I am yet to see systemic renewable power source that is available to country like Germany (or Poland where we also have discussion about going nuclear).
All renewables available to us are considered supplementary (they generate power when conditions are favorable, eg. wind blows, sun is shining). But this means they can’t be used to maintain power grid.
Ofc you can try hydro or geothermal, but those depend on your river network, underground warm waters availability, as well as population density around country. Those work for country like Norway but in practice German increasingly relies on French nuclear power as systemic source to maintain their grid, and Poland (sadly) sticks to coal and gas.
Power density of the atom is unmatched by anything currently by a wide margin. It's a pure fact of measurable and confirmed science. Arguing against that is arguing against objective reality itself and that makes you medically insane.
The cheapness of renewable is due to its guaranteed prices by law. Once these subsidies end and the free market prices take over, you lose everything. Reason will take over sooner or later - bubbles can't be inflated forever.
Don't worry your head with the technical challenges surrounding nuclear tech. There are real scientists working on it, coming up with newer and better designs, not to mention the move to modular reactors which will further increase the reliability of individual modules (parts) and drive down costs.
Reality is such that the atom is the most potent energy source. If you don't like that, turn to medical help, because sure as hell Reality won't magically align with your desires.
And it's tragic beyond belief what has happened in Chernobyl, but that is on those idiotic communists and their total incompetence and arrogance. On this i can agree - some people are simply too stupid and should be limited to only solar cells and wind turbines.
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Are you not aware that the fuel for nuklear is limited?
Do you ignore how cheap renewable is and how much nuklear is subsidiest?
Do you not care that no nuklear power operator has limited liability which means the costs of accidents are paid by all of us?
Is there anything of a real argument you can provide to proof your 'cashgrab shit against the naive hippies' statement?