter did not invoke their own parents, which might be a slightly more reasonable position)
Making a claim that HN's parents must be technically incompetent adds nothing to the thread, is likely to cause momentary confusion, and only contributes to the "bad" ageism that you are concerned about.
And let face it, 99.999999999% of the pedantic privacy-performative Hackernews posters will also browse the web exclusively in Chrome while logged in to Youtube (and Facebook and Twitter and and and)...
Well if that's the standard, it's also true that 99.999999999% of people haven't programmed mainframes in the 50s and learned haskell in the 90s, so to avoid redundancy we can just say people instead of parents and grandparents.
My grandma programmed an arduino with stepper motors to change her Depends adult diapers. It does not yet auto-detect wet diapers but that’s next on the road map.
No, Google employs far too many developers for the median to be close to 'elite'. I'm sure there are elite teams at Google, but I very much doubt the average Googler is, and that's probably been the case for a decade at this point. The famous Rob Pike quote sums it up quite well:
> The key point here is our programmers are Googlers, they’re not researchers. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably learned Java, maybe learned C or C++, probably learned Python. They’re not capable of understanding a brilliant language but we want to use them to build good software.
I think Rob Pike's commentary on Go is why I decided to go into research. Google hires kilotons of developers and pays them gigadollars every year, then makes them work in dumbed-down languages because they can't be trusted with power tools.
How has our industry gone so far astray that we pay people hundreds of thousands of dollars a year when they can't even understand generics? In what universe does it make sense to design an entire new language rather than offering new hires two months of training? Why are we pretending programming is a skilled trade when the things people actually wind up doing are so easy they can be learned in three months at a boot camp?
Rob Pike is a legend. He is the man who brought us Plan 9. How is this what he wound up working on?
Professionals with many years of experience could and would still make mistakes with C and C++. And many mistakes are very costly at Google's scale.
Wanting to make the situation better through a simpler, safer fit-for-purpose tool doesn't mean an industry is flawed anymore than the prevalence of sawstops means that carpentry is flawed.
Generics nothing more or less than a safety feature. Right now code that would use generics instead use the empty interface instead, which is effectively opting out of the type system entirely.
I'm personally ambivalent on whether go adds generics or not but framing a lack of generics as a safety feature is the most absurd thing I've heard today.
Go makes concurrency easier (sorta) and eliminates some memory safety issues. But if you want a tool that helps you write more correct programs, you really need a much stronger type system than Go offers.
Holy spin. Rob Pike was explicitly talking about young inexperienced programmers who are 'not capable of understanding a brilliant language.' He wasn't talking about experienced developers and made that as clear as he possibly could. Go is made simple for novices, not safe for veterans.
You don't really get a choice when you decide you're going to write a project in a language. Senior devs will be required to work in the same language as the junior devs.
Go is not a particularly safe tool. It is a simple tool. That isn't the same thing. Sophisticated type systems are designed to improve safety at the expense of adding abstraction.
The skills the median google engineer needs can absolutely be learned in three months at a boot camp but simultaneously those skills are worth a million a year to google. There's massive returns to scale of the infrastructure for effective software development, but very few organisations have figured it out.
> then makes them work in dumbed-down languages because they can't be trusted with power tools.
The languages are “dumbed” down so that the resulting code is intelligible to those that work on the system, so that the code is communication.
Overly smart tools allow a smart person to make mistakes so complicated that nobody can fix it (even themselves). Or a smart person builds great solutions so complex that nobody else can work on the code.
A good engineer chooses restrictions that help themselves and others build better solutions that a team can work on.
Just because a language focuses on simplicity does not automatically make it bad. People use Go to solve complex issues, so it makes total sense none of that working memory should be occupied with understanding language features, even if they're as simple as generics.
A more extreme way to write Go is "space shuttle style" Code, as used in the Kubernetes Volume Controller, a radically different approach to "I want all my complex features that I can use to shoot myself in the foot".
You might be able to handle a firearm, but we have plenty of injuries and deaths through mishandled firearms every year, don't think you're exempt from that (or if you insist, at least do not talk down the need for safety).
I assume it is hyperbolic. The OP clearly has issue with the Go language. The rant contains the common misunderstandings about it (no generics, must be bad), etc. Go has survived 11 years without generics (they might be coming) and underpins some of the most popular software out there. Clearly, it has something going for it. Pike and Google understand generics, but generics have pitfalls. So when Pike and co decided to design a new language, they took lessons from the years of history, rather than repeating the same mistakes. Go is a language that is easy for people to learn, but more importantly, get right. It is just as powerful as virtually any other language out there, so caters to the advanced programmer as well. Those attributes are something not a lot of languages can legitimately claim. And people, for some reason, get really upset about it. shrugs. I say kudos to someone for building a language that isn't a research project that crammed every possible "cool" concept in. I like learning languages and would rather appreciate them for what they are than whether they have X thing. If X thing is big enough to be a problem, then I don't use the language, simple. No need to get all worked up about it and post rants on unrelated articles.
As someone else noted, I am taking a swing at Go's lack of generics.
More to the point, I am criticizing the reason for that. Designing a simple language is fine. I like simple languages a lot. Go was designed not because simple languages are good for some jobs but because Google decided their engineers aren't up to using more powerful tools.
I don't know Go. I've only written about 200 lines of it. I don't pretend to know whether or not it's any good. What I do know is that the reasoning behind it is bizarre to me.
/Google decided their engineers aren't up to using more powerful tools./
I think you fundamentally misunderstand the reason for using Go. It's NOT about whether a developer is/isn't capable of understanding how to write code with a particular set of tools.
Instead, it's almost entirely about making that code simple to read and understand at a later date. Complex/'powerful' language tools complicate reading, which slows down later fixes and small modifications at best, and at worst leads to additional bugs in later iterations over the code. Thus, the core belief in Go's design is that 'powerful' languages are optimizing for entirely the wrong things.
From my perspective, this is a good change of focus. I want simple tools that I don't have to worry about. We have finite attention, so we should actively try to reduce cognitive load whenever possible, as it frees up attention for other things. For example, it's a much better use of my time to think about bayesian optimization than whether an array pointer is being safely handled... If I need to worry less about the latter, I have more time to think about the former.
> More to the point, I am criticizing the reason for that.
Go's lack of generics is not due to ideological reasons. The designers are not particularly against them and are open to adding them given a good proposal. They always said that generics may well be added at some point.
> doesn't google employ the elite of world programming?
Yes, some of them. But they are few and far between the tens of thousands of devs now that just glue services together with grpc and protos. The Google that produced cool shit just 7 years ago has grown like 10x in employees. Additionally, any engineer that has stayed that long is a millionaire several times over in stock and is very unlikely bothering with anything as boring as the embedded youtube player.
Did you completely miss the memo on google duplex, tensorflow, kubernetes, etc?
G is still way more technologically advanced than any other top tech company, and is currently positioned at the top of the AI research ladder in many (if not all) sub disciplines
Yeah, you’ve just described IBM 25 years ago. Lots of pockets of innovation in a sea of mediocrity. It wasn’t even that long ago that IBM was considered a top 5 company in cloud, AI, and quantum computing.
> G is still way more technologically advanced than any other top tech company
That’s a senseless statement. Google has lots of nice tooling for developers and managing their infrastructure, but that doesn’t make them the most “technologically advanced”. They use a mono-repo for a ton of stuff, most shit is boring grpc calls and regular database lookups. There is nothing on the leading edge of the crypto/blockchain world, there isn’t anything particularly interesting in p2p, etc.
> Did you completely miss the memo on google duplex, tensorflow, kubernetes, etc?
It’s funny you should mention kubernetes since most of the innovation there comes from outside of Google. Look at who is driving ebpf networking adoption, etc.
You’re right though that Google is currently an AI leader. But again, that’s <1% of their engineering workforce. When I left a few years back most people were working on simple shit resting and vesting. It’s an incredible place to retire in place, but that will eventually catch up with them and it’s bad for career development as a SWE.
Most bugs happen at the boundaries between what different people are working on. They're often process and architecture issues rather than programming issues. Security bugs often have this flavor.
This seems something trivial to miss. The developer is asked to put the player into a page that has basically just the player and exposes and API. The API should allow playing videos and playlists. They do the obvious thing and it all works.
The fact is that the security here wasn't the default. They need to explicitly realize that this allows the website to list playlists and consider that this should not allow listing the playlist with the user's credentials.
This seems like an incredibly likely vulnerability to me and I am not surprised that even "elite" programmers missed it.
> This seems like an incredibly likely vulnerability to me and I am not surprised that even "elite" programmers missed it.
Was that a typo? Seems to me it should be an incredibly UNlikely vulnerability for "elite" programmers to miss it. If you meant that as written I don't understand it; please explain.
Probably due to the scale they're operating at. Maybe there were parts of things that didn't have such a vulnerability alone but did when put together. Maybe there isn't a clear owner of the code so no one felt responsible to find and patch such a thing. Maybe the entire system is too complex for one or even a small team of developers to grok so things can easily slip through the cracks from time to time.
I've learned to be suspicious of someone's reputation when I don't know what they've done to earn it. Everyone thinks Google employs the best engineers on the planet, but I suspect the reason most people believe that is just that everyone else does. How many people have actually come to believe that because they've done their homework?
Google is an ad company. Their entire business model is based around manipulating public opinion. Don't trust a word you hear about them.
Decide for yourself. Do the products Google makes look like they are made by the best engineers in the world? In my case, the answer is a resounding no.
>Thankfully, YouTube has a solution for this as well, the YouTube Player API. This API allows you to just add a JS library to your site, and then simply create/modify/control the YouTube players on your site however you’d like, using JavaScript. For example, if you want to pause a video, you can just call player.pauseVideo().
The page owner is the one executing the commands to YouTube in the users behalf. They would just need to execute the commands, and then they could upload that data anywhere they would like
I can see why Google might want to downplay this. Partner websites could obtain the history info directly from users and Google would not need to disclose the data sharing. I'm sure the watchlists/history would be valuable tools for profiling and advertising purposes.
And in the old days people were accustomed to be able to resolve local hostnames, without having to supply any domain part. The "search" keyword in resolv.conf is a remnant of this. By adding a final dot, you ensured that the domain part you wrote referred to the global DNS root, not any local one. Unless of course someone had changed "ndots" which controls how many dots are needed to disable the search feature.