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The specific year is not an important feature of this story: whether it is five years lost or six years lost is irrelevant. I mean, the story isn't even really about me: it was about the entire ecosystem, as I personally am one of those people who believe "ideas have their time", and therefore that, in that year, a ton of smaller companies were looking at how to approach this specific problem.

That said, I was specific to note a gap between 2005 (when my friends at Okori, Brian Fox in specific: notable as he was the first employee of the FSF, developing bash, readline, gdbserver, and texinfo), and "the time we got organized enough to actually do it" (when Okori actually existed as a company that could allocate resources to building something like that); I therefore feel it is even more unreasonable to be bothering about something I don't remember a specific date of anyway (it isn't like I marked it in my calendar).

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