Census blocks are intentionally bounded by geographical features such as roads and are not intended to be of uniform size. Census blocks are intended as an organizational unit for census data and not necessarily for any comparative use, such as this website makes, since it's clear that the demographics of blocks will vary widely depending on location, size, etc.
Historically census blocks were determined in the field as an early stage of enumeration based on local conventions, but today they're defined semi-automatically from GIS data. Still, what exactly defines a block and what is typical of them varies widely from place to place.
Blocks are the lowest level of the hierarchy in which census data is organized, next being block groups and then tracts.
Historically census blocks were determined in the field as an early stage of enumeration based on local conventions, but today they're defined semi-automatically from GIS data. Still, what exactly defines a block and what is typical of them varies widely from place to place.
Blocks are the lowest level of the hierarchy in which census data is organized, next being block groups and then tracts.