Hmm, at least, it's way easier to put extra rotors where you want them to be, since you don't need a gearbox + transmission from the main engine, and can just put a secondary, smaller electric engine.
Crosswind is really less of an issue near the ground, so you could first lower your altitude and precisely adjust later.
You are right about that, I concede you the point.
That said, I was mainly thinking of wind speed as you said (IIRC ~ haven't flown in a long time, and only ultralight: as you approach ground, you need to compensate for crosswind, but near the ground you need to stop compensating), but was also picturing the possibility of creating structures to break wind. Isn't it done sometimes for helicopters? Hangars surrounding helipads?
Crosswind is really less of an issue near the ground, so you could first lower your altitude and precisely adjust later.