I'm working on a prototype that uses the compositional game theory [1] and adapts it to be able to reliably predict the order complexity of functors and their differences between states.
A huge bonus there would be when the order difference can be represented in a graph, so that tesselation or other approaches like a hypercube representation can be used for quick estimations. (that's what I'm aiming for right now)
If successful, the next step would be to integrate it into my web browser so that I can try out whether the equilibrium works as expected on some niche topics or forums.
A huge bonus there would be when the order difference can be represented in a graph, so that tesselation or other approaches like a hypercube representation can be used for quick estimations. (that's what I'm aiming for right now)
If successful, the next step would be to integrate it into my web browser so that I can try out whether the equilibrium works as expected on some niche topics or forums.
[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.04641