I lot of rules are related to avoid gaming the system (and have severe consequences on breaking them). I wonder if its possible to validate the input for these rules programatically?
Sure, Machine learning algorithms can be applied to detect spams and recruiters, but I am talking about having a structure of the job application, like having mandatory fields for company name, location etc., instead of having them in free flow text of job description. It would also make for an easier read.
John, do you have any plans to turn UseTheSource into a "serious" business, or it is more of a community-building exercise?
The reason I ask is because it seems that you and I (with job4dev) are running in a very similar space for pretty much the same audience. If you are not planning to turn it into a "pay to post" service, it looks like it would be mutually beneficial if we could join forces.
I thought there was pent up demand to access the HN community for job listings other than YC-companies and as a hiring manager I think there are better outlets than the current job boards. Figured I'd see what happens with an HN-focused job board.
Sorry for keep nagging you about it. I certainly agree that the current job boards are not satisfactory. And you are absolutely correct about the demand here on HN, the "who's hiring?" threads should be more than enough proof of it.
But at the same time, I wish that we find a way to work together, if anything just to avoid fragmentation of the userbase. Job4dev is not HN-exclusive, but we make a regular effort to make sure that the listings we have are relevant for the type of candidate that is a member of HN.
In the past I had tried to keep up with job postings on HN in my weekly Hacker Newsletter, but starting with the past issue I'm just going to use this. Good work!
They are not stored in plaintext, but that wasn't the motivation for putting that item in the house rules. No matter how I store them I could still see them, and you shouldn't be trusting me (or anyone else) with the same password used on a different site.