I quite like that you no longer have to enclose all your C# code in a namespace { } block. Removes an admittedly minor aesthetic niggle about the language for me. It’s a bit more like Java now[1].
namespace X.Y.Z;
using System;
class X {
// ....
Now I wonder if the Java folk will (in a similar vein) someday drop the com/foo/myapp/Main.java requirement for a public com.foo.myapp.Main class.
One thing I love about Dart is that they took all of that Java boilerplate and basically killed it while still keeping the same boring predictable nature of Java.
namespace X.Y.Z;
using System;
class X {
}Now I wonder if the Java folk will (in a similar vein) someday drop the com/foo/myapp/Main.java requirement for a public com.foo.myapp.Main class.
[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-refe...