I’m curious how much development, marketing, and maintenance is needed to maintain this level of revenue. How long can you coast? How long can you go without new features? I know that may not be the goal and there are other reasons to work on it, but hypothetically...
It's a good question. My churn rate is still quite high at around 10%. So I definitely cannot coast, I have to actively market and make sure my growth is higher than my churn.
When I take my foot off the pedal and stop marketing, I feel it - I get less targeted signups and less conversions.
So this is a full time job right now, it's not a "set and forget" style business!
Do you use ImageMagick for image generation? (I've had issues with it and am always looking for a replacement, but it just does SO much...) Do you do it yourself or via third party? What does your stack look like? Ruby on Rails and...?
I just retweeted you btw. Very impressive, actually even a little intimidating. I don't know if you're looking to be bought, but if you haven't had offers already, I'm sure they're coming your way soon
If you have a healthy churn rate (say 5% or less) and you're getting some residual number of signups every month through SEO or some other passive channel, then theoretically you could coast for a long time. The obvious downside being that your competitors may eat your lunch.