I'm in an interesting situation and would like to know about what others who have faced the same situation have done in the past.
I've been in the market for a new job since spring. At the beginning, I was only focused on products I really liked to (in summary, what a futurist engineer geek would like to: AI, blockchain, security, etc). I had several interviews, but no one struck a deal, either because they decided to move on with other candidates or because I decided to drop off.
Fast forward to mid September, I decided to start applying to positions that suit my role and/or career progression, but in less appealing companies. And I have been very successful. The minimum offer I have received doubles my current salary.
So, I'm in this situation in which I have offers which look positive from a financial and career progression point of view, but in boring products which not interest me at all and which have no upside at all.
Have you ever been in that position? What did you do?
For example, you see a job posting at AwesomeCorp doing blockchain-based AI security arbitrators, and then you get the job and discover that you're just writing a CRUD app around a bunch of premade solutions glued together, and then you discover the "blockchain" is just an SQL server, but it got investors excited so they stuck with it.
So, sometimes a job in a less sexy field can actually end up being more interesting/challenging, and getting paid more is always nice.