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Skyline – Your GitHub story in 3D (skyline.github.com)
288 points by alexellisuk on Feb 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 89 comments

Here's a 3D-printed steel version of mine, that I was sent by GitHub - https://twitter.com/alexellisuk/status/1362363460688961536?s...

And the flat version - https://twitter.com/alexellisuk/status/1362369733052551168?s...

Randomly wondering why they went for 3d steel printing for something that looks like it can be carved much more easily by a very simple 2-axis CNC, since it has no overhangs or anything.

We are using Shapeways.com to turn them into metal for us and it was the option they had. Haven't tried getting it CNC'd but thinking we might need to change the model up a bit to allow the tool to get into some of the gaps that are possible. If anyone wants to try with a CNC machine then love to know what the results are like

Why is it so hard to find companies that you give an STL file, choose material, tweak some settings, pay and give address? First thing I see on shapeways is get a quote, which means I have to go into a sales funnel by signing up and waste time instead of actually printing a 3d model.

I used it several times and despite the name, "Get a quote" is merely a preview webapp to upload the model and see how much it would cost in each material (and directly add to cart when you're happy with the result), no talking to sales involved.

They run more tests on the model after you order (to make sure it's physically possible to print it), but even then, never had to talk to anyone.

Fascinating. I, too, decided not to use them after the "Get a quote" button was the only CTA. Usually that means I have to wait for a call back and I really don't want to talk to people. Instead I called my friend with a 3D printer. Haha, who would have known that "Get a quote" was "Print your Design".

I wonder if everyone else who wants 3D printed stuff is just better informed about this. I literally bounced off the page because of it.

They should rename it then. A "quote" is something I avoid like the plague. It makes me think I'm going to have to talk to a hard-selling sales rep, and, further, that the prices are fudgeable and that I'd be a sucker for paying the quoted price.

I was able to create an account with Shapeways, upload a model and print out a single copy paying on my credit card without talking to a person.

because 3D printing arbitrary geometry, especially with arbitrary materials is Really Hard

a human has to look at how it's printed- two very similar shapes might take vastly different times to print and require different amounts of support material, etc.

These guys popped up on HN a little while back: https://www.jiga3d.com/

Accounts on everything.. the digital plague of 2021. Need to scratch your ass? Please login or signup now!

Because they could get in trouble for restricted stuff? e.g Guns

I believe that would not be able to get clean inner corners, though I could be wrong.

I think it can switch drill bits to make fine-passes, and sanding/deburring. I could also be wrong, but I'm lazy enough to want that automated, so CNC probably does it.

Deep pockets with fine corners are very tricky to machine, since it's hard to make an end mill that's all of long, narrow, and tough enough not to break. I'm sure it's possible, but it would be expensive, and that's before we even talk about the complex tool paths and consequent setup overhead that'd be involved. (And that's assuming there's nothing so deep it'd require EDM, in which case don't even bother asking, you won't be able to afford it.)

There's no mechanical reason why these parts need a fine surface finish anyway, since they're just display pieces. So it makes sense IMO to just do everything via Shapeways, since they already have support for a "white-label" manufacturing service that should make the whole process very easy.

(Hero Forge uses this, for example. It's not true white label since they do mention the partnership, but it may as well be; once you finish designing a model, you pay for the print through the Hero Forge site and a month later you get a box in the mail from Shapeways.)

That said, it looks like Github just gives you a .stl file to do what you like with; the prestige piece in steel looks to be just a one-off for the originator of the software they're using to do the "skylines" feature in the first place. In theory, I guess you could take that STL into Fusion 360 or something and turn it into CNC tool paths, and then you'd just need to find a CNC-equipped job shop that'll turn it into a paperweight for you. (Good luck! And don't expect it to be cheap...)

It's a shame the feature can't seem to see private repository contributions; most of the code I work on daily is hosted in private repos on a Github org, but those commits don't show up here, and that makes for a pretty sad result given that I barely touched any of my personal public repos last year. Nice soundtrack, though!

Related: I finally remembered enough of this to look it up successfully! While it's quite old - as I recall, I first saw it posted, in classic photocopier-samizdat style, on a wall of my grandfather's machine shop, when I was a tiny child and he nearing retirement age - I feel it may have new relevance, in these exciting days of computer-aided design and machining, and so post it here for the benefit of all and sundry.

"The Designer" - Author unknown.

    The designer sat at his drafting board
    A wealth of knowledge in his head was stored
    Of what can be done on a radial drill
    Or a turret lathe or a vertical mill.
    But above all things a knack he had
    Of driving gentle machinists mad.
    So he mused as he thoughtfully scratched his bean
    "Just how can I make this thing hard to machine?"
    If I make this body perfectly straight
    The job had ought to come out first rate
    But it'd be so easy to turn and to bore
    That it never would make a machinist sore.
    So I'll put a compound taper there
    And a couple of angles to make them swear
    And brass would serve for this little gear
    But its too damned easy to work, I fear.
    So just to make the machinist squeal
    I'll make him mill it from tungsten steel
    And I'll put these holes that hold the cap
    Down underneath where they can't be tapped.
    Now if they can make this it'll just be by luck
    Cause it can't be held by dog or by chuck
    And it can't be planed and it can't be ground
    So I feel my design is unusually sound.
    And he shouted in glee, "Success at last!
    This goddam thing can't even be cast."

Found in the Skyline FAQ that you can turn on anonymously sharing private repo contributions: https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-yo...

That's a good point, I wasn't thinking of that.

For the curious, it weighs 370 grams.. I just put it on my coffee scales this morning.


Thanks again for all the messages on Twitter - and to GitHub for this token.

You can find out more about my journey through the interview or blog post on my GitHub profile - or get weekly emails through GitHub Sponsors (another thing I appreciate about GitHub) - https://github.com/alexellis/

Are we all gonna get one of these in the post, or did you pass some kind of threshold? :)

I suspect he got one because he wrote the software :)

OP is a GitHub Star ;) https://stars.github.com/

3D printing would probably be rather expensive but you could put the file up on 100kgarages or similar and get it machined for you (not sure on the price but the bids usually significantly undercut the online services)

Looks nice, right at home on a desk! Abstract enough but with a story attached.

Loosely related, here's an old project of mine that turns your recent commits into Matrix code rain:


I love this, thanks for sharing!

Some people have much more impressive skylines than mine. Like https://skyline.github.com/torvalds/2020

I once designed a 3D "code city" representation of a codebase, which looks a bit similar:


There are companies that offer such visualization commercially, e.g. Sereene. They might not be very useful but management goes crazy about them I heard :D

It's spelled Seerene (https://www.seerene.com/) :) I did the initial port of the 'SoftwareMap' from C++/OpenGL to WebGL.

This is pretty cool: it clearly delineates where my old job and I . . . had a conscious uncoupling. I hope someone builds a park there.

Yep, mine have similar breaks.

It's also super interesting to see how my productivity has waxed and waned over the past few years. Due to the way the metric is derived and the differing natures of the various projects I've worked on, I don't think it makes sense to compare across projects - but I can definitely tell where I was engaged and happy versus where I was struggling to keep going.

I'm in the process of downloading and printing all of mine back 2007 or so. When I'm done I'll be able to point to them and say "I remember when this was all fields!" :)

What was the GH account name where someone forged commit times to make it spell out "BAD METRIC"? I'd like to see that one in 3D :)

Don't know about that specific example, but here is another one: https://skyline.github.com/ihabunek/2017

Awesome. Loving the recent proliferation in web 3D. Q for folks at GH -- is this vanilla three.js? Looks like Babylon in dev tools. You guys should consider using react-three-fiber!

Also nice little easter egg in the developer console :)

Originally coded up the prototype in three.js but main site was done in Babylon for the extra sparkles and awesomeness.

Just a bit of a play project some folks here did, but glad folks found it and have been enjoying it.

Speaking of easter eggs... I'll just leave this here: https://twitter.com/carlesnunez/status/1362159214479761415

Amazing, kind of like Stripe's konami code for their 3d gradient background. I actually took a stab at doing this in three last year:


Also, in the source for the page on a graph view is a commented version in ASCII art!!

I'm really digging all the Visualization/UI/UX stuff that GitHub has been doing. I hope they keep it up.

Me too, but I desperately want real metrics that demonstrate real work being completed against a project. Otherwise, my darker side fears it is the end of the industry as we know it.

Specifically I'd like to see us semantically identifying code objects and rather than doing commits in lines of code or whatever, print things out like "submitted a highly connected object" or "made amendments to some fields on a class" or "updates comments in a text file".

The current GitHub metrics reflect all of these changes as identical little "events of participation" but they're not indicative of the amount of work or effort put in to them.

Nicely done! I have been trying to learn Threejs and WebGL. I was really impressed with the github globe[1] and wanted to do something like that for my company.


I was expecting something more like Gorce (https://gource.io/) that shows contributions via commits but this is rather cool nonetheless.

Please rotate the screen, ehhh.

Very cool! Mine is kinda sparse tho, but I like that. It peters out towards end of the year which makes it look like the edge of the city

My "hire me" timeline looks quite impressive despite very few commits compared to yours. Perhaps the scaling shouldn't be so linear.


Cute. I assume that was manually-edited git commit timestamps?

damn your contribution graph is literally more than this meme [1]

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/aqqvl1/you...

Delightful. This took about 15 seconds to reveal just how grossly distended my ego is

I don’t know which name to look up, and there are no defaults.

Any recommendations for nice skylines?

I was expecting the bars to form the shape of a giant middle finger.

They almost kind of do...

Simonw (creator of Django) has also big list of contributions, so it is perfect for this

Doesn't work on Firefox?

Any user I look up ends up with a "We did not find any @... on Github, try again." even when the call returns data correctly.

Hmm, interesting. Working on Firefox some folks (heard about GPU perf issues on Firefox when running on a M1 processor that we are looking at as well). Will take a look and see if we can replicate your issue. Do the individual links work for you? (https://skyline.github.com/martinwoodward/2020)

Yes, that works fine.

The problem seems to be (my guess, I haven't looked at it much) when processing the response from https://skyline.github.com/api/contributions

I can see a correct response on the Network tab with apparently good data. But then it shows the error without even trying to do anything else.

Add: Just for info: Firefox 85.0.2 (64-bit). No add-ons. Win10. No problems at all regarding WebGL.

WFM on firefox 85.0.1 on ubuntu 18.04. No problems looking up a user and getting the 3D model. (well, it's slow because it's in virtualbox on an ancient Macbook Pro because my new one died and is away for service but's that's tangential... unless the slowness is a factor in it working -- I've seen stranger!)

Works fine for me, using Firefox v85.0.2 on macOS 11.2.1.

works for me (latest Firefox on Fedora with proprietary nvidia drivers...)

wfm in Firefox for Android 85.1.3 (Build #2015792283) with no issues

What’s next, GitHub commits realized with lego bricks?

They give you the stl file, so you can just feed it through printabrick.org (Site seems down now though)

Very cool. Looks like it's built with Nuxt + Tailwind CSS + Babylon.js (WebGL).

I love the music and theme here. Kind of vapor/synthwave

Music credited in the FAQ: DET https://soundcloud.com/detmusic

Hug of death strikes again.

Haha this is amazing!

Is it open source?

can we have the same for gitlab too? please.

Obviously not what you're looking for, but Gitlab does have a "Mirror repo to Github" feature.

Oh yeah, but that would mean I have to copy or mirror all of my gitlab repos to github. I will settle for the commit log printed on a simple coffee mug for the moment :)

I guess someone can create a "free and open" version of that, generate the STL and use a similar provider as above.

3D printing yourself and using a cheapo CNC can also do the trick... I wonder how hard it is to programmatically generate the STL yourself.

The API currently exists: https://gitlab.com/users/<youruser>/calendar.json. But I think this should be exposed in the public API, so I've created an issue for it: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/322153

what's the word: not feature creep but ... defocus? instead of fixing their completely broken search they are doing what now?

This thing looks like a toy project by a group of designers and frontend developers. Are you suggesting that their skills could have improved the search somehow?

Searching should be async and shouldn't block typing.

Please add support for viewing past years.

It's a travesty that there's no UI for something so basic in 2021, that it can only be done by manually editing the URL like a barbarian.

Truly a blast from the past, but not in a good way.

Not the first time that GitHub has hidden features behind URL editing...

On the contrary: A simple, easily manipulable URL may be the best UI. It's standardized, understandable, and practical to use.

Also, it's mostly a toy, so whining about missing UI features is probably a little silly.

> It's a travesty that there's no UI for something so basic in 2021

Or the simple explanation is that the data from years back is maybe not in all caches and it's a lot easier to launch the feature with the currently already fresh and cached data.

I got back as far as 2017. Neat tool, awesome view :-D

ahh I got bad request when I did this

I had to refresh after changing URL one time, but was able to go back to 2010.

Runs at about 18fps in Firefox/Ubuntu 20 on a 4k monitor with Titan XP GPU. Seems a little slow for this scene. I would be interested to know what is slowing this down, unfortunately not proficient enough at WebGL profiling to find out.

Fast in my FF :)

It's probably just Firefox being Firefox again.

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