You may or may not have noticed that you can be heard without a megaphone. The purpose of a megaphone is not just "to be heard", but to increase your audibility in specific situations. Just as "freedom of speech" does not include the "right to cry "Fire!" in a crowded theater", it isn't terribly obvious that it includes the right to be heard in situations where you can only be heard with a megaphone.
Nobody here is suggesting handing out literal megaphones, the analogy is not very apt in the first place. I was responding to the primary argument made in that comment, which is that speech performed by people with larger followings should be subject to more scrutiny and control, which basically amounts to no free speech.
> (...) we simply cannot give every lunatic a megaphone.
It appears that you do not, in fact, believe in freedom of speech. Being heard is the point of speech.