People always put Sculley down but the era that he was at Apple really opened doors for me in so many ways about twenty years ago. Hypercard showed me that you didn't have to be a programmer to make interactive media. CD-ROMs and QuickTime showed me that computers could be an entertainment medium. It was also during his run that color Macs came out and the crazy idea of built in sound cards came of age. And yes all of you can make fun of me loving my Newton -- but it was the first bold baby step in a market that didn't exist.
One of the strengths of Steve Mk II was not getting into markets early. So many hits have come from executing so well in areas only after making sure the tech and supply were in a position for success
Interesting. I guess that means that he drove one of my favorite Macs, the IIfx, £5,000+ of sheer power, 100x better than the equivalent PC, if you could afford one.
NuBus, color QuickDraw, opening up the Mac, etc.
He must have badly missed having a Tim Cook to drive down production costs and scale up. That really was one of the keys after Steve Jobs returned.