Just as a FYI - we don't have any disk limits (apart from fair use).
We don't want our pricing to be based on repos, or disk space, or any other limitation that is hard to predict, or encourages sub-optimal decision making to optimise cost. We think that users is the best way to price a product, and is easy to predict.
In terms of UI - there are things that bug me today, but our team is cranking along improving it.
But we have found that most of our users spend their time interacting via the command-line, and therefore we have prioritised features around stability and performance, as well as enabling Git support. Now that this is done, we'll be focusing more time on UI again.
Just as a FYI - we don't have any disk limits (apart from fair use).
Let me ask you about a particular case then :). I am in a group that develops a natural language parser for Dutch. It's open source, but so far we have been hosting it in a private Subversion repository on our university servers. We do provide a read-only (somewhat hidden) git mirror of the tree, but we have considered publishing it as an public git repository, but were always worried that the repository is too large for hosting it externally.
The git repository has existed for one and a half year, and the bare repo is currently 1098 MB in size*. Would hosting such a repository on Bitbucket be considered fair-use?
It's fine. However, we would recommend pushing and pulling over SSH for speed.
And let me clarify: by fair-use we mean we offer unlimited _code_ hosting, not general storage. We monitor for abuse, such as large repos containing only music, videos, and public viruses or malware. Though don't worry - if we notice any problems we'd of course contact you first.
We don't want our pricing to be based on repos, or disk space, or any other limitation that is hard to predict, or encourages sub-optimal decision making to optimise cost. We think that users is the best way to price a product, and is easy to predict.
In terms of UI - there are things that bug me today, but our team is cranking along improving it.
But we have found that most of our users spend their time interacting via the command-line, and therefore we have prioritised features around stability and performance, as well as enabling Git support. Now that this is done, we'll be focusing more time on UI again.