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FeedHint.com: Make your own personalized Hacker News feed (feedhint.com)
77 points by rmontanaro on June 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

Doesn't work for me, but probably because the machine I usually use to access HN is running Firefox 1.5 on SuSE 10.1. One of the things I love about HN is that it runs prefectly on such an old browser/OS combination.

EDIT: Wow, a downvote despite providing concrete feedback to the submitter? Interesting. I might have to re-think my entire position about the HN "community" as expressed here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2660578

Why an old browser for Hacker News, where fully 70% of the submissions are live demos of new technology, which require the latest version of a modern browser to use? It's like entering your Prius in a rally race.

70%? Really? The front page is right now filled with text articles from wsj, forbes, cnbc, stackexchange, ibm, aljezeera, techcrunch, drdobbs, ....

It's like driving your Prius to watch a rally race. Works great.

Out of interest, why the old browser/OS combo?

Long story. Older hardware, doesn't do flashy stuff, helps stop me procrastinating, runs lots of low priority, background tasks that will get broken by upgrading, and so on.

The fast, whizzy machines with new OSs and up-to-date browsers get used for serious, work-related stuff. Not for HN.

Hasn't Firefox 1.5 lacked security updates since it was discontinued ~4 years ago? Why not Chrome or something?

Yes, true, but I don't go click on much. Anything potentially interesting I actually forward to another machine that's more secure and look at it there. There really isn't much joy in trying to hack that older machine.

It's so old, most attack vectors don't work anymore anyway. And I have other protection in place that I won't discuss.

Don't be butthurt over one downvoter. Here, I upvoted you.

Is it possible to exclude specific things? E.g. "50+ -groupon -climate".

Yeah, I would like to be able to get everything except for a few keywords.

I'd also love this ability.

Can you add the ability to link to the HN comment page instead of directly to the article please? I find they're often more insightful than the article itself.

Would also love the ability to specifically blacklist keywords.

Other than that awesome work, thanks.

I'd really like to see both links, as well.

It works great and looks very useful, but there is one thing that you might want to change. Your example is "Startups, Google, Apple" but when you enter this string it actually adds "Startups,", "Google,", and "Apple". It would be more intuitive if you break the entry up into separate tags removing ", " or "," instead of just " ".

Edit: You might also consider clearing the text box after adding a tag. It felt a bit awkward having to hit ctrl-a before typing each time I wanted to enter something new.

Hi all, thank you for the reception.

To let you know, I wanted to build the simplest thing that could possibly work at first, but everything is feasible in the future. Blacklists, better browser support (I've tested it only on the newest of the five most used, sorry about that), and to provide more options.

I'll work on all that as soon as my college exams are over.

It would be handy if there was a volume limit: three posts per day, or one, or one a week.

Is it possible to get a link to the comments page as well as to the article in question?

It is. In the future, the you'll find a link to the comments on the description of the feed.

First "app" on HN in 2 months that I actually _need_ (as defined by myself). Very useful, thank you.

This is great, future enhancements I would love to see:

Subject filter (filter Ask HN)

User criteria - 'always on' or 'always filter' by user (always show from rmontanaro/never show from cyanbane)

show/filter x levels of comments (ie show 'bitcoin' unless there are 4+ levels of comments at some point)

Is there any way to put the topics next to the link? If I type several topics I get a list of links but can't quickly see which topic belongs to which link.

This is a cool UI for doing search, really inspiring!

I hope you won't mind me using this concept for my next app creations.

The filtering works surprisingly well. Thank you for building this!

Very nice UI! Simple and easy to use, well done.

very cool. I'd love to see a list of tags that other people use.

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