This comment is under rated. Think about the intteraction (view), write tests and document the model, then fill it out. Correct tests, fixtures/factories and model as necessary.
The controller should be thin, make 1 or 2 calls to the model while mapping or cleaning input, then the response. If your controller actions are thick then your model sucks and isn't encapsulated or you have complicated response logic. Avoid these by writing great encapsulated models. understand the presenter pattern.
I've worked in sections of code that doesn't consider my opinion as advice and dechipering wtf was going on was anything but quick, and I probably introduced bugs because I couldn't understand how everything worked.
Tldr, controllers are glue code. Applications made entirely of glue doesn't even sound right saying it.
The controller should be thin, make 1 or 2 calls to the model while mapping or cleaning input, then the response. If your controller actions are thick then your model sucks and isn't encapsulated or you have complicated response logic. Avoid these by writing great encapsulated models. understand the presenter pattern.
I've worked in sections of code that doesn't consider my opinion as advice and dechipering wtf was going on was anything but quick, and I probably introduced bugs because I couldn't understand how everything worked.
Tldr, controllers are glue code. Applications made entirely of glue doesn't even sound right saying it.