I have always felt that nice, filterable lists of data tailored to non-technical users is severely lacking in the web of linked data. This is an attempt at filling this gap.
Produpedia takes the sophisticated RDF tuples of DBpedia[1] and somewhat dumbs it down to tables of different categories. This allows for fine-grained search configs, easily shareable by URL. E.g. "List of Grand Prixs on the Nürburgring"[3], also linked on the main page.
Some more details are explained on the site itself.
Side note:
What I would ultimately like to build - as a 2.0 verison, if you will - is an Open Data Product search engine with community edits, a free alternative to common commercial ones like Google Shopping, as in a blend of Geizhals.eu and Wikipedia. DBpedia and Wikidata[2] datasets (both related to Wikipedia infoboxes) are not very useful in regards to actual "products", so this is a first step towards that goal. If you think this sounds interesting, want to contribute or have an idea, please contact me!
I've long been frustrated with the lack of a public and accessible "product truth" DB. There are industry-specific databases and catalogs, however this information is largely provided by the manufacturers themselves and doesn't account for any "real world usage" data.
Additionally, these walled garden catalogs are inaccessible to most. Democratizing "product truth" and giving the power of curation to the end-users of all produced goods would allow us to, not only catalog every manufactured product on earth, but provide additional information on usage and longevity that is currently locked up in the minds and forums of true connoisseurs.
Discovering and parsing this information is definitely possible, but structuring it and maintaining it can only be accomplished by a community. As we move toward a future of reuse and sustainability, actively tracking what is produced, how long it lasts, and how to fix/maintain/salvage those goods into the future will be paramount to traversing the stars.
Wow, getting a little ahead of myself there. Thanks for introducing me to Geizhals.eu; combining faceted search and browse with a Wiki-like editing experience could be all we need to get started. Feel free to reach out: <username> @ gmail.
Produpedia takes the sophisticated RDF tuples of DBpedia[1] and somewhat dumbs it down to tables of different categories. This allows for fine-grained search configs, easily shareable by URL. E.g. "List of Grand Prixs on the Nürburgring"[3], also linked on the main page.
Some more details are explained on the site itself.
Side note: What I would ultimately like to build - as a 2.0 verison, if you will - is an Open Data Product search engine with community edits, a free alternative to common commercial ones like Google Shopping, as in a blend of Geizhals.eu and Wikipedia. DBpedia and Wikidata[2] datasets (both related to Wikipedia infoboxes) are not very useful in regards to actual "products", so this is a first step towards that goal. If you think this sounds interesting, want to contribute or have an idea, please contact me!
[1] https://www.dbpedia.org/ [2] https://wikidata.org/ [3] https://produpedia.org/list/grandPrix?filter=location%7Ccont...