> Can a Birdy client with internet access serve as a gateway to other Birdy clients without internet access?
That's so far unclear to me as well. I will say, if they can crib some code or at least hints on how that might be done (provided they even want to support that feature), there was an old app out there called EnsiChat[1] that IIRC had internet relays running on servers, but was P2P-first.
So: if Alice could see Bob directly via P2P, they could chat. Or, if Alice could see Bob indirectly, they could still chat.
No idea if it supported meshing P2P connections to get Alice's message to Bob via Alice -> internet relay -> Frank -> Dmitry -> Bob
> It is possible to fully use the Berty Protocol without ever accessing the Internet: create an account, add contacts to it, join conversations and send messages as long as there are Berty users within a Bluetooth range.
Can a Birdy client with internet access serve as a gateway to other Birdy clients without internet access?