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I have been considering grabbing a Librem 14 and switching to Qubes as a daily. Could you elaborate on what you found cumbersome?

Qubes is very "opinionated" about how things work and provides a functional but very tightly-knit product that cannot be easily modified to suit your own needs. You have to accept their choices like a good nontechnical user does - you can't modify/replace components or use a modified security model easily.

For example, with version 3.2 which I used for a while, one has to use the default disk setup (no ZFS or other cool storage tech) with slow 2layer filesystems, no GPU acceleration for applications in VMs, mandatory encrypted backup scheme. Regarding security, Qubes makes some strange choices such giving the regular VM unix user root privileges accessible via simple passwordless sudo.

Qubes runs only on a subset of available hardware (motherboard has to be good enough) so watch out for that. Also interaction with VM manager and graphically intensive applications in VMs was sluggish and internet/firewall/audio would randomly stop working when restarting VMs and require system reboot to fix. Some of these may be better now with newest version 4.x, but I am doubtful.

> Qubes is very "opinionated" about how things work and provides a functional but very tightly-knit product that cannot be easily modified to suit your own needs. You have to accept their choices like a good nontechnical user does - you can't modify/replace components or use a modified security model easily.

It's worth mentioning that Qubes has good reason for this.

A big part of the purpose for their existence is to help protect journalists and others who would greatly benefit from enhanced security, but don't know how to get there themselves.

Qubes provides a very specific product. Whether it helps to "protect journalists and others who would greatly benefit from enhanced security" depends on user level of knowledge and the ways he uses the computer. If the user does not know much about security, Qubes may help to isolate different tasks in VMs, but that is not a panacea. He may still use it wrong in single VM, for example leave the passwordless sudo on.

Serious security-seeking user needs to educate himself about how the computer and internet works, about operational security, pervasive tracking, typical attacks etc, not just use a product and call it a day. Only so educated user can decide if the Qubes with its benefits/drawbacks is worth it.

Of course. But there is a difference between expecting someone to learn what it does, and why it does it, and expecting them to learn how to implement/modify it themselves.

People have work to do, work that has computers as a tool, not a goal. Lowering the bar from "Learn the exploits" to "Be careful and stay in the lines" is a Good Thing, imho.

Qubes provides an effective framework to say "This is how to use it, this is what you should be aware of, don't do this".

> graphically intensive applications in VMs was sluggish

Just as a datapoint youtube or vlc seem to work well enough. The sluggishness is definitely noticeable though. As a developer it encourages me to optimize the display performance of my web applications. If it performs ok on Qubes it's liquid smooth on my 3+ year old android phone. Take that as you will...

> internet/firewall/audio would randomly stop working when restarting VMs

I started with 4.X and I haven't noticed this. I never actually used 3.X so I can't say if it's something that was fixed or never present on my hw.

> provides a functional but very tightly-knit product that cannot be easily modified to suit your own needs.

This is a fair assessment. But I've come to realize I need the isolation Qubes provides more than I thought I would. No advanced threats or anything. Just the ability to put email, chat, password manager, and work in separate reproducible environments is really cool. Clicking a url on a chat won't open in the browser I'm signed into google or in my work browser. If you have the need for gpg or tor they offer solutions with a high degree of isolation, though I haven't looked into them much.

> Just as a datapoint youtube or vlc seem to work well enough.

As another datapoint, when I installed Qubes about six months ago on a i6600k with 16GB RAM, in the default VM and browser, YouTube was basically unwatchable.

> Regarding security, Qubes makes some strange choices such giving the regular VM unix user root privileges accessible via simple passwordless sudo.

See here for details: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vm-sudo/

You can replace passwordless sudo with a secure user prompt: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vm-sudo/#replacing-passwordless...

Notice how that argument starts with the conclusion "In Qubes VMs there is no point in isolating the root account" and proceeds to rationalize it, very poorly, by using some cherry picked examples where that may be true.

OK, an attacker capable to attack the hypervisor when running as root may be often "game over" if it runs as regular user. But that kind of attack is so rare, why is it the base of the argument at all?

Meanwhile your browser/other big SV application/script from Github can become root whenever it wants, or by accident. It can send contents of the whole VM over the Internet to anybody. Or an honest bug in it can destroy your whole VM. This is why the unix privilege separation or even more capable MAC systems exist. Seriously, running untrusted applications with root access is a braindead idea.

In Qubes, you typically don't care if your untrusted application compromises the (untrusted) virtual machine. This is the whole point of the virtualization and separating your work into security domains. See also: https://xkcd.com/1200/.

Anyway, Qubes team is not against such kinds of isolation: https://qubes-os.discourse.group/t/isolation-within-the-same....

> In Qubes, you typically don't care if your untrusted application compromises the (untrusted) virtual machine.

For that to be true, one would have to run each application in a dedicated VM. A great idea, but Qubes does not recommend that for efficiency reasons. It does pose performance and usability challenges which is why most people do not use it that way. So yes, you do care about applications in single VM not snooping/manipulating each other. Luckily there are standard unix and MAC mechanisms to isolate them.

You don't run each application in a dedicated VM, but you have security domains, each of which have equally (un)trusted applications.

Also, there are disposable VMs for truly untrusted things.

> I have been considering grabbing a Librem 14 and switching to Qubes as a daily

FWIW, I did the same thing and was unhappy with the result. The Librem hardware wasn't great quality and Qubes really requires a massive desktop to run well. And if you are paranoid enough to need Qubes, then you want ECC memory to defend against side channel attacks.

Not sure what you are talking about. Any details? Qubes runs smoothly on my Librem 15 with 32 GB RAM.

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