This is distressingly true, I recognised Daring Fireball and its layout, and the general slant of the articles long before I could recognise the name John Gruber.
I'm sure there's some poignant comment to be made based on this, about how some people consume content online.
It also used to be possible to have a submission related to Apple on HN wherein the top comment was something other than Gruber-style fanboyism. So it all balances out in the end.
I agree in part, but in this case I also believe, as ender7 puts it, that "it's impossible to post a serious comment to a case that is already absurd". The comment was funny, but I wouldn't have upvoted it without this last remark.
It used to be possible to have a submission related to Apple on Hacker News wherein the top comment was something other than shitting on John Gruber.