You all joke that this doesn’t happen in practice, but something like this literally just bit me and it took me a few too many minutes to figure out what was going on.
I use a bash script as my BROWSER which calls another bash script to launch or communicate with my browser that I run inside a container. The script that my BROWSER script calls has some debug output that it prints to stderr.
I use mutt as my email client and urlscan [0] to open URLs inside emails. Urlscan looks at my BROWSER environment variable and thus calls my script to open whatever URL I target. Some time recently, the urlscan author decided to improve the UX by hiding stderr so that it wouldn’t pollute the view, and so attempted to pipe it to `/dev/null`. I guess their original code to do this wasn’t quite correct and it ended up closing the child processes’ stderr.*
I generally use `set -e` (errexit) because I want my scripts to fail if any command fails (I consider that after an unhandled failure the script’s behavior is undefined, some other people disagree and say you should never use `set -e` outside of development, but I digress). My BROWSER scripts are no exception.
While my scripts handle non-zero returns for most things that can go wrong, I never considered that writing log messages to stdout or stderr might fail. But it did, which caused the script to die before it was able to launch my browser. For a few weeks I wasn’t able to use urlscan to open links. I was too lazy to figure out what was wrong, and when I did it took me a while because I looked into every possibility except this one.
Luckily this wasn’t a production app. But I know now it could just as feasibly happen in production, too.
I opened an issue[1] and it was fixed very quickly. I love open source!
*No disrespect to urlscan, it’s an awesome tool and bugs happen to all of us!
It sounds our sensibilities are similar regarding cli and tool usage. This is a side note, but as someone who used to use "Bash strict mode" in all my scripts, I'm now a bit bearish on `set -e`, mainly due to the subtle caveats. If you're interested, the link below has a nice (and long) list of potentially surprising errexit gotchas:
I think the idea is you use set -e during development to find where you should catch errors, but in production you may want it off to reduce strange side-effects (or explicitly check for success in the way you expect; so not that the command returned 0 but that the file it made exists and is the right length, etc).
> but in production you may want it off to reduce strange side-effects
Having -e set is to reduce strange side-effects, by having the script fail, instead of plowing headlong into the land of undefined/unexpected behavior.
The `if` bit should be well-known if you're writing bash. The pipe bit is unfortunate, and is why -o pipefail is recommended, too. Or, just writing in a sane language that isn't going to page you in the middle of the night.
They operate the way I expect. set -e fails when I don't handle the error code of a command. If my script eat it, it doesn't fail. I see no problems here.
That seems like a really weak argument. Sometimes set -e won't catch an error, therefore it's better to let all errors slip through? "You're supposed to handle every error." Yeah, okay, set -e doesn't interfere with that.
I run Firefox inside a systemd-nspawn[0] container. I wrote a little wrapper around systemd-nspawn that I call arch-lwc[1] which kinda mimics the docker CLI. I have another script to coordinate the Firefox-specific stuff.
Thanks for sharing!
I wish this functionality was better exposed, it is such a game changer. I need to clean up and publish some of my scripts. I like to use firejail, xpra, and I'm trying to improve btrfs ephemeral subvolumes for my sandboxes.
I’m disappointed. I expected some obscure edgecase (like “Main is usually a function…” [1]) but instead that’s about scope handling, contract design and responsibility shift.
“Hello world” method simply calls an API to a text interface. It uses simple call, to a simple interface that is expected to be ever present. I don’t find any bug there. It won’t work if such interface isn’t available, is blocked or doesn’t exist. It won’t work on my coffee grinder nor on my screwdriver. It won’t work on my Arduino because there is no text interface neither.
Of course, one could argue that user might expect you to handle that error. That’s all about contracts and expectation. How should I deal with that? Is the “Hello world” message such important that the highest escalated scenario should be painted on the sky? I can imagine an awkward social game where we throw each other obscure challenges and call it a bug.
It’s nitpicking that even such simple code might fail and I get it. It will also fail on OOM, faulty hardware or if number of the processes on the machine hit the limit. Maybe some joker replaced bindings and it went straight to 3D printer which is out of material? _My expectations_ were higher based on the title.
Now allow me to excuse myself, I need to write an e-mail to my keyboard manufacturer because it seems like it has a bug which prevents it from working when slightly covered in liquid coffee.
I also had higher expectations after reading the title and was disappointed when I realized it was about failure to handle all possible system call results. I thought it was gonna be a bug in the C standard library or something.
I still agree with the author though. This is a serious matter and it seems most of the time the vast amount of complexity that exists in seemingly simple functionality is ignored.
Hello world is not "simply" calling a text interface API. It is asking the operating system to write data somewhere. I/O is exactly where "simple" programs meet the real world where useful things happen and it's also where things often get ugly.
Here's all the stuff people need to think about in order to handle the many possible results of a single write system call on Linux:
long result = write(1, "Hello", sizeof("Hello") - 1);
switch (result) {
case -EAGAIN:
/* Occurs only if opened with O_NONBLOCK. */
/* Occurs only if opened with O_NONBLOCK. */
case -EBADF:
/* File descriptor is invalid or wasn't opened for writing. */
case -EDQUOT:
/* User's disk quota reached. */
case -EFAULT:
/* Buffer points outside accessible address space. */
case -EFBIG:
/* Maximum file size reached. */
case -EINTR:
/* Write interrupted by signal before writing. */
case -EINVAL:
/* File descriptor unsuitable for writing. */
case -EIO:
/* General output error. */
case -ENOSPC:
/* No space available on device. */
case -EPERM:
/* File seal prevented the file from being written. */
case -EPIPE:
/* The pipe or socket being written to was closed. */
Some of these are unlikely. Some of these are irrelevant. Some of these are very important. Virtually all of them seem to be routinely ignored, especially in text APIs.
And specifically no space left on device is a very common error that is also very commonly handled badly. Happened to me yesterday and the error messages I got were unhelpful or non-existent. In Firefox part of a website I was desperately trying to use just stopped reacting for some functionality. Developer tools opened as a blank space. Importing a calendar entry in Evolution produced an inscrutable SQLite error. Starting Chromium (as backup browser in the hopes that the website would work better there) via Gnome did not open any window or show any error. It was only when I tried to start Chromium via the console that I saw a helpful error message for the first time.
Also I always start to mildly panic in such cases, as lots of software corrupts its on-disk state more when the hard drive is full than any segfault, OOM-kill or hard shutdown is able to. I can understand and empathize on how this happens from a software development perspective, but objectively speaking "our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everybody will die". ( )
Userspace should not expect that any given syscall can only return some set of known errno values. You should enumerate the cases where you want to do some kind of special handling (with EINTR being somewhat more important that other cases) and have path to somehow handle even unexpected errno values.
Both Linux man pages and SUS specify some set of possible error situations, but not all of them. In the man pages case the set is not at all fixed and is subject to change and often does not contain some of the more obscure error states. The SUS "Errors" section are explicitly not meant to be complete and the OS can return additional errno values, additionally the OS can even handle some of the error cases as undefined behavior and not return any error code at all (notable example: doing anything to already joined pthread_t on linux, whish is undefined and does not return -ESRCH).
> Other errors may occur, depending on the object connected to fd.
I don't understand why every possible result isn't explicitly documented. This is the Linux system call interface, we need to know everything that could happen when we make these calls.
The right assumption is that every syscall can return any defined errno value. In practice this means that you should handle the cases that you have to handle (-EINTR and for write(2) incomplete writes, which are typical reason for “fatal error: Success”), that you can somehow handle (things like retries for -ENOSPC) and log strerror(3) result for anything that you don't expect (whether you shoult then abort(), exit() or continue depends on how critical the failed syscall was).
Failure isn't defined by programmed control structures, it's defined by requirements and implemented via programming.
If the requirements of a hello world program include accounting for all error boundaries of the host system, then I am yet to see them written down but would invite anyone to provide them.
The parent comment has made a start in this regard.
every program is given the 3 stdio channels: stdin, stdout, stderr. if the program is unable to use any of these as expected, it's an error that should be reported back to the user. today it's /dev/full but tomorrow it could be a log file with wrong access perms. you don't want to be returning 2 weeks later to find out that nothing was written, and your program didn't complain.
And this is the reason unit tests are very often insufficient and provide vanishingly small value. They test programming details, while integration tests test requirements implemented via programming. Loved your first paragraph.
> [Hello, world] is the big hurdle. To leap over it you have to be able to
> create the program text somewhere, compile it successfully, load it, run
> it, and find out where your output went.
Those are the goals of "Hello, world!". Create the program, compile it, load it, run it, and find the output. Things that are not goals of "Hello, world!" are handling user input, reusable components (functions), network access, etc etc etc, error handling.
It's fine that the error is not handles, just as it is fine that the output went to stdout. Error handling was not a goal of the program.
> you have to be able to create the program text somewhere, compile it successfully, load it, run it, and find out where your output went.
Note that Rust "cheats" for you here, if you ask Cargo to make you a new Rust project then by default the project it gives you will perform Hello, World correctly when you "cargo run". It will also be version controlled (if Cargo can't figure out what type of version control you prefer, but git is installed, you get a git repo).
Rust's Hello World also of course panics if given a full output device. Because just ignoring errors by default, while very C, is not a good idea and in Rust it's much easier to respond to unexpected errors by just panicking rather than ignoring them.
I guess the argument is that the non-error-checking version fails at the "find out where your output went" stage. hello.c gives the impression that your output went to the file, even when it didn't.
Without a spec, I think it would be harsh to claim hello.c is wrong. But handling the error—in this case, returning it from main to the shell via an exit code—is definitely more correct.
I think they are arguing that it didn’t fail, it did everything you asked of it (it didn’t claim to successfully print hello world in every scenario, just to attempt to write to the buffer you gave it, which it did).
is the correct one, but to me that just kicks the can. What should happen here?
should this exit nonzero? The file did get renamed and progress was made, even if some unrelated problem occurs, so some animation for a users benefit who is probably dealing with some other problems thinking piping to /dev/full was a good idea in the first place, well, it just seems almost cruel to further burden them with a surprising error code, so maybe I should wrap that print line in a pokemon since the output doesn't really matter that much anyway.
So it is I prefer to think of bugs as the difference between expectation and reality, and I think it should be fair to say different users can be predisposed to have different expectations; So I also I think it matters a great deal what the contract/expectations are.
But I also know the difference between /dev/full and /dev/null
Well, if you want your hello world program to try to write Hello world, then report success regardless of the result, then it is bug-free.
If you intend your program to write hello world on your screen/stdout, then it is definitely buggy.
The computer will do what you ask it to do, it's only a bug, when it doesn't meet your expectations.
Whether the program fails or not, is a matter of specification.
printf("Hello, World!\n")
Is me saying: "Do a write syscall to stdout. I don't care what the return value is, I don't care if the flush is successfull if stdout happens to be buffered." If that is what I want to do, aka. what the program is specified to do, then it didn't fail.
To me, your example says: "I forgot about the return value." The way I learned C, if you really, really want to say "I don't care what the return value is" you'd explicitly cast it, nicely documenting your active non-caring about the return value for future code readers:
(void) printf("Hello, World!\n");
Although, in general, ignoring the return value from things like puts() and printf() is a bad idea, for reasons the article makes clear.
And how do I explicitly ignore the other ways C communicates error conditions, like global error variables (eg. errno), inbound error values, errflags in structs?
I found it interesting. If you generalize a bit, the question is "Will a naively written stdio program handle IO errors?".
The fact that for several popular languages the answer is "no" is disappointing.
It’s not about handling the error, it’s about propagating unexpected error. Because most errors are that; unexpected.
Modern languages do this by default, using exceptions, or force you to check return values using Result<> or alike.
Even in C, when compiled through some more strict linter, this would fail because ignored return value should be prefixed with (void).
In either case I think the main takeaway from the article is that a language where even hello world has such pitfalls, isn’t suitable, given the many other better options today.
My initial take was the same as yours. However, I would be of the opinion that the program would definitely be better if it returned non-zero on failure, so the question for me is whether it rises to the level of "bug" or not. In retrospect I can't think of when I wouldn't consider a program silently failing to not be a bug (unless specifically designed to silently fail), so I've come round to agreement with the article.
stdio is program input, and a program's user should be informed about bad inputs. that said, usually, where hello world is usually demonstrated is far away from i/o so perhaps the negligence. but to argue that it's behaving correctly here is unnecessary.
Enjoyable read for sure, but i think the question whether ot not this constitutes a bug or not is open for interpretation.
IMHO, it doesn't.
hello.c is written in a way that makes it very clear that the program doesn't care about error conditions in any way shape or form; the return value of printf is ignored, the output isn't flushed, the return of flushing isn't checked, noone looks at errno; anything happening that could go wrong will go unreported, unless its something the OS can see (segfault, permission, etc.)
If I expect a program to do something (eg. handle IO errors) that its code says very clearly that it doesn't, that's not the programs fault.
If we're going to reductio ad absurdum then OS's shouldn't let programs run if they interact with a device and don't explicitly handle exceptions for those devices. The OS is just a program and if it allows programs to crash it, isn't that the OS's fault?
This is a strange definition of 'buggy' to me. Surely it shouldn't depend on anything to do with the source code, otherwise closed-source programs are all 'neither-buggy-nor-not-buggy' and that can't be the case...
Most software is incapable of being incorrect, because correct behavior isn’t defined! Hence the questions here about who’s to say what’s correct. When the typical programmer says a program is “buggy” it means “it didn’t do what I want.” That’s a pleasantness property, not a correctness one.
So the question boils down to: Is hello world a program that is supposed to write hello world or is it a program that is supposed to (compile and) start? For me it's usually the latter.
None. Hello world is a program for beginners to teach them the most basic way to debug a program. The sole purpose of hello world is to explain how to print internal state of a program. In that case the examples are correct, they succeed.
I think a lot of people are getting too hung up on the fact that the application is specifically "hello world." The code is clearly buggy, even if you don't particularly care about bugs in this specific application. The author would have been better off not mentioning "hello world" as the application and simply said:
Find the bug!
puts("This is a log");
I think everyone can agree that the above should be considered a bug in any kind of non-hello-world production code, for the reason the article mentioned.
hello.c is meant as the first program a new student encounters when learning C. At that point, the student has enough to worry about; writing code to a file, checking for syntactic errors, basic program structure, using the compiler, executing the binary, understanding what `#include <stdio.h>` means,...
But now we have different libraries, a multitude of external identifiers, control structures, blocks, return values, the concept of buffered streams, the concept of file-descriptors, the printf formatting language, program return values, boolean logic & conditionals,...
To someone who is already experienced in another language, that may not seem like a big deal, and isn't, but to someone who encounters the language for the first time, this is heavy stuff.
> The value of errno is 0 at program startup, and although library functions are allowed to write positive integers to errno whether or not an error occurred, library functions never store 0 in errno.
So this program correctly tests whether printf or fflush wrote to errno. You just can't refactor it into a function you call not at startup... I suppose that is unless you're keeping to a convention where you always set errno back to 0 after any call that might have set it...
I was expecting that printf would auto-flush at the newline, but either it doesn’t, or doesn’t report an error? An explicit fflush would probably work.
In any case, hello world examples are used for two purposes, (a) providing a simplest possible program that you can run (with an indication that it worked), and (b) to give a taste of the respective programming language. At least for the latter case, it would be useful to demonstrate the necessary error handling, if any. The above is just showing that this is not entirely trivial in C with its standard library.
The file objects in the library can operate as unbuffered, line-buffered or fully (i.e. block) buffered. When your stdout is connected to a terminal, it is line-buffered and flushes on newline. But when you redirect to a file, it becomes block buffered.
> to give a taste of the respective programming language
The question is, how much of a taste? We could also include structs, manual memory management, pointers, macros, #ifdef guards; because these are all so very common to C programs, they are definitely part of the languages flavour.
Also, which of the error handling techniques in C should be included, because the language doesn't have a standard one, there are no exceptions or multiple returns. Even within the most basic libraries we have everything from checking global error states, inbound messenger variables, magic number returns, errorflags, ...
Again, hello.c is supposed to be simple. As simple as possible. Yes, that excludes a lot of things. These things are what all the other chapters of "The C Programming Language" are about.
To those perplexed by the behaviour of Java's Hello World, as Java is otherwise very careful with error handling, this is because System.out is a, and that's its documented behaviour:[1]
> Unlike other output streams, a PrintStream never throws an IOException; instead, exceptional situations merely set an internal flag that can be tested via the checkError method.
So the correct Hello World would be:
System.out.println("Hello World!");
if (System.out.checkError()) throw new IOException();
While the behaviour of PrintStream cannot be changed (it goes back to Java 1.0, and I'm guessing that the intention was not to require handling exceptions when writing messages to the standard output), adding a method to obtain the underlying, unwrapped OutputStream might be an idea worth considering, as it would allow writing to the standard output just like to any file.
It's a behavioural side-effect of checked exceptions. Because IOException is a checked exception, throwing it for console output would cause a lot of pain for printf debugging.
Well, Java has since introduced RuntimeIOException, which could be used in cases where an IO exception is unexpected, so we could introduce a new class, say, ErrorCheckingPrintStream, and add the method `ErrorCheckingPrintStream withErrorChecks()` to PrintStream if it's considered sufficiently worthwhile. So you could have:
> An IOException was encountered and the stupid programmer didn't know
> how to recover, so this got thrown instead.
It's a misguided doc comment because "recovering" from error is usually the wrong thing to do - usually the right thing is to abort whatever action is taking place, whether it's a request handler, event loop or standalone program. Situations like low disk space, incorrect file permissions, missing files and so on usually can't be recovered deep in the stack or without manual intervention.
This interesting me because it shows that they had experience really early on in Java development that checked exceptions caused pain, and rather than realize that something was wrong with the design they started swallowing and ignore errors.
Imo this is because the responsibility is not clearly defined and can be argued upon.
If my program writes to the standard output, but you choose to redirect the pipe to a different location, is it my program’s responsibility to check what happens to the bytes AFTER the pipe?
After all: my program did output everything as expected. The part which fucked up was not part of my program.
I can see why some projects decide to not handle this bug.
> but you choose to redirect the pipe to a different location
The output doesn't go into a pipe however, the output goes to /dev/full. Redirection happens before the process is started, so the program is, in fact, writing directly to a file descriptor that returns an error upon write.
In this scenario you didn’t write any bytes though. You made a call to write to standard out (your process’s file handle 1) and didn’t succeed, you didn’t handle the possible error condition, you just silently ignored it.
I think this is pretty cut and dried - the failure is inside your process’s address space and the programmer error is that you haven’t handled a reported error.
>> what happens to the bytes AFTER the pipe?
There isn’t a pipe involved here, when your process was created it’s stdout was connected to dev/full then your program began executing
> you didn’t handle the possible error condition, you just silently ignored it.
Problem is, the error condition is not even that obvious. I tried it, and printf() will happily return the number of bytes written, even when redirecting stdout to /dev/full.
I am not 100% sure, but I think this has to do with the fact that printf uses buffered io, and writing the bytes to the buffer will work. It's only when the buffer is flushed that this will become a problem, but this would need to be handled in the code to show an error message.
I don’t personally agree with that judgement. While the failure condition is at the OS level it’s still affecting the function of the program an in unexpected way.
Plus the whole point of STDOUT is that it is a file. So it shouldn’t change the developers mental model if that file happens to be a pseudo TTY, a pipe or a traditional persistent file system object. This flexibility is one of the core principles of UNIX and it’s what makes the POSIX command line as flexible as it is.
With that in mind, is this criticism of the Java hello world valid? Its output abstracts more than stdout and maybe in Windows this but would not occur. (I don't know, just discussing)
I feel like this is misrepresenting the article's point which isn't literally "hello world is buggy if it returns success on failure" but more "you should do error-handling". In this very specific case, you can argue that it's irrelevant. But if your program writes to a log file, or writes to a data file that it later reads from, it had better include some error-handling.
The fact that there's redirection is a ... misdirection. The redirection is only used to proxy a real-life case that can happen even when no redirection is taking place.
What's the real-life case where hello world fails because the file system is full?
You could do all kinds of things that would cause hello world to "fail". A broken monitor (or even one unplugged) wouldn't show "hello world" or give any indication of an error too, but it's hardly the codes fault. The code does what it's supposed to and ignores all kinds of other things that could go horribly wrong. That's not really a bug, just a known and expected limitation of the program's scope.
As I said, not hello world necessarily, but any program that writes output can encounter this problem, and there's an overlap with general file-writing even.
I thought about this too a bit just now. But I think it's not the shell setting up stuff outside your process that then fails. Rather you already get handles to the "full" file system at process creation and then it's your problem. And traditionally, the behaviour you get from all the standard streams is very unpredictable, depending on where they point.
Your program has a bug because it can write nothing or just part and will always return zero exit code. Ie think about using your program as part of bash script where you often rely on process exit codes.
> is it my program’s responsibility to check what happens to the bytes AFTER the pipe?
No, but it's not "after". Rather, it's your responsibility to handle backpressure by ensuring the bytes were written to the pipe successfully in the first place.
This isn't just about the filesystem being full btw. If you imagine a command like ./ | head -n 10, it only makes sense for the 'head' command to close the pipe when it's done, and should be able to detect this and stop printing any more output. (This is especially important if you consider that might produce infinite lines of output, like the 'yes' program.)
I would argue this is not necessarily even an error from a user standpoint, so the return code from should still be zero in many cases—a pipe-is-closed error just means the consumer simply didn't want the rest of the output, which is fine [1], whereas an out-of-disk-space error is probably really an error. Handling these robustly is actually difficult though, because (a) you'd need to figure out why printf() failed (so that you can treat different failures differently—but it's painful), and (b) you need to make sure any side effects in the program flow up to the printf() are semantically correct "prefixes" of the overall side effect, meaning that you'd need to pay careful attention to where you printf(). (Practically speaking, this makes it difficult to even have side effects that respect this, but that's an inherent problem/limitation of the pipeline model...)
FWIW, I would be very curious if anyone has formalized all of these nuances of the pipeline model and come up with a robust & systematic way to handle them. It seems like a complicated problem to me. To give just one example of a problem that I'm thinking of: should stderr and stdout behave the same way with respect to "pipe is closed"? e.g. should the program terminate if either is closed, or if both are closed? The answer is probably "it depends", but on what exactly? What if they're redirected externally? What if they're redirected internally? Is there a pattern you can follow to get it right most of the time? There's a lot of room for analysis of the issues that can come up, especially when you throw buffering/threading/etc. into the mix...
[1] Or maybe it isn't. Maybe the output (say, some archive format like ZIP) has a footer that needs to be read first, and it would be corrupt otherwise. Or maybe that's fine anyway, because the consumer should already understand you're outputting a ZIP, and it's on them if they want partial output. As always, "it depends". But I think a premature stdout closure is usually best treated as not-an-error.
> This isn't just about the filesystem being full btw. If you imagine a command like ./ | head -n 10, it only makes sense for the 'head' command to close the pipe when it's done, and should be able to detect this and stop printing any more output.
The usual way of handling this is by not (explicitly) handling it. Writes to a closed pipe are special, they do not normally fail with a status that the program then all too often ignores, they result in a SIGPIPE signal that defaults to killing the process. Extra steps are needed to not kill the process. No other kind of write error gets this special treatment that I am aware of.
That's a POSIX thing. It doesn't apply to all C implementations but it does apply to many more than just Linux-based ones. You've not got a closed pipe so you wouldn't see it, you've just got a closed file descriptor. Try running it as
./a.out | :
and you will probably see it. I say probably because there is a timing aspect as well, the write may happen before the pipe gets closed in which case it will not fail, but it is unlikely to.
Yeah I should've said POSIX, my bad. But yeah my point was it's not plain C behavior.
And yes on Linux I do see it with your no-op example now. Though for some reason not with 'head'... what's going on? Is it not closing the pipe when it exits?
$ printf '%s\n' '#include <stdio.h>' '#include <unistd.h>' 'int main() { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); int r = puts("Starting...\n"); r += fputs("First\n", stdout); fflush(stdout); usleep(1000000); fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", r); }' | cc -x c - && ./a.out | head -n 1
We know that b and c both happen after a, and that d happens after c. However, we do not know whether b happens before c, between c and d, or after d. Your a.out process will only get killed by SIGPIPE if it happens after d.
On my system, running a.out under strace is enough to slow it down enough to affect the timing and see the SIGPIPE you were expecting. You may alternatively insert artificial delays in your test program such as by calling the sleep() function between the two lines of output to see the same result.
Sorry, I think I edited my comment while you were replying. But I just noticed the problem in the most recent version was that I didn't write to stdout after the usleep(), so it never raised SIGPIPE. Thanks.
What the pipe does is orthogonal to what the programme should do. The problem here is that errors are not being handled. There are languages such as rust that enforce error handling, whereby the policy on error is made explicit. The nuances you highlight are around what the errors should describe, which ultimately leads to more potential granularity in the error policy.
> If my program writes to the standard output, but you choose to redirect the pipe to a different location, is it my program’s responsibility to check what happens to the bytes AFTER the pipe?
The pipe is your standard output. Your very program is created with the pipe as its stdout.
> After all: my program did output everything as expected. The part which fucked up was not part of my program.
But you are wrong, your program did not output everything as expected, and it failed to report that information.
Well that's precisely the mindset of C/C++. You have to think by yourself about everything that can go wrong with your code. And, man, lots of things can go wrong.
I find more modern languages so much less exhausting to use to write correct code.
I find more modern languages so much less exhausting to use to write correct code.
Modern languages do catch more programmer errors than C/C++, but the more general point is that there are "edge cases" (redirecting to a file isn't an edge case) that developers need to consider that aren't magically caught, and understanding the language you use well enough so as not to write those bugs is important.
The more experience I get as a dev the more I've come to understand that building the functionality required in a feature is actually a very small part of the job. The "happy path" where things go right is often trivial to code. The complexity and effort lies in making sure things don't break when the code is used in a way I didn't anticipate. Essentially experience means anticipating more ways things can go wrong. This article is a good example of that.
> Modern languages do catch more programmer errors than C/C++, but the more general point is that there are "edge cases" (redirecting to a file isn't an edge case) that developers need to consider that aren't magically caught, and understanding the language you use well enough so as not to write those bugs is important.
But GP’s point is that modern languages can surface those issues and edge cases, and try to behave somewhat sensibly, but even sometimes “magically” report the edge cases in question.
That’s one of the things which is very enjoyable (though sometimes frustrating) in Rust, the APIs were (mostly) designed such that you must acknowledge all possible errors somehow, either handling it or explicitly suppressing it.
Indeed. One of the things you notice when writing say, Advent of Code solutions in Rust is that you're writing unwrap() a lot e.g. something like
let geese = usize::from_str_radix(line.strip_prefix("and also ").unwrap().strip_suffix(" geese.").unwrap(), 10).unwrap();
All these functions, usize::from_str_radix, str::strip_prefix, str::strip_suffix are Options which could be None, and we need to decide what to do with that option, Option::unwrap() says I promise this is Some(thing) and I want that thing. If you're wrong and the Option was None, Rust will panic.
Sure enough sometimes while rushing to solve an AoC problem you may get told your program panicked because you tried to unwrap None. Oops, I wrote "geese" above and thus didn't handle the scenario where it might say "goose" in the input when there was only one of them... need to handle that properly.
In a C program taking the same approach it's easy to skip that unwrap() step. After all we're sure it's fine... aren't we? And in the absence of any error reporting now all you know is AoC says the answer you got was wrong and you've got no idea what the problem is.
I just realized I never thought about why System.out.println doesn't declare an IOException. Turns out PrintStream silently catches the exception and turns it into an error flag no one ever checks. Undermining both the Ability to handle IO errors using exceptions and making it impossible to find out what happened over what I assume was the ability to call System.out.println without checking for errors. Right now I am just happy that my IO code generally writes to binary streams so I don't have to rush through my code base to check for that nasty surprise.
I am not sure either follows. But it depends how we even define "older languages", especially considering differences between python 3 and 2, are they the same age (based on the original python release) or are they treated for their respective release version?
Just taking some simple release dates [1] or wikipedia I found:
With the ambiguity around what "age" even means for the language here (e.g., counting the age of node.js or python) it is probably meaningless, but it seems well mixed independent of age.
Yes. First you learn to 'code stuff' and as your experience progresses in that language you merely learn more and more of the ways it can be wrong, and then you worry more, and have to overthink every little thing.
The hidden costs are enormous and to this day still not very well accounted for.
C/C++ basically do only exactly what you tell them and nothing more, which is why they're so much faster than other languages.
There's no garbage collection/reference counting/etc. going on in the background. Objects aren't going to be moved around unless you explicitly move them around (Enjoy your heap fragmentation!). In C, you don't even get exceptions.
Of course, this creates TONS of foot-guns. Buffer overflows, unchecked errors, memory leaks, etc. A modern language won't have these, except for memory leaks, but they're much less likely to happen in trivial to moderate complexity apps.
A modern language could automatically throw an exception if the string cannot be completely written to standard output.
But that has not necessarily helped. The program now has a surprising hidden behavior; it has a way of terminating with a failed status that is not immediately obvious.
If it is used in a script, that could bite someone.
In Unix, there is such an exception mechanism for disconnected pipes: the SIGPIPE error. That can be a nuisance and gets disabled in some programs.
You could have a way to explicitly flag that, instead C will assume that any accidentally silently discarded result can be optimized around with and kick of a landslide of changes that turns bugs ten times worse.
A real world example of catching (some, but certainly not all) fflush(), ferror() etc. cases is what "git" does at the end of its execution, the first highlighted line is where it's returning from whatever function implements a built-in ("status", "pull", "log" etc. etc.): :
Doing something similar would be a good addition to any non-trivial C program that emits output on stdout and stderr.
In practice I haven't really seen a reason to exhaustively check every write to stdout/stderr as long as standard IO is used, and fflush() etc. is checked.
A much more common pitfall is when dealing with file I/O and forgetting to check the return value of close(). In my experience it's the most common case where code that tries to get it wrong actually gets it wrong, I've even seen code that checked the return value of open(), write() and fsync(), but forgot about the return value of close() before that fsync(). A close() will fail e.g. if the disk is full.
I work as a sysadmin and only write the odd program/script (Python, Perl, Bash). In the past, I’ve run into the problem of not being able to write to a log file (disk full or insufficient permissions) so I now check for these situations when opening or writing to a file.
A while ago, I started learning C in my personal time and am curious about this issue. If `close()` fails, I’m guessing there’s not much else the program can do – other than print a message to inform the user (as in the highlighted git code). Also, I would have thought that calling `fsync()` on a file descriptor would also return an error status if the filesystem/block device is full.
For both close() and fsync() it depends on how they fail. You should generally call them in a loop and retry as long as they're returning an error that's EINTR. I.e. to retry past signal interruptions.
This is really more about POSIX and FS semantics than C (although ultimately you end up using the C ABI or kernel system calls, which are closer to C than e.g. Python).
POSIX gives implementations enough leeway to have close() and fsync() do pretty much whatever they want as far as who returns what error goes, as long as not returning an error means your data made it to storage.
But in practice close() is typically 1=1 mapped to the file itself, while fsync() is many=1 (even though both take a "fd"). I.e. many implementations (including the common consumer OS's like Windows, OSX & Linux) have some notion of unrelated outstanding I/O calls being "flushed" by the first process to call fsync().
IIRC on ext3 fsync() was pretty much equivalent to sync(), i.e. it would sync all outstanding I/O writes. I believe that at least Windows and OSX have a notion of doing something similar, but for all outstanding writes to a "leaf" on the filesystem, i.e. an fsync() to a file in a directory will sync all outstanding I/O in that directory implicitly.
Of course none of that is anything you can rely on under POSIX, where you not only have to fsync() each and every file you write, but must not forget to also flush the relevant directory metadata too.
All of which is to say that you might be out of space when close() happens, but by the time you'd fsync() you may no longer be out of space, consider a write filling up the disk and something that frees up data on disk happening concurrently.
If you know your OS and FS semantics you can often get huge speedups by leaning into more lazily syncing data to disk, which depending on your program may be safe, e.g. you write 100 files, fsync() the last one, and know the OS/FS syncs the other 99 implicitly.
But none of that is portable, and you might start losing data on another OS or FS. The only thing that's portable is exhaustively checking errors after every system call, and acting appropriately.
Thanks for the response. It’s always useful to know what happens (and should happen) at a lower level with system calls – both from a POSIX perspective and how they are implemented in popular operating systems.
I couldn't see GNU Hello mentioned in the article or comments so far. I wonder how it fares bug-wise.
The GNU Hello program produces a familiar, friendly greeting. Yes, this is another implementation of the classic program that prints “Hello, world!” when you run it.
However, unlike the minimal version often seen, GNU Hello processes its argument list to modify its behavior, supports greetings in many languages, and so on. The primary purpose of GNU Hello is to demonstrate how to write other programs that do these things; it serves as a model for GNU coding standards and GNU maintainer practices.
/* Even exiting has subtleties. On exit, if any writes failed, change
the exit status. The /dev/full device on GNU/Linux can be used for
testing; for instance, hello >/dev/full should exit unsuccessfully.
This is implemented in the Gnulib module "closeout". */
It's a fun take, but a hyperbole nonetheless. hello.c is supposed to be run from a terminal and write back to it: there's always space to write. It's not meant to be part of a shell script, so the error status is irrelevant.
It does show that we take such examples a bit too literally: our feeble minds don't consider what's missing, until it's too late. That's a didactic problem. It only matters to certain kinds of software, and when we teach many people to program, most of them won't go beyond a few small programs. But perhaps the "second programming course" should focus a bit less on OOP and introduce error handling.
It depends on whether you want your Hello World programs to reflect an actual program or just be an approximation.
I’d argue there is little benefit in the latter. Particularly these days where the Hello World of most imperative languages look vaguely similar. Maybe back when LISP, FORTRAN and ALGOL were common it was more useful showing a representation of the kind of syntax one should expect. But that isn’t the case any more.
Plus given the risk of bugs becoming production issues or, worse, security vulnerabilities and the ease and prevalence of which developers now copy and paste code, I think there is now a greater responsibility for examples to make fewer assumptions. Even if that example is just Hello World.
> It depends on whether you want your Hello World programs to reflect an actual program or just be an approximation. I’d argue there is little benefit in the latter.
There's a huge benefit in having a program that verifies you have set up the programming environment successfully and can build and execute your programs. Far more than the didactic benefit of any "Hello World" program.
Handling terminal output is just an extra nice-to-have at that point, and one convenient way to verify your tools are working. Correct error handling is definitely out of scope.
Interesting take but I see two problems with that:
1. if you're testing your development environment then handling errors appropriately is even more important. The last thing you want to find out is that your development environment doesn't work because of some edge case that wasn't tested.
2. if your code is just to test the development environment then ship that test code with the development environment rather than publish it on your home page as a practical example of your languages code.
What you're describing is effectively a behavioral test, not a Hello World example.
The first piece of C code in introduction section was meant as production software? I've checked it: that section mentions typing "a.out" in the the UNIX shell to see what happens.
If you don't know how the program is going to be used, how do you know that it is doing the right thing? Is "Hello world" actually the expected output?
Also, what makes the status code handling special compared to, say,
- assuming the english language is the preferred language instead of asking the OS for the user's preference
- assuming that the output has to be ASCII (or compatible) instead of something like UTF-16
There seems to be a weird obsession with the program's status code over anything else in this whole comment section, and it seems to me that the only reason for that is that back in the stone age of computing, the status code was the only thing that got standardized, while locale and encoding didn't, so properly supporting the latter is hard and therefore assumed to be less important.
> Also, what makes the status code handling special compared to, say, - assuming the english language is the preferred language instead of asking the OS for the user's preference - assuming that the output has to be ASCII (or compatible) instead of something like UTF-16
True. But by any definition printing nothing is a failure. If failing to print anything isn't a failure, what is?
> There seems to be a weird obsession with the program's status code over anything else in this whole comment section
It's because it's the only structured way to indicate success. And "not printing" is clearly a failure of "print 'hello world'".
> supporting the latter is hard and therefore assumed to be less important.
No, but printing nothing is clearly a failure. Printing the wrong language is not obviously a failure of helloworld, and absolutely not something helloworld can know on its own.
helloworld can know it failed to print what it intended to print. It cannot confirm that its intentions are correct, even in principle.
It cannot know whether some Lennartware has decided that anything built before yesterday (e.g. LANG envs and friends) can be ignored, and that in Lennart land all programs should write a request for the language to the blockchain, and wait for a reply transaction before printing anything.
Just because you can come up with examples of errors helloworld cannot check, doesn't mean that it should not do error handling for the things that it can.
`tar` cannot check that the user actually intended the particular file format flavor that it implements, but it can know that failing to write it should cause it to report an error.
This is true, however if we modify the program to print a 4096-byte long string instead of just the "hello world" string, then it's not sufficient again. And of course, the number 4096 is system-dependent.
So to really do hello world in C right, in addition to fflush, you also need to check the return value from puts. I've never seen any C tutorial do that though.
Because errors on FILE streams are persisted until clearerr, it should be sufficient to check the return value of fflush at the end of the program. Presumably the FILE I/O interface was deliberately designed this way, so error checking could be consolidated at the end of a series of operations.
What would be the expected reaction if either puts or fflush returns an error code? You might think, write a message on stderr (which may be different from stdout), but what if stderr is also redirected to a full device? How would you react to the error code returned from that?
To me this is an indication that you need to know the context in which the program gets run, and its purpose in that context. Or you'd have to specify every edge case, but I've never seen that really work in practice.
> What would be the expected reaction if either puts or fflush returns an error code? You might think, write a message on stderr (which may be different from stdout), but what if stderr is also redirected to a full device? How would you react to the error code returned from that?
I don't think you would react any differently on stderr failure unless you had a more complex system with alternate ways to report such things configured.
Just ignore it and continue to report the major error (stdout) in your exit status.
Should "hello world" return error if it actually prints something but there was no person to read the output? Maybe the user was distracted and was not looking at the screen. Does a "hello world" program make sound if no one hears it?
Sounds like the program failed its objective, greeting the world. And thus imho shouldn't return 0.
The program’s objective was to output the information, not to ensure that a user read it. Redirecting to `/dev/null` is a valid and common use of a program warranting no warning, so is running a program, collecting its log, then ultimately discarding it having never looked at it (in fact it’s the norm of well-behaved and solid programs).
This raises an interesting question: is there any IO function that should return unit/void? Or equivalently are there any IO functions for which we can safely ignore the return value/ignore all exceptions?
It seems like every single IO thing I can think of can have a relevant error, regardless of whether it's file-system related, network, or anything else.
In C, and many other languages, the file stream error state is saved after each operation, so you can skip error checking on every output line and only do
I wish this post were higher up, since it shows the idiomatic way to deal with that problem, unlike the article. Obviously the designers of the Unix i/o interface thought about this and provided for a simple way of handling it.
I think you can certainly return void, and you can ignore any I/O exceptions up to the top layer of the stack, but then you have to decide whether the exception should result in an error code to the user or not. Some (like "out of disk space") are usually errors, whereas others (like "no more data" or "pipe is closed") may not be.
Since the article is being pedantic, here's another pedantic complaint: What if printf() can't write all of its output, but manages to write some of it? printf() returns the number of bytes written, but (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!) it doesn't guarantee to be atomic - it can't either write everything or nothing. Imagine a complicated printf() call with lots of parameters and long strings - some of it might get written, then the next write() that it does fails due to lack of space. What does printf() do then?
The article cites an example of writing a YAML file and the dangers of it being half-written. Well, you could imagine outputting a file all in one printf() with lots of %s's in the format string. Some get written, but not all. If printf() decides to return an error message, retrying the printf() later on (after deleting another file, say), will corrupt the data because you'll be duplicating some of the output. But if printf() just returned the number of bytes written, your program will silently miss the error.
So does 'Hello World\n' need to check that printf() succeeded, or does it actually need to go further and check that printf() returned 12? (or is it 13, for \r\n ?) I don't think there's any way to really safely use the function in real life.
> So does 'Hello World\n' need to check that printf() succeeded, or does it actually need to go further and check that printf() returned 12?
No. According to fprintf(1), when the call succeeds it returns the number of printed characters. If it fails (for example, if it could only print part of the string) then it returns a negative value.
The number of printed characters is useful to know how much space was used on the output file, not to check for success. Success is indicated by a non-negative return value.
> There's our "No space" error getting reported by the OS, but no matter, the program silently swallows it and returns 0, the code for success. That's a bug!
Bzzt, no. You can't say that without knowing what the program's requirements are.
Blindly "fixing" a program to indicate failure due to not being able to write to standard output could break something.
Maybe the output is just a diagnostic that's not important, but some other program will reacts to the failed status, causing an issue.
Also, if a program produces output with a well-defined syntax, then the termination status may be superfluous; the truncation of the output can be detected by virtue of that syntax being incomplete.
E.g. JSON hello world fragment:
return 0;
if something is picking up the output and parsing it as JSON, it can deduce from a failed parse that the program didn't complete, rather than going by termination status.
> if something is picking up the output and parsing it as JSON, it can deduce from a failed parse that the program didn't complete, rather than going by termination status.
This is bad advice. Consider output that might be truncated but can't be detected (mentioned in the article).
The exit status is the only reliable way to detect failures (unless you have a separate communication channel and send a final success message).
My remark "if a program produces output with a well-defined syntax" was intended specifically to consider such cases, and set them aside.
I didn't communicate that clearly: syntax can be "well-defined" yet truncatable. I meant some kind of syntax that is invalid if any suffix is missing, including the entire message, or else an object of an unexpected type is produced.
(In the case of JSON, valid JSON could be output which is truncatable, like 3.14 versus 3.14159. If the output is documented and expected to be a dictionary, we declare failure if a number emerges.)
> Also, if a program produces output with a well-defined syntax, then the termination status may be superfluous; the truncation of the output can be detected by virtue of that syntax being incomplete.
The author covers this (or rather, the possibility that truncation can not be detected).
There is more nuance to this, which is that we cannot detect all modes of failure just because we have written to a file object, and successfully flushed and closed it.
In the case of file I/O, we do not know that the bits have actually gone to the storage device. A military-grade hello world has to perform a fsync. I think that also requires the right storage hardware to be entirely reliable.
If stdout happens to be a TCP socket, then all we know from a successful flush and close is that the data has gone into the network stack, not that the other side has received it. We need an end-to-end application level ack. (Even just a two-way orderly shutdown: after writing hello, half-close the socket. Then read from it until EOF. If the read fails, the connection was broken and it cannot be assumed that the hello had been received.)
This issue is just a facet of a more general problem: if the goal of the hello world program is to communicate its message to some destination, the only way to be sure is to obtain an acknowledgement from that destination: communication must be validated end-to-end, in other words. If you rely on any success signal of an intermediate agent, you don't have end-to-end validation of success.
The super-robust requirements for hello world therefore call for a protocol: something like this:
Now we can detect failures like that there is no user present at the console who is reading the message. Or that their monitor isn't working so the can't read the question.
We can now correctly detect this case of not being able to deliver hello, world, converting it to a failed status:
$ ./hello < /dev/null > /dev/null
We can still be lied to, but there is strong justification in regarding that as not our problem:
$ yes | ./hello > /dev/null
We cannot get away from requiring syntax, because the presence of a protocol gives rise to it; the destination has to be able to tell somehow when it has received all of the data, so it can acknowledge it.
A super reliable hello world also must not take data integrity for granted; the message should include some kind of checksum to reduce the likelihood of corrupt communication going undetected.
This is good. All the people questioning the spec need to realize is handling the error should be opt-out, not opt-in.
#[must_use] in Rust is the right idea: Rust doesn't automatically do anything --- there is no policy foisted upon the programmer --- but it will reliably force the programmer to do something about the error explicitly.
It would be more interesting if the post shows how to detect that error. (and how the other language examples look, at least on mobile I dont see them)
Even Golang de facto suffers from this. I don't think I can name a time I saw someone check the return value of fmt.Print or log.Print. Not checking the return value still seems the the "right" thing to do.
I do. But then I’m writing a shell (like Bash/Fish/etc but more DevOps focused) so if I don’t handle all types of errors then the entire UX falls apart.
I was expecting Free Pascal not to have the bug, as Pascal generally fails with a visible runtime error, as it does I/O checking by default. However, it seems not to do it when WriteLn goes to the standard output... (even if it is then piped to /dev/full). So the basic
WriteLn('Hello World!');
definitely has the bug, at least with the fpc implementation. On the other hand, explicitly trying to write to /dev/full from the Pascal source triggers a beautiful message:
Do not forget the notes on dup2(). It's about the automatic closing of newfd before it gets replaced. I've bumped into this situation several times, that is why I'm mentioning it.
int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
If newfd was open, any errors that would have been reported at close(2) time are lost.
If this is of concern, then the correct approach is not to close newfd before calling dup2(),
because of the race condition described above.
Instead, code something like the following could be used:
/* Obtain a duplicate of 'newfd' that can subsequently
be used to check for close() errors; an EBADF error
means that 'newfd' was not open. */
tmpfd = dup(newfd);
if (tmpfd == -1 && errno != EBADF) {
/* Handle unexpected dup() error */
/* Atomically duplicate 'oldfd' on 'newfd' */
if (dup2(oldfd, newfd) == -1) {
/* Handle dup2() error */
/* Now check for close() errors on the file originally
referred to by 'newfd' */
if (tmpfd != -1) {
if (close(tmpfd) == -1) {
/* Handle errors from close */
I think it's clearly main() that "owns" that error, since it's the one that swallowed it. It would be impossible for the shell to own it since it's impossible for the shell to even detect it, given this program's buggy behavior.
I find the argument that the code obviously ignores the error so that's obviously the program's intent to be completely spurious. The code "obviously" intends to print the string, too, and yet in some cases, it doesn't actually do that. It's clearly a bug. I don't think it's particularly useful to harp on this bug in the most introductory program ever, but it's definitely a bug.
Definitely thought-provoking. A few responses here on HN disagree with calling this a bug, so maybe the user owns the error. This is all related to what kind of contract we have in mind when creating and using such a program.
If `puts` were to be used for debug messages, it might be right not to fail so as to not disturb the rest of the program. If the primary purpose is to greet the world, then we might expect it to signal the failure. But each creator or user might have their own expected behaviors.
If a user expects different behavior, then perhaps it is a feature request:
The question is how the behavior can be made more explicit. I think it's a reasonable default to make programs fail often and early. If some failure can be safely ignored, it can always be implemented as an (explicit) feature.
2. Node.js is not a language. JavaScript is a language, and Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Since macOS does not have /dev/full, I think what is actually happening here is your bash shell fails to create a file named "full" in "/dev" and so the bash shell exits with an error; this has nothing to do with node.js.
Now I'm curious about another interesting question. Should bash be the one that handle the error and exit code in this case? Since it seems to be responsible for handing the piping operation.
If by 'in this case' you mean the problem mentioned by the linked article, then no. The shell is not 'responsible for handling the piping operation'. It creates the pipe, but is not responsible for moving data through it.
> 2. Node.js is not a language. JavaScript is a language,
This criticism is the wrong way around. All of the author's "languages" are actually language implementations like NodeJS. You can tell because he produced the results by running the code, rather than by reading a spec.
So what I'm proposing is to put JavaScript in the language column (like other languages such as Java) and note the usage of Node.js as the implementation in the second column together with version (similar to Java ->
openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20).
That would certainly make sense, but the author hasn't followed that pattern consistently so far - e.g. the row for C doesn't list the compiler or architecture.
This is because console.log isn't the equivalent to the post's printf. It is purposefully opaque to the application (and applications should not assume anything happens with the input).[0]
> Its main output is the implementation-defined side effect of printing the result to the console.
Julia (1.7) behaves pretty similar to the Python 2 one, a printed error related to closing the stream, and a 0 error code.
~ >>> julia -e 'print("Hello world")' > /dev/full
error in running finalizer: Base.SystemError(prefix="close", errnum=28, extrainfo=nothing)
#systemerror#69 at ./error.jl:174
systemerror##kw at ./error.jl:174
systemerror##kw at ./error.jl:174
#systemerror#68 at ./error.jl:173 [inlined]
systemerror at ./error.jl:173 [inlined]
close at ./iostream.jl:63
~ >>> echo $?
`errnum=28` apparently refers to the ENOSPC error: "No space left on device" as defined by POSIX.1; so the information is there, even if not in the most presentable form.
In the end, it states that the language C has the bug. But this is wrong. In C, there are no exceptions, i.e. all error checking has to be explicit. This is just the language. So when you now ignore the error, this is not a bug of the language but just a bug in your code. The only thing you could argue is that this is a bad language design.
Or maybe this about global stdout object. With buffering enabled (by default), printf will not throw any error. The fflush would do. But a final fflush would be done implicitly at the end. But this is again all well documented, so still, this is not really a bug but maybe just bad language design.
I'm not exactly sure what C++ code was used. If this was just the same C code, then the same thing applies. And iostream just behaves exactly as documented.
Still confused. It seems some people think there is nothing to fix, some think the programmer needs to act to prevent it, some think ANSI and other creators of the affected languages would need to act to prevent it.
If we accept the idea that the function (non-coding use of the word) of an language's indication of success should - indicate success (or its absence) - of a piece of code, then surely the creators of the languages should make it do just that. That's their job right no? What am I missing?
It's not necessarily an error to print less than you intended though. The consumer might have simply decided that they didn't need the rest of the input. Whether or not it's an error depends on why the write failed to occur. Usually out-of-space is an error, whereas pipe-is-closed/has-reached-EOF is not.
"Print Hello World and indicate if it succeed or not"
If the requirements were:
"Print Hello World, then return 0"
It's working as intended.
I'd even go so far as to say that print(); return 0; should always return 0, it would be weird for such a program to ever return anything other than 0 (where would that return come from?).
In your pseudocode, "Print Hello World" doesn't come with any caveats, like "unless there is an error, in which case silently don't print Hello World". If an error might occur, your description is incomplete if you don't describe the policy that should be taken.
Your second point might be fine, except that it doesn't describe the API that languages actually use to print. For sure, it's trivial to implement the policy you describe, but suggesting that everyone always needs that policy is rather limiting and makes light of the real bugs that failure to handle errors actually results in.
The requirement of a "Hello World" program is always, by nature, to print "Hello World".
If my program calls your Hello World program, it expects it to print Hello World. That's basically the point of the program.
If your program don't print Hello World for whatever reason, of course you don't need to manage the error if it wasn't specified. But it's probably a bad thing (call it a bug or not) to exit 0 which the caller will interpret by "Hello World have just been printed successfully", I can go on and print ", John".
I agree it's probably not going to be in the requirements, and world will probably not collapse if you don't manage the error, but it's with no doubt an idiom required by most OSes to ensure programs are normally working.
You can also create orphan processes if it's needed by your requirements, but it's probably a bug or a hole in your requirements. Because at some point, non idiomatic programs will be used in situations where they will be creating issues. And we are talking about issues that are very hard to even spot.
Those "non requirements" are exactly how you lately discover that you have no logs from the last two weeks or that your backups aren't complete.
It's not requirement, but it's just hygiene.
tbf, I'm arguing of what should be an idea world, but I probably have myself written those sorts of bugs. Writing idiomatic code is hard and no one is to blame for not doing it perfectly. I just think it's some ideal to aim for.
But you are forgetting where to print. The classic "Hello World" program requires you to Print to a terminal not to a file. The fact that the terminal and a file can be used interchangeably in *nix system is not the responsibility of the program. Likewise, Printing "hello world" to my 3d printer is not the purpose either. My "hello world" program is meant to Assure the minimum possible feedback that the toolchain is working as expected and being called by your program is not a part of that purpose.
The point of hello.c is to serve as demonstration to students of the language of what a very basic program looks like, and how to use the toolchain to get it to run.
The interesting case for me is if the requirements were "print Hello World". I'd argue that the one with an explicit return value is incorrect in that case, because the extra line of code leads you to believe an extra requirement exists which is to indicate success.
On the other hand, it's kind of depressing that I can't even write to stdout without needing to check for errors. And what are you going to do if that fails? Write to stderr? What if that fails because the program was run with `2>&1` ?
I don’t think this is a bug. The program writes to stdout which is guaranteed by *ix to be there. If it is full, it would block until the kernel serviced it. In your examples, the user asked the shell to redirect to a full file and it reported the error.
puts() returns 13 with no pipe and with pipe to /dev/full, which I just learned is due to buffering.
What worked for me initially was the POSIX write() function:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void)
int status;
status = write(1, "Hello World!\n", 13);
if (status < 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; }
As someone else commented, fflush() gives the desired error response.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int status;
puts("Hello World!");
status = fflush(stdout);
if (status < 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; }
andreyv probably has the best alternative[1], which is checking fflush() and ferror() at the program's end and calling perror(). It's better because it outputs an actual error message on the current terminal, and you don't need to write a special error checking wrapper.
puts(), like printf() and all the C-standardised "stdio" functions use buffered writes. So that is also buggy, because the buffer won't be flushed until after main() returns. You need to call and check the return value of "fflush(stdout)" manually to get the correct result.
printf returns the “number of characters transmitted to the output stream or negative value if an output error or an encoding error (for string and character conversion specifiers) occurred”, so it won’t ever return zero for that call (
I also think this optimally should do something like
int x = printf("Hello world!\n");
if(x<0) return x; // maybe fflush here, too, ignoring errors?
return fflush(stdout);
Logging an error message to stderr should be considered, too. I would ignore any errors from that, but attempting to syslog those or to write them to the console could be a better choice.
The author missed another bug, which many others do. You need a comma after Hello, as in "Hello, World!" because it's a direct address. Very, and I mean VERY few books get this right.
Being a non-native speaker I had to look it up. Wikipedia says it's optional in British English but American English encourage, and sometimes mandate the use of it. If you look at, which the author uses in their post - the comma's there. So why the inconsistency?
Yeah, I wasn't really serious seeing as the Oxford comma applies to a list of items. It's something that has never set well with me, the Oxford commma, as it makes the last item ambiguous when not present. So I now just throw out "Oxford comma" anytime there's a question on if a comma is needed or not.
I use a bash script as my BROWSER which calls another bash script to launch or communicate with my browser that I run inside a container. The script that my BROWSER script calls has some debug output that it prints to stderr.
I use mutt as my email client and urlscan [0] to open URLs inside emails. Urlscan looks at my BROWSER environment variable and thus calls my script to open whatever URL I target. Some time recently, the urlscan author decided to improve the UX by hiding stderr so that it wouldn’t pollute the view, and so attempted to pipe it to `/dev/null`. I guess their original code to do this wasn’t quite correct and it ended up closing the child processes’ stderr.*
I generally use `set -e` (errexit) because I want my scripts to fail if any command fails (I consider that after an unhandled failure the script’s behavior is undefined, some other people disagree and say you should never use `set -e` outside of development, but I digress). My BROWSER scripts are no exception.
While my scripts handle non-zero returns for most things that can go wrong, I never considered that writing log messages to stdout or stderr might fail. But it did, which caused the script to die before it was able to launch my browser. For a few weeks I wasn’t able to use urlscan to open links. I was too lazy to figure out what was wrong, and when I did it took me a while because I looked into every possibility except this one.
Luckily this wasn’t a production app. But I know now it could just as feasibly happen in production, too.
I opened an issue[1] and it was fixed very quickly. I love open source!
*No disrespect to urlscan, it’s an awesome tool and bugs happen to all of us!