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Has anyone gone back and attempted to correlate these scores with ultimate success of the start-ups? Obviously there is the possibility (even probability) of self-fulfilling prophecy, but it would still be interesting to see if the scores have the potential for real predictive value, or are mere rationalization.

Hi Vannevar,

This isn't an exact science and still has levels of subjectivity that make it less of a predictive tool and more of a simple litmus test for the fit between the startup and our investment focus. Just because we aren't a fit doesn't mean that a startup will not be successful. Many of the companies that score low will go on to do very well, and conversely there will be some high-scoring startups that don't live up to expectations.

Thanks for the comment.

Forgive me, but that seems like an awfully cavalier attitude towards a process that you say you're putting a lot of time and effort into, and on which hinges such large investments and potentially large returns. Hasn't anyone there been curious whether the process actually works and how it could be improved?

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