While it’s true that various US and foreign agencies can (and already are) tap into communication networks, that is a very different scenario than what you see in China, i.e. the state essentially taking control of private companies whenever they want.
We know the US used the NSA to gain an economic edge in negotiations with the EU. It even shared the information commercially didn't it?
I don't think the US would hesitate to interfere for a moment if it wanted. The EU is already under US sanctions for building a gas pipeline with Russia. There is the Iran situation and the wider Middle East and North Africa messes and Turkey. Plenty of places for a disagreement to form...
The EU has no major beef with China (I would prefer if they did, there is a lot to oppose about the PRC). China also has a much more isolationist/localist foreign policy so they're less likely to act and less likely to come into conflict with the EU.
1. EU is not being sanctioned for the Gazprom pipeline but rather EU companies which is a pretty important distinction.
2. EU does have major issues with China. They abhor it's substantial human rights abuses and geopolitical ambitions and have said on many occasions. Germany even has its navy warships on the way to the South China Sea for war gaming with APAC allies.
They are just willing to put all of that aside for better trading relations.