Clever, but the guesses aren't useful, because "the middle" is rarely the most efficient place to get goods off trucks and rail. I know the TJs in Kansas are stocked from a Kansas Aldi distribution center, near rail and highways.
A better start might be mapping known Aldi warehouses.
The corridors are similar Western NY -> DC corridor is probably served by a facility in Pennsylvania. New England to Albany to Connecticut is probably near Worcester, MA.
I know that for McDonalds and Aldi, Albany, NY is “Boston” and Utica west is “Pennsylvania”. It’s all about the transport corridors and modes.
A necessity in order to stay competitive against Lidl (comparable customer segment). ALDI took quite a punch by Lidl in the Netherlands (these were all of the ALDI Nord concern, but were not labelled as such), and depended on inertia (being the first and most well-established discount grocer) for too long.
A better start might be mapping known Aldi warehouses.