> In general keep in mind that your 8TB to backup likely has a power law distribution where your really important filesets are much smaller and can therefore be inexpensively backed up with more copies.
In my personal experience a simple ignore list can reduce size by an order of magnitude. Things that doesn't make sense to backup like thumbnails, cache files, development dependencies. And smaller is more robust, not only can it be inexpensively backed up with more copies but it can also be synced more frequently with a lower risk of partition and also is quicker to download and restore.
In my personal experience a simple ignore list can reduce size by an order of magnitude. Things that doesn't make sense to backup like thumbnails, cache files, development dependencies. And smaller is more robust, not only can it be inexpensively backed up with more copies but it can also be synced more frequently with a lower risk of partition and also is quicker to download and restore.