Moreover, daily standups, billed as lightweight, low key check-ins,
have become, for some workers, exercises in surveillance.
Particularly when work is decomposed into small parts, workers feel
an obligation to enumerate every task they’ve accomplished. There’s
also pressure for every worker to justify their worth; they are,
after all, employees, who need to be perceived as earning their
This is a great summary about how I feel about "agile": it's patronising and anxiety inducing. The degree to which is a function of the technical and social abilities of whoever's calling the shots -- the PM, SCRUM master, whatever -- but, of course, their steering is necessary, regardless. Leaders with strong technical chops and high emotional intelligence exist, but are rare, I think.
Similarly, this is why I don't believe that a fully egalitarian group of engineers would work, either: All skill and no direction doth not a project make. Besides, true egalitarianism doesn't really exist. Some will be stronger than others; some will have weaknesses that are complemented by colleagues (hence the value of diversity); some will be brazen, while others shy. Inevitably, a de facto leader will emerge. In my experience, often the loudest, rather than the most effective.
Building complex software is a social problem more than a technical one.
In his talk "Agile is Dead", Dave Thomas (one of the creators of the Agile Manifesto) speaks about how distorted and perverted the manifesto's intentions have been by the "Agile" industry.
Striving to be agile, flexible, adaptable is a very valid and useful principle.
"Agile" as a noun, the cult-ish process-training-industrial-complex is not at all agile.
Surveillance by whom? A standup consists of the team and a scrum master, who is usually on the team because most companies can't afford a dedicated one.
My brother and I have developed a "the enemy was capitalism all along" refrain, and it's pretty wild how what started as facetious irony has slowly felt more and more correct.
OK, here's my take, based on 30 years of being a programmer and "manager" and "architect" and other position buzzwords.
I hate the title software "engineer" because engineering is a set of practices and processes that software creation doesn't come close to complying with.
The primary problem is the feature backlog. It's always been that, whether it was called the "Requirements" or the "Functional Requirements" or whatever.
Working out what the product of the effort has to do is hard. It involves understanding the actual end users (not the managers of the process/product), the process/product itself, and the context and environment in which it will operate.
The stakeholders are multiple and on multiple levels. There are managers and auditors that need visibility of the ongoing operations, there are users and consumers that need the actual input or output.
I've never met a "Product Owner" that actually understands the product they are building or where and how it is expected to be deployed and operate. They rarely filter out unnecessary or dangerous "features", but just add them into the overall bucket without knowing where to draw the boundaries.
The "solution" is multi-faceted, but it needs to be directed at this area.
Domain Driven Design is one approach, actually engaging with the actual end users is vital.
Sometimes, ignoring a manager's desire (particularly for "dashboards" and "reports") is very important to keeping the feature backlog manageable.
Understanding the context/environment is also vital. Does this product deal with individual's personal information? How does SOC affect it? Is the process required to be auditable? If it is, what evidence is required for the auditors?
None of this is "software" per se or even "programming", or, even worse, "engineering". It's process and product and understanding what is being built.
This is an interesting short series of articles from 2021, interviewing 17 "real" engineers (the proper build-a-bridge type) who transitioned to software engineering to explore whether they consider software work really engineering.
And 15 of the 17 agreed that yes software engineering really is engineering.
>I've never met a "Product Owner" that actually understands the product they are building...
This is sad. It's like a professional football player saying they never played for a coach who understood the objective of football. If that's truly the case, no amount of software development best practices or skill will save you from failure.
I have seen product owners who understand the product, and clearly those people exist, as there are successful products in the market. But if you've spent your career playing for the software equivalent of the Detroit Lions, I can see how the industry could appear pretty bleak.
I agree about product owners. I have never seen one that could really guide a project from start to finish. They either don’t understand the tech sufficiently, or they don’t understand the business case or they aren’t engaged enough.
Understanding the tech sufficiently and effectively rallying the team around the actual business/user justification for work are literally the job of a product manager who owns tech product development.
While they may not be common, actual product managers do exist. There are a lot of incompetent ones, to be sure, but there are also a number of incompetent engineers.
The problem is promotion culture. Once a product manager has enough experience to understand the business and the tech they get promoted and you have to deal with a newbie.
It’s so nice to deal with experienced product managers and project managers but it’s rare to deal with them.
> The problem is promotion culture. Once a product manager has enough experience to understand the business and the tech they get promoted and you have to deal with a newbie.
Where do all these PMs get promoted to? If it is to a "manager of PMs" role, that sounds as if the company is always launching ever more products, and that promotion to a higher level with more pay while remaining a PM isn't an option.
In my personal experience, most get promoted to management of people and their skills in project management atrophy over time. Some break that pattern and instead move to consulting. Most companies I’ve worked with and for do not have a career path for a competent, highly skilled PM who wants to remain just that and further hone his/her skills. The choices are up (to people management) or out (to consulting).
Sounds like the career path for a PM is even more constrained than that of a typical technical IC. At least the latter have a few "senior", "lead", "architect", and "staff" rungs they can try to climb before being forced to go the management route.
I grew up in the industry during the 90’s in the Bay Area. What we considered agile is nothing like agile of today. The process people wormed their way in and made it super dorky and prescriptive. As a leader now I only encourage agile in my most junior or dysfunctional team. In my high functioning teams I guide them towards the less prescriptive more “agile” method of my youth, which was very heavy in the emphasis of you almost certainly know what’s next so do it and call together a standup when you’re blocked. I’d note that more powerful than agile is the trend towards asynchronous work and planning. Keeping a chat as an asynchronous standup where you daily post your thoughts on work and respond to others is a huge boon and completely replaces “stand ups,” which only really work in fully collocated teams. Every company I’ve worked at had folks all over the world working together, and trying to do a traditional agile standup at a fixed time is brutal on at least someone.
Of the 9 previous times this was posted this month, here are the five with comments, and either a pull quote or my summary of the discussion.
1 comment at ("The way it is described in the article highlights a subtle problem - the ability to change requirements as you go", followed by a discussion of that tangent.)
1 comment at ("Sigh. Another article on "Agile" that makes it read like "SCRUM" == Agile (Sprint, Stand-Up are Scrum terms, not Agile).")
Agile (Scrum rather, but this article appears to be about implementing agile through scrum) trades one set of problems of software development, for another set of problems. That needs to be understood I think. Some times when agile is treated like dogma and religion this somehow gets lost. It's a tradeoff.
It's popular because this new set of problems is deemed to be a better set of problems to have than almost all other sets of problems you'll end up with.
Switch to waterfall, and you'll have problems with that. Try whatever process, and there will be a set of problems that comes from it. Scrum is a flawed process, but there are many flawed processes. A lot of scrum-haters (understandably) argue against scrum, but what I'm missing is the presentation of the alternatives. We are going to be miserable and stuck doing scrum for the coming century unless we can formulate and demonstrate good alternatives. And if we don't want the processes to be upper-management centric, we better formulate the alternative as developers.
The places where I have seen scrum function well (teams delivering features without burnout, without losing grip of the big picture because of constant micro-development etc.) are in teams that are high performing and highly functioning. But of course those teams would have been well functioning and productive with any process.
The allure of scrum (in my opinion) is that it makes teams that would likely have delivered nothing, deliver something, or at least not waste time building the wrong thing. It's a way for management to increase the transparency and lower the risk of software development with poor software developers and/or bad teams. And that, to be honest, isn't something to be scoffed at. Throwing a poor process onto a bad team means you'll get miserable developers and risk having nothing produced. Agile means miserable developers and hopefully some transparency too. Not great, not terrible.
> It's a way for management to increase the transparency and lower the risk of software development with poor software developers and/or bad teams.
So, it's kind of an "observability tool for teams' production process management"? (to reframe it in a more contemporary fashion)
Edit: I guess we're headed to having pulse, blood pressure, VOmax, weight, daily exercise and so... metrics also displayed along mood and burndown charts. :p
> Agile means miserable developers and hopefully some transparency too.
Why are developers who work in an agile environment miserable? If you take scrum, doesn't it include retrospectives, with the express purpose of allowing developers to reflect on their misery and to gradually improve their condition?
Retrospectives open the ability to provide feedback. That doesn't mean anything will happen with that feedback. That's before considering social theory and tact, where it becomes obvious being rebellious is generally a bad move socially unless you're already willing to leave, are in a position of power over others or the crowd is willing to take your side. Meanwhile these "agile" environments tend to push maximum social participation from developers at the benefit of management.
"No true Scrum/agile" aside, this is the reality of many. The fundamental problem still lays in the power difference between ICs and upper management. Even if it is "inefficient", so are many things done by modern corporates. Showing something can be done more efficiently isn't a guarantee the company will become leaner.
It's another meeting on my calendar potentially interrupting whatever deep focus I was in. Alongside standup, sprint planning, demo, sprint review, backlog grooming, and whatever other non-agile meetings there are.
It's an hour plus of sitting there mostly listening to other people complain about stuff, which bums me out even if I was otherwise generally happy.
It is a ceremony without actual purpose because usually the deeper things that people bring up are not within that team's power to control.
It gives leadership an excuse for not fixing things or listening because retro is supposed to be the outlet for gripes about the process (despite everyone knowing that major changes never happen coming out of retro).
> It's an hour plus of sitting there mostly listening to other people complain about stuff, which bums me out even if I was otherwise generally happy.
> It is a ceremony without actual purpose because usually the deeper things that people bring up are not within that team's power to control.
From what you said, it sounds like there are already several things that are making you miserable and that could be addressed in a retrospective.
First, remind each other about the intended purpose of a retrospective, and compare this with how you conduct your retrospectives. Read up on what retrospectives are intended to be. Notice any discrepancies with your retrospectives.
Second, talk about what it would take to make retrospectives a useful event. Maybe, agree that you don't discuss things that are out of your control. Or maybe have a retrospective specifically addressing the things that are outside your immediate control, and ask your scrum master to figure out ways to bring at least some of them under your control. After all, that is scrum master's role, not the micromanagement of the team.
Third, if your retrospectives are an irredeemable waste of time, and there is no way to improve them, agree within your team that you will stop having them. This is probably a last resort — but it's better than to waste your time.
From my experience feedback from retrospectives rarely gets acted on. You can make changes that are isolated to your team but you quickly reach a point where other functions need to change their process. To make these changes you need support from senior management but I have never seen anything happen besides words.
>Why are developers who work in an agile environment miserable? If you take scrum, doesn't it include retrospectives, with the express purpose of allowing developers to reflect on their misery and to gradually improve their condition?
first thing to improve, get rid of retrospectives
second thing to improve, if having retrospectives have them in such a way that nobody feels like they have to come up with some things you can improve, keep doing etc. etc. every two-three weeks.
> Why are developers who work in an agile environment miserable?
Yes. And yet that often doesn't happen. And that's where one might argue "well then you aren't doing it right", but that's precisely the No True Scotsman argument.
I see teams be miserable, have all the power to do something about it, including buy-in from management, yet they remain miserable. A key feature of any alternative methodology and organization should contain this: It's the role of management to ensure teams aren't miserable. Merely giving teams the tools to do so doesn't make it happen.
"You aren't doing it right" is a valid argument when "it" is well defined. No True Scotsman is a fallacy of ambiguity—it occurs when "Scotsman" isn't well defined, allowing somebody to continually move the goalposts in response to an argument.
In the case of Agile, Scrum, and retrospectives, they all have published definitions, so No True Scotsman doesn't apply.
Are you valuing processes and tools over individuals and interactions? You aren't doing Agile right. (Agile Manifesto)
Does your team not consist of "one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers [with] no sub-teams or hierarchies [who] internally decide who does what, when, and how?" You aren't doing Scrum right. (Scrum Guide)
Does your retrospective not include "Decide what to do?" You aren't doing retrospectives right. (Agile Retrospectives book.)
In fairness hardly anybody does these things right, so it's tempting to lob No True Scotsman criticisms. But that's just as fallacious. A more accurate criticism might be to say that Agile & co. are too hard to do right, or to say that they require a business environment that doesn't exist in most companies.
I can't help being amused by this comment, which seems to to be arguing:
"This isn't a One-True-Scotsman fallacy, a true One-True-Scotsman fallacy would be <insert narrower definition>, your claim about this fallacy is fallacious"
I'm pretty sure Agile, Scrum and Retrospectives have multiple published definitions, both broad and narrow.
Sure, I can see the irony. On the other hand, your interpretation of my argument is absolutely correct. I'm saying that people in this thread have gotten two things wrong:
1) They don't understand Agile, Scrum, or retrospectives, each of which have authoritative definitions (which can be found at,, and in the Agile Retrospectives book).¹
2) Furthermore, they don't understand the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
Correcting a misunderstanding is not "No True Scotsman." If somebody called a car a "horse," and you said, "that's not a horse—a horse has hooves, not wheels," would that be No True Scotsman?
¹You could argue that those definitions are overly broad, or fuzzy, or many other things. But that's not what people in this thread are doing. They're saying horses have wheels, then saying it means horses can't jump.
Because your average software company has power captured by management (instead of designers or producers), workers can't speak to users as they wish, making it a blind sprint into nothing, and the added value of making successful software is going to be captured by the top of the hierarchy, who is convinced to have the best ideas.
I get the criticisms of "waterfall" style development, but lack of any careful thought or specification spanning a whole project leads to really terrible contracts and projects as some people (especially Enterprise) use "agile" == "nimble" == "license to rug-pull project scope" when there is significant inertia, and occasionally sunk cost, in these scope changes.
Case in point, I'm working in an engineering capacity with a "Big Mean Secret" pharma company on a contract that is essentially "Client will work with Vendor in an agile manner to <do something vague which could encompass everything or nothing>". The company I work for is nominally a "product" company, not a "services" company, and the contract specifies fixed payment terms and timeframe.
This morning, one of my teams finished implementing some stuff that was a good amount of effort, several moving parts, etc. It was explicitly called out as top priority, and its progress has been tracked by both parties over the past weeks in a shared Jira board.
A few hours later in a biweekly update meeting with said client, we mentioned having finished the feature. The client's project manager responded that actually the person who cared about that feature left the company, so it is no longer in scope. Then they erased it from the project tracking record, and in the same breath complained that so little progress had been made against the other objectives.
And a million other little papercuts like that. It seems that "agile" style process is best confined to small / internal teams re: the "how", but the high level "what" requires comprehensive elucidation from the beginning.
Waterfall as criticised by Agile followers is mostly a myth. It is a mythical monster designed to instill fear and guide developers along the righteous path of Agile. Of course enlightenment can only be reached with expensive Agile training consultants as you are doomed to fail if you walk alone in the valley of the shadow of project failure.
> A few hours later in a biweekly update meeting with said client, we mentioned having finished the feature. The client's project manager responded that actually the person who cared about that feature left the company, so it is no longer in scope. Then they erased it from the project tracking record, and in the same breath complained that so little progress had been made against the other objectives.
Actually, I don't see here an issue with doing "agile" or "waterfall". It's a communications issue. Either someone at "Big Mean Secret" company did not manage communications with the client properly, or the client didn't bother to communicate properly when given the opportunity.
Either way, using a "waterfall" methodology would not have helped here. It can be said that maybe "agile" "done right" would have solved this issue, but when is "agile" ever "done right"?
(The last sentence was an over generalization of course)
Yes, broadly speaking the concern is about being able to bill for that work. I realize that this is more an issue of terribly worded contracts, but "agile" expectations seem to encourage these.
Letting the client fix all three sides of the iron triangle is trouble no matter what your process, and squarely on your management.
In practice, agile contracts should be time+materials, or the vender needs to be a stakeholder in defining the scope. You almost always need a sketch of the total solution up front, and a light-weight change-management process. It's been years since I was in that business, but people have been working on this problem. You're not the first.
I think the problem isn't really what is being done to manage software devs, but that managers are trying to squeeze more productivity out of software teams which are insufficiently staffed and where higher level strategy is bad and the teams are setup to fail. And largely the "poorly performing" software dev teams are just a symptom of the problem and you can't rub any level of management onto the team in order to fix it.
What I'd like to see is a methodology which produced an objective measure of how overloaded a software dev team was and which could be used to justify an increased headcount. I've never actually witnessed that come out of one of these processes.
What does overloaded even mean? An agile program team has a certain velocity, and will work on backlog items in order of priority. The business always has the option to expand the team in order to increase velocity (perhaps with some diminishing returns). But if the business is short of capital, or the whole program isn't very valuable, then it is often preferable to just let the backlog grow.
Your first paragraph rings true, but I have to disagree that the second is the solution. I’ve seen engineering management play this game to justify headcount without acknowledging the strategic or product definition problems and it just leads to more chaos and pressure on the team. If engineering doesn’t have both a voice at the leadership level (for whatever scope is in question) and sufficient biz/product chops to find the right 80/20 path and team/ownership structure then headcount is just more grist for the failed project mill.
Interesting idea from the article: that Agile methods “compartmentalize features” and risk creating “an assembly line in which no one, at any point, takes full responsibility for what the team has created”.
The author meant responsibility for the product’s impact on society, I think, but it could also apply to responsibility for technical decisions.
One of the problems people are having is that so much is said against Waterfall instead of just in favor of Agile or its spinoffs. People emphasize that everything to do with Waterfall is bad, and generalize from large, detailed, inflexible architecture with no feedback loops being bad. They often end up, repeated by people trained to be Scrum Masters or some other management or administrative role who are not developers themselves, hearing about all preplanning being bad and evoking waterfall.
I've been told that gating one story behind another is waterfall. I've been told that having a design story is waterfall. I've been told that architecture documents that are eligible to be revised as the system is built but created before all the code is in place are waterfall. This sort of backlash taken to heart means that anything larger than a developer can do in two weeks is infeasible. This often happens when the team building the software is not considered among the stakeholders of the team's output.
There's a sharp focus on shippable improvements. Well, to me a plugin system is a shippable improvement even if there's no plugins for it yet. A data flow diagram from this week people can use to determine which parts to build next week is an improvement. This isn't a multi-year pre-planned development schedule. This is just having some idea how to integrate the software.
> The manifesto’s authors may have looked like textbook engineers, in button-downs with cell-phone holsters, but “a bigger group of organizational anarchists would be hard to find,” according to Jim Highsmith.
The word "anarchists" fits in its purest sense of tossing the org chart. Yet its common meaning of "bomb thrower" hardly applies.
I typically describe Agile as "A small, stable cadre of ninjas getting it done."
Projects wind up with too much scope, a revolving-door staff, and a dearth of wizards to cut through the technical thicket.
The discussion of "tech debt vs. 'green field' projects" minimizes the threat of legacy code/data to any agile effort.
We need to talk about a "software archaeologist" specialty where one tries to plow through a mound of garbage left by the predecessors and seeks to figure out what prescriptions their therapists had written for them.
>We need to talk about a "software archaeologist" specialty where one tries to plow through a mound of garbage left by the predecessors and seeks to figure out what prescriptions their therapists had written for them
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about software/computer systems - "we build our computer systems like we build our cities - over time, without a plan, on top of ruins."
The manifesto quote was accurate I believe but ascribing all of the management BS and everything else to "agile" was ridiculous.
The really successful software projects I have been involved with had very reasonable requirements. In that they was not a long list of them and the core problems had plenty of time allocated.
That's the first key in my mind. Limit the scope. Overall. Another thing is to close feedback loops in terms of making sure that there are actually users using releases.
The number one biggest thing that has helped me is to avoid having places for managers or users to add an infinite list of features they want. I usually only need one or two things to work on every 3-5 days. We discuss every thing directly in text (or sometimes voice) chat based on the users testing the working application as it progresses.
I think this is also best for small teams, although recently I have done mainly solo projects.
I know one of the ideas with feature/issue trackers is that there are too many things to keep tabs on without them. But it seems like for a lot of projects, having the tracker means people fail to communicate directly when necessary, create busywork, and do not focus on priorities enough. If there is so much stuff going on that it actually can't fit in the chat room then maybe that's too much stuff.
Obviously things are going to be different for a large team handling something really extensive like Google Chrome, which is actually a full overlay operating system.
Okay, so what's the alternative? I read most of this article and scanned the rest, but could not find any proposal.
Should we just stop developing software? Should we go back to Waterfall?
I know every person reading this could write a dozen pages full of suggestions for how to run a software team, but I really wish the author herself had spent some time suggesting what software engineers should be doing instead of "agile", because that, to me, would be infinitely more interesting.
Similar to you. There were several hints that the author didn't really understand software. The problem with waterfall wasn't that you had to do tasks in order, it was that you needed to know mostly everything in advance to get rid of issues at design time so they didn't bite you during coding.
Also, the rumblings of agile don't really point to anything to do with agile fundamentally, just the fact that people don't quite understand it or that management doesn't wholeheartedly embrace the mess.
"Agile meant that the team didn't really know what they were producing" - that is a Product Owner issue 100%.
So yeah, nothing's perfect but it's probably the least worse of the options we have!
Waterfall seems like a strawman to me. Has the tech industry ever used it? The first reference I could find for it was back in the 70s as what not to do. I don't think waterfall should be used as a defense to scrum.
As for alternatives, you can start with giving engineering teams autonomy and ownership of their work. Gergely Orosz has a good article on project management in tech.
Every time you have a "Gather Requirements/"Design"/"Develop"/"Test"/"Deploy" set of stages, you're using waterfall. Note the absence of "collect feedback from customers".
Waterfall is in no way a "strawman", it's very real, and many shops who claim to be "agile" are still using it today, not to mention the near-ubiquity of its presence in software shops for years prior to agile taking over.
It needs to be part of all of them, but you can't do it meaningfully in any one of those steps, because you don't have a working product to actually show the customer until the end.
'… we need to accept the possibility that we will iterate during the development, perhaps within a given phase (eg reworking a design until it seems that it will give the required performance), or from one phase back to another (eg to correct a faulty design decision that, during construction, is exposed by a failure to be able to implement it). The biggest iteration is the one where we complete the development and, when we see what we have produced, we decide we need to start again and redefine the user requirements in the light of what we have produced. Such iterations happen in the real world and we wanted to accept this fact and put it in our model. Royce first formulated this idea in what he labelled the waterfall model … page 31
'The "oldest" process model is the waterfall model … This shows a similar progression from inception, through definition, the various stages of design, code, unit testing and integration to final acceptance. The fact that that progression is never smooth and monotonic is acknowledged by drawing little backward arrows suggesting iteration." page 39
1990 Strategies for Software Engineering: The Management of Risk and Quality
Waterfall definitely existed. I've been at places that worked that way. I think Agile (and corruptions of) have replaced waterfall well enough that people no longer think it used to exist.
One alternative would be to move the vast majority of managers where they belong - flipping burgers in McDonald’s - and instead spend this money on people with some idea of how computers work. The workflow will evolve naturally.
Ever wondered why so many Open Source projects deliver software vastly superior to commercial alternatives? It’s because in Open Source, non-competent folks don’t tell competent ones what to do.
Open source has succeeded at creating common infrastructure, where technical vision matters most. Sometimes.
Compared with the vast, vast array of software we both need and use, open source has failed. Precisely because there’s a gap between what the developer can envision and what is needed. Hence product owners. And a gap between the resources of time and money available and what a single developer can do in their spare time. Hence management.
PS: I also think you should re-examine your disdain for “burger flippers”. Even if it’s a low-autonomy job with much repetitive labor, there are aspects – like dealing with customers under pressure – which might break the average software developer. And people are much more than how they choose or are able to sell their labor. The general lesson here is that there’s usually a lot more to every job and worker than you think.
I absolutely don’t have any disdain for entry-level restaurant employees. As you say, it’s a perfectly fine job. But it’s also a job that a typical medium-level manager should be qualified enough for, as opposed to working as a plumber, a doctor, or any job related to software.
This is a good point. The question isn't whether Agile is perfect (it is certainly not), but whether it's the best option we've got. If it is, then we should continue to use it. If it's not, then we should switch. I would be really interested in learning what the next attempt at a better methodology looks like.
In many areas we are already doing waterfall, except it is a sin to call it that way and we must pretend we are doing agile.
Let me give you two examples:
- Contractual requirements. If you have a contract with a customer to build X, no matter how much agile lingo you use, you are basically doing a waterfall.
- Legal requirements. Same as above. For instance, there is very little flexibility in being GDPR compliant.
"long-haired weirdos who hung around university labs after hours"
How is someone's appearance relevat to the management technique? I've never seen it as a criteria. - OK, now it is clear - the author has "immense" experience in both management and software engineering and that's why she tries to describe the situation using the knowledge she has available to herself. What a miserable failure though.
The real question is why people with actual experience in both would read such an article...
The whole quote makes your clip sound different: Some of the most advanced programming, as Clive Thompson notes in his 2019 book Coders, was pushed forward by long-haired weirdos who hung around university labs after hours, hackers who considered themselves as much artisans as logicians.
Oh is this is the new measure of success? I better get one then.
Used to be we just pointed to the successful products and companies we created, but I guess we are measuring folks now on mostly pointless pet projects that no one is using?
The peanut gallery reacting to these agile rants always contrast it with "waterfall", as if those two forms of dysfunction are the only two possibilities.
I must live in a sci-fi horror movie/simulation. Where I'm the only person who remembers actual mature proven repeatable project management methodologies. Like critical path, joint application development, and a dozen others. Whenever I mention this alternate reality, I'm dismissed as a lunatic.
Hello? Does anyone see me? Does anyone else remember Peter Drucker, PMI, and shipping software?
Waterfall (as a bad management practice, which sadly is still practiced) is bad when you're trying to run a large scale project and don't have feedback (because Waterfall does not include feedback). Waterfall-the-real-thing has no feedback loops built-in or severely delayed feedback (months of dev followed by months of testing, I'm watching my colleagues across the hall repeat this mistake right now, they "finished" dev last week but it won't be installed for the testers until the fall and they've started developing their next version of the system...morons). If you actually have biweekly feedback, you don't have Waterfall.
Planning and then executing on that plan in short increments is reasonable. Planning and executing on that plan over months or years, stupidity and insanity.
seems like our situation. Though the head honchos have also imposed SAFE (scaled "agile" framework), so we get an even bigger waterfall with all teams together every 4 months, which takes each time two weeks (one week preparation + one week of meetings)
In the profession built on designing the right solution for a business problem, it surprises me sometimes that businesses or colleagues consider one methodology (like Agile) to be a one-size-fits-all for software development projects.
There is a rule in the world: no single solution can be applied to all problems alike. One-size-fits-all is always, always a lie, no exceptions.
A software project is a problem that needs to be solved according to its needs. The skills required, the communication, infrastructure and metrics always differ.
A good manager will never fully subscribe to any methodology, but instead will be truly "agile", or actually flexible, drawing inspiration from different methodologies where it's needed, knowing their team very well, and recognizing what's needed for their team to get the job done in the best way possible.
> If a company sets a goal of boosting user engagement, Agile is designed to get developers working single-mindedly toward that goal—not arguing with managers about whether, for example, it’s a good idea to show people content that inflames their prejudices.
Pretty sure the author mixes things up in an attempt to create a narrative.
Good point. In the pre-agile world, developers would work just as single-mindedly toward a goal, prodded by a manager; only after lots of time has been spent on coming up with a plan for the product.
>> I began to explore the history of Agile. What I discovered was a long-running wrestling match between what managers want software development to be and what it really is
For "managers", substitute "customers". It's the people paying that want to know the cost up front as much as possible and when things will be ready. The managers are just trying to hold everyone to that (as much as is possible).
Just as a note to the author what you saw the engineers do was SCRUM not agile. Most argue that SCRUM is agile I'm not 100% sure of that.
SCRUM was a framework that one of the original agile proponents built to make money off developers. It gained popularity not from engineers but from project managers and the like which meant suddenly every project started to use SCRUM. The main reason was that they sold a course which gave a certificate and if there something that a project manager like more than micromanaging it's certification.
Many developers embraced scrum when it first appeared. It was a lot more developer focused than the pseudo waterfall type practices that existed previously.
Can't code until the architect has written the spec. The deadline estimated from a Gantt chart by the PM. No feedback from stakeholders during development or the ability to alter requirements as they become better understood. So usually delivering code late that doesn't actually meet the customer's needs.
Scrum was better.
I hear it is now horribly abused (I'm out of the game now) and that's a shame.
EDIT: I saw the most resistance to Scrum from project managers themselves, who did not understand a world without Gantt charts, or changing requirements as you went along.
Waterfall is a mostly manufactured pejorative by proponents of new processes. In what form it did exist, its practices were far from ubiquitous and mostly limited to government or very large corporations. Scrum arrived to slay a mythical beast.
Yes. This bullshit you describe was real. I remember having managers in 1998 using Microsoft Project and HUGE plotters that were used for nothing but printing out massive Gantt charts. And, of course, having DAILY meeting when we were behind so that our manager could show with great accuracy how behind we were - and complain he needed more people to manage so he could build his fiefdom.
The author points to Microsoft as a typical example of corporate programming in the 1990s.
Yet Microsoft wasn't using a (pseudo)waterfall development model. Quoting Steve McConnell in "Rapid Development (1996) Page 271:
] In addition to providing explicit support for morale, Microsoft gladly trades other factors to keep morale high, sometimes trading theme in ways that would make other companies shudder (Zachary 1994). I've seen then trade methodological purity, programming discipline, control over the product specification, control over the schedule, management visibility -- almost anything to benefit morale.
As I've pointed out before, I've read about software development projects at Apple, Be, Commodore, Data General, id, Infocom, Microsoft, VisiCorp and others. None were using (pseudo)waterfall.
I therefore agree with bdefore that it seems to have been "far from ubiquitous and mostly limited to government or very large corporations", and that the era of waterfall was a mythical beast.
I guess it depends where you worked. I certainly don't claim it was ubiquitous, but I personally saw it at a start up and a small software house. Also government, for sure!
In the late 90s/early 00s I worked at two large tech companies that at the time were household names. Granted one no longer exists and neither are what that phrase would evoke today.
In neither case did we do waterfall as people describe it. If anything it was even less process than agile. Sure the gantt charts existed, and sure at a high level things had been drawn out. But in the boots on the ground teams things were a lot more ad hoc. The biggest difference I see from that experience today was that individual developers were handed larger pieces that'd take weeks or more, and had a lot more freedom of action.
Not sure I'd call it better or worse to common scrum setups, but likely a bit of both.
I saw it at a local council (serving ~300k people) & a small gas (as in methane delivery) company as well as at a very large telco and in government/defence. It may not have been ubiquitous but it was definitely everywhere I worked.
Yes, "Rapid Development" lists a dozen or more approaches, including iterative prototyping and (modified) waterfall, with pros and cons of each one.
My issue with the standard Agile story repeated here is the lack of any mention of pre-Agile approaches other than waterfall.
Take: "Rather than clearing the way for software developers to build, waterfall gummed up the works with binders of paperwork and endless meetings."
Why is there no mention of any other approach? We can easily point to the Macintosh project, which took 5 years (1979 to 1984). Yet, no waterfall there.
Or, take a closer look at: "Peter Varhol, a technology industry consultant, estimates that in the early 1990s, the average application took three years to develop, from idea to finished product." (That's shorter than the Macintosh project.)
What does that mean? Which industry? What kind of applications? Clearly a lot of "log cabin" PC applications are excluded from that list - just think of all the DB2 and VB applications people wrote in that era. And video games.
Waterfall also consists of those phases. One core idea of agile is instead of a big design up front to iterate those phases as fast as possible because often the requirements are not clear from the beginning and you have to see if your ideas bring value to the stakeholders. The problem is that not all tasks can be done in a short time and sometimes need more planning. Planning is often neglected in agile environments. In some environments you also know the requirements beforehand (because they stem from the law for instance), agile development does not work there.
I completely agree. In my early agile training, the instructor stated it was good for developing where requirements were unclear or responding to small feature requests quickly, due to the fast iterative approach with feedback.
He also said that agile was not a substitute for planning.
I guess those lessons weren't learned by everyone...
Yep, the design phase shouldn't be an exclusive OR between a large-scale design & small-scale designs with iteration. It should be both: plan the large-scale architecture, marking the bits which are unknown, then iteratively design & build to fill out the unknowns & build the rest of the design. It's a recursive process.
1. Define car(problems).
2. Plan a solution.
3. Implement the solution.
4. Test the solution.
5. Document the results. Add any problems discovered to the list.
6. solve(cdr(problems))
There was definitely the flavors you speak of. Companies suffered from individual pieces more than others and you rolled the dice when you changed jobs.
What I anecdotally perceive has changed in the last five years or so is that the no good lying tools that arose from Scrum's popularity have become compelling to upper layers and weaponized against engineering.
Burndown charts. Design documents. The bureaucracy that is JIRA (YAGNI IMO). These each chip away at autonomy.
Sounds painful. I remember I did have to field questions from management on why one teams velocity wasn't "as good" as another's. They seemed to think it was some kind of globally objective measure rather than something particular to each team and their estimations.
Your example has always been a common conversation. And a bit like The Neverending September, at some point the training became overwhelming. This misunderstanding about velocity has become prevalent, you could maybe say more common than its intention as a tool.
There was a time when software teams didn't meticulously ticket and estimate everything. Hard for some to fathom, but stuff got done if you worked with honorable craftsman. Just differently. #noestimates feels very long ago.
Sounds like you moved on wisely. Aberrations like these vary of course, but along the rise of large tech giants that demand alignment and are threatened by autonomy, it's become more de facto.
It's sad to see small teams take it as a given for how things are done. I genuinely think it deforms and delays the solutions they're trying to make for their customers.
Sadly, this constant push to measure and control all processes and tasks infects everything, not just development.
Enterprise software is appalling at imposing workflows on everything in sight, and they always have pretty graphs and reports for management.
I feel quite strongly that software should serve humans, rather than the other way around. These tools do not exist to help you get your job done, they make you its servant.
Imagine how much more productive we could be if we had tools designed to actually help us. Management could still get nice reports, but some manager might have to knock up a spreadsheet. I can dream...
I can think of some qualities those tools would have. Ease of use, focused simplicity. Interactions should be voluntary, not enforced by a workflow system. Usage metrics shouldn't be exposed outside its users, giving them
flexibility to use it however makes sense for them.
I suspect with your comments you've been out the game a while. Most devs that I interact with hate SCRUM. Your Gantt chart is still there btw it's just not shown to devs but product are still creating all that but overlaying SCRUM over it.
Your 6 month project now has to be finished every 2 weeks now working shipped bug free in 2 whole weeks. The scope has been reduced for sure but now everything you do has to be in 2-3days at tops.
Yep, I stopped developing professionally around 10 years ago. Even back then I heard rumbles of dissatisfaction with scrum, although it was a good experience for me in the places I worked.
We embraced the agility, gave a lot of autonomy to the developers and had good product owners. We used scrum, also a bit of kanban and mashed them up in whatever way worked for us.
The product owners shielded us from the business if they tried to interfere too much, and built trust with all the stakeholders that we were delivering. The sprint reviews were really popular events.
Scrum can work well, as can many other things. It's not so much the methodology itself that causes problems. It's when everyone misses what the actual point of Agile really is.
And I think the process lends itself to more changes as it focuses so much on the short term as opposed to forming a crystallized vision of the overall targets. This in turn hinders productivity.
> They were all working hard, that was clear, but there was a fatal flaw: no one really knew what the project was ultimately supposed to look like, or exactly what purpose it was supposed to serve.
sound like scrum though? No product owner, who would have a vision for what the product's purpose was or what it was supposed to eventually look like. No product backlog outlining a path to get to the vision. No sprint reviews with the product owner and stakeholders to inspect whether the product is on the right track. At least not that I saw in the article while quickly skimming through.
What she is describing is some techniques picked from some agile methodologies; but lacking the proper spirit of the game.
Yep, pretty simple really. If it works then only it can be called agile. E.g. we sacrifice goat everytime story is complete and human when an epic is completed successfully. It has worked so well for us. So I am gonna call it Right™ way of doing agile.
I am happy with that so long as you : a) do not try and make other people kill goats, and b) do not insist on stopping the other team that likes to shave its hair after every show & tell because that works for them.
It's cool if some people prefer to shave their hair, while others say that this goats business is silly anyway and better be skipped; but then they shouldn't claim that they are the followers of Right(tm). It's only fair. Whereas you can hear people claim that they are doing scrum, or even develop a strong dislike to scrum without actually doing what's in the scrum guide.
Indeed, but in the industry, I've seen no company that embraced "agile" without embracing some predefined framework (scrum, kanban, xp) to "apply it".
I've yet to find a growing/grown company that still embrace chaos as a start to find and nurture their own agile working methods.
It's very much like how companies implement "innovation strategies", being oblivious to the fact that innovation starts with rebellion against the very structure in which it appears.
Uncertainty is not something people embrace easily.
Honestly SCRUM is an abomination, a tentative to adapt a mass-production technique (Toyoda Kanban for mechanical industry of the '900) to R&D/intellectual activities.
The abomination is refusing to understand that creative activities can't be done well in constrained setups, while mass-production work very well with a certain rigidity. Toyoda NEVER tried to make Toyota R&D a kanban activity, just the factory part was kanban. Modern neoliberal managers have decided that the same technique they like can scale, while it can't. As a result we see a kind of quality-rise in listing terms, while the final outcome is crapwares monsters no one can understand not master, witch a big batch of side techniques to keep them artificially alive to a certain extent.
Classic sw development have flaws, Agile manifesto was a tentative to mitigate them, but have not much to do with SCRUM nor with what we call agile today.
I agree that SCRUM is a framework built on top of agile, but I think it's a valuable handhold to start off with, because agile itself is too free and open to interpretation. I don't like the huge agile training, certification and consultancy market though, even though I've met some really well-versed project management people that operate in that market.
One thing I've noticed is POs are almost always from the Product Management side. It makes sense, they both have Product in their name. I think this is part of the problem and that at the scrum team level the PO should be an engineer.
The issue is that the granularity of a system that should have product management is often larger than the granularity of a single scrum team. You can have several teams working together on a cohesive product. Yet often each team will have it's own product manager acting as PO. This leads to a lot of unnecessary horse trading and suboptimal results.
I think the Agile Manifesto is an exercise in subversively asking management for a very reasonable-sounding thing that is completely impossible: autonomy. Every line poses a threat to a well-known corporate best practice, and the natural reaction is to co-opt the message and bring the items in the left column back into the right column.
In the case of Scrum, it's that "individuals and interactions over tools and processes" line. Scrum did start out as a popular Agile methodology among developers, but because it was the most prescriptive and process-oriented of the methodologies, it got adopted and twisted by management and turned into a tool to reassert authority. Now it reasserts that tools and processes are, in fact, more important than individuals and interactions, but this time with the "Agile" label.
I'd love to try working on a Scrum project that doesn't rely on JIRA. Just notes on a corkboard with a quick "need anything?" conversation in the morning.
> I'd love to try working on a Scrum project that doesn't rely on JIRA. Just notes on a corkboard with a quick "need anything?" conversation in the morning.
Don't you find value in keeping the digital record of the work? For example, if you want to keep track of dependencies that a given task has; or want to get back to the description of a given piece of product that was captured in a ticket (a user story, links to designs, references to other documents, etc.) after some time has passed? Notes on a corkboard are transient; tickets in the Jira are permanent. Isn't there value in that?
BTW, why do people dislike Jira so much? Apart from it being slow or not allowing assignment of tickets to more than one person?
That's exactly why. Bad JIRA implementations can easily incur 5-10 seconds of wait time just loading the page alone. JIRA as a tool allows everything under the sun for management to configure, which makes management do exactly that, configure everything under the sun.
It's not unheard of having to tick 15-25 fields + checkboxes + dropdowns (most of which could've been autofilled or cut and made lean) because management likes it that way. I hope I don't have to explain why a crowd largely composed of "I hate doing the same manual work more than once" collectively sighs at this notion.
Then you add onto that a workflow which requires one to open JIRA multiple times, multiple stages etc. and these people end up spending a lot of time on something they feel is incredibly inefficient. Great way to tank morale.
"But that's a problem with the use of the tool, not the tool itself!"
And we've seen this story a thousand times. If tools allow for weird things, weird things happen. Beyond that, I don't really see why people prefer the Atlassian stack which shows similar issues all-over and is a hassle to cobble together, when GitHub and GitLab do these things out of the box. The common complaint is "well GH/GL don't have X and we really need X", when the organization has never tried doing things without X.
There's value in keeping records for projects that last.
But there's a slight difference between keeping records for accountability (just do the bare minimum to show that work happened as requested/regulated) and keeping records for documentation/action/archival.
The difference shows in the care you take to design and operate those records.
As for Jira: 1/ it IS slow 2/ it IS bloated (visually and functionally) 3/ it does work for a very specific limited number of ways to do things - but never yours 4/ when you start to look at the APIs and data model, you start to understand that it's been designed/built by people not having a clue what it was going to be used for, and by who - and it definitely shows.
Bugzilla is old, clunky; Trac is... extremely focused; GitHub issues are limited. But I would more happily go back working with any of these and plug into additional tooling rather than with Jira.
Granted, none of these allow for a clear understanding of a ticket lifecycle, or a whole project. But that's because this belongs in a narrative, not in a dashboard. And a lot of people don't like to write or value written docs.
> Granted, none of these allow for a clear understanding of a ticket lifecycle, or a whole project. But that's because this belongs in a narrative, not in a dashboard. And a lot of people don't like to write or value written docs.
Maybe there is a market for "literate programming merged with project/task management" where the narrative is maintained as a source of truth and individual items can be queried (or compiled) out of it. The narrative could based on some of the ideas in this article even:
We had that at Symbian in 2006. It was great. As a scrum master I did later use Jira to manage a backlog along with the product owner, but it was just for the two of us: all the stories were written on cards when they were ready to be worked on by the devs. Epics were also written on cards on a big wall... but each of those had an accompanying document / wiki page.
>Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
and I would argue Scrum is a process and a rather heavyweight one. Thinking in terms of Scrum instead of your team/members and their preferences is getting it backwards.
Agile was a response to management practices that didn't respect the profession of software development.
Management didn't get the joke when the Waterfall model was used to show exactly what was wrong with those management practices.
Agile was a response to the increasing unrealistic expectations of management, and the widespread (and highly predictable) failure of the Waterfall model.
Somewhere along the line, women were pushed out of the mainstream of programming, and became a minority.
The men who started the Agile movement were a bit creepy, and those in charge now have acknowledged past sins, at least somewhat.
Consultants and Trade shows have commodified the dissent that was Agile programming, slowly turning it insane by forcing it to be a Waterfall again.
As always, people who make powerful tools share some responsibility of how they are used.
The best characterization of agile is that it's an adjective, not a noun. It's why it has become so completely meaningless. Because everybody wants to do things with at least some pretense of agility. And often it's the people proclaiming their agility the most that you need to scrutinize the hardest when it comes to their proclaimed agility. As soon as you start talking about agile as if it is a noun, you are effectively bullshitting. It's not a thing (literally). It never was.
The software crisis, is the notion that software is hard to produce on a schedule. People indeed noticed that early on before there even were compilers. Hidden in that notion is a thing that is problematic with software. In order to even have a timeline for "it" to be delivered, you'd have to specify what "it" is. That's a notion that is quite hard. Often such specifications are a combination of wrong, incomplete, and not very useful. And it leads you to an engineering mentality where specifying the thing up front in excruciating detail becomes a mandatory thing. If there's one thing we can learn from the last seven decades of software engineering it is that that is indeed extremely hard and probably futile with the exception of a few domains where anything less is just not acceptable.
The notion of waterfall, which was popular with people that did not read the original paper by Royce (he does not mention the word waterfall but is often blamed for inventing the methodology) in full. Waterfall is the notion of specifying requirements upfront, designing the software, and then implementing it. Royce actually called out in his paper that going through this process multiple times yields better results. So, the key paper on waterfall actually suggests we might want to "iterate". Still worth a read more than 50 years later. Among all the agile nonsense, this is actually a good paper. But you have to read it in context.
You might think of writing software as the actual process of specifying what the software does. The best specification is the source code you produce. It's executable and complete. Whatever it specifies, it does. You might be unhappy with the level of detail but it is a specification.
The contribution of the agile manifesto was acknowledging that reality and the notion that it is more productive to talk about modifying this specification than to come up with some meta specification. You have to build in some moments of reflection and adjustment. So most of the time you are actually specifying changes relative to the existing system rather than the entire system. The only moment that is not true is when you have not written any software yet.
Specifying software changes is what an issue tracker is used for. Bugzilla was one of the first widely used ones and it launched a few years before the agile manifesto got penned down. The insight at the time was a that a good issue tracker (and maybe a wiki) were really all the tools you needed to orchestrate software development. All the rest (scrum, kanban, sprints, planning/estimation meetings, velocity, etc.) was just retrofitted around that notion.
That's it. If you can wrap your head around iterating, you are agile, just like everybody else. The smallest possible iteration is: write an issue, write some code, create a pull request, wait for someone to merge it. Pull requests are great. Most modern software development features multiple pull requests being worked on independent from each other at the same time. Of course the notion of concurrent iterations that aren't coordinated centrally makes the heads of most scrum proponents explode.
There's a lot of great software that gets produced by large organizations, or even distributed organizations (like open source projects), seemingly without a lot of ceremony (scrum or otherwise). Open source is basically software development stripped to its bare essentials. There are no estimation sessions. No sprint plannings. No sprints even. Work happens concurrently with very little central coordination. All there is is an issue tracker, a code repository and exclusive access for those allowed to merge pull requests. Some great software gets produced that way. And I don't think it's accidental either. Some projects seem very consistent with maintaining a predictable frequency of releasing, high quality standards, etc. In fact they put many corporate "agile" teams to shame. Mediocrity is the norm, not the exception in our industry. The software crisis still exists; but mostly in supposedly agile teams still insisting on disguising waterfall as agile. The louder they talk about being agile, the less they generally are.
I've been developing software for 40 years and here's my unsolicited observations:
- Projects always take longer than anyone expects, even when accounting for projects taking longer than anyone expects (Hofstadter's Law)
- The project architecture will reflect the organizational structure of the entity creating the software (Conway's Law)
- The above two points are often presented as jokes but they are not, they're both actually true
- You cannot force two people who do not like one another to pair program
- Pair programming should never be forced on developers, let developers decide when to pair and whom to pair with - this is the autonomy developers seek
- Code reviews are a waste of time and present a great opportunity to destroy team morale
- Software development attracts a lot of assholes and prima donnas who all believe they are the fabled 10x developer
- It is just as important to understand the why of a feature as it is to understand the what - developers need to understand why a feature is relevant and what problem it's solving for users to be able to best implement it
- Invest in automated unit testing, application build, packaging, configuration and deployment. This is your best defense against Hofstadter's Law.
- Some teams have a knack for failure regardless of the software development methodology being utilized. The same is true for application frameworks and development languages.
- Some teams have a knack for success regardless of the software development methodology being utilized. They can also use the "bad" application frameworks and development languages and still be successful.
- Mutual respect and everyone pulling their weight are the best predictors of a team's success
- Just because someone isn't working out well on one team doesn't mean they won't excel on another team. Some people will excel regardless of the team they're placed on. There are also a few, very few, who can't seem to excel anywhere.
- Some people aren't cut out for development and since 1960 we've been trying to figure out who those people are and dissuade them from entering the profession - all to no avail. This is a sink or swim profession and it's tragic to watch people sink - especially when you can't put into words why they're sinking and how to start swimming.
- Outsiders believe developers are anti-social and don't realize modern development is a team sport. The best predictor of success is how well you were able to play team sports. If you always had lots of problems with your team mates then you'll probably have lots of problems with the members of your development team. Of course this isn't 100% accurate, but it's a good predictor. Those playing well in team sports, play in bands, or have been involved in dramatic productions tend to work well. Basically any activity having a group of people work together towards a common goal. Loners do not work well on development teams - they find success on skunk work projects.
- Finally, management is key. If you fundamentally disagree with your management then it's time to move on. There's no need to trash the management when you leave, all you need to say is you don't feel you're aligned with their goals and priorities. Some people may like the management, others may not. Don't take it personally.
- Code reviews are a waste of time and present a great opportunity to
destroy team morale
CR has prevented an uncountable number of issues in our large codebase with junior devs. It doesn't have to reduce morale if used as a teaching moment (growth mindset) instead of opportunity for punishment. Imagine a sports team without a coach.
"Just have experts (only) work for you," isn't a solution for most either.
> Code reviews are a waste of time and present a great opportunity to destroy team morale
Great post, but we would have to come to agree on that one somehow, because in Capers Jones books, code reviews are measured to be the #1 most effective method at improving quality. I'd agree they are very easy to do badly, and often overused.
This is an amazing list, though I'm curious given how accurate the rest of this list is how you drew the conclusion that code reviews are a waste of time?
Three people commented on my calling code reviews a waste of time. To kick off my discussion, I should reveal that I stopped doing code reviews 20 years ago. That actually turns out to be significant. Here's why.
For the first 20 years of my career I worked at 5 different places and so have some experience with different development cultures. They all did code reviews and they all had the same flaw - they focused almost exclusively on all the wrong things. There would be endless arguments about indentation, braces placement, variable naming and so on. A little bit of the time was spent on what actually matters - the implementation. C++ (which was hugely popular in the 90's) made this even worse - now people could argue about whether a function should be overridable (virtual), whether members should be private, and on and on and on and on. After a few years of working on our own internal framework and working with commercial frameworks it dawned on me that nobody got it right. Meanwhile all these inane arguments led to time being wasted, projects missing their dates, team members arguing over stupid crap - ugh! I saw this with multiple teams across multiple organizations. Different people, same problem.
So what happened 20 years ago? That's when what we now call CI/CD tools first started appearing (remember Cruise Control?). With that we saw the advent of automated unit test frameworks, tools that could check the code against coding guidelines, and tools that could measure the amount of CRAP (Change Risk Analysis and Predictions, remember Crap4j?) and assess the security risk the code imposes. All of this is automated. I saw that automating the code reviews could get rid of a lot of the negativity, be objective, and focus on the implementation and quality of the code. This is the way.
When code is pushed to the repo I have evidence of it's quality: I know it conforms to our coding conventions (which I'm not a big believer in, but some people like to die on that hill), it's been tested (we require 40% test coverage and getter/setter tests don't count), it's CRAP score has been assessed, and it's had a security scan looking for vulnerabilities. All automated.
When working with junior developers they get immediate feedback on the quality of their code and can fix it. If they don't understand how to fix it then they reach out to one of us and we can help mentor them as to what is being reported and what the actual issue is. It's all very positive.
What I should have said then was manual code reviews are a waste of time - you want to automate that activity! I don't ever want to see a code review activity scheduled on my calendar!
Thanks for your response. I definitely agree that bikeshedding can be a problem in code reviews and bikeshedding itself is best avoided for sure. Automating that stuff away with linting tools is a good tool in the toolbox for that, and so to is having some conventions and/or understanding and accepting preferences of different team members and not actively engaging in bikeshedding over things that are a difference, but not a difference that makes a difference.
In my experience the value of code reviews doesn't come from nitpicking those types of things. That's by far the worst part of code reviews and is definitely annoying but mostly becomes not a problem if you employ the abovementioned tools/practices. Rather the value comes from others picking up mistakes in the quality of your implementation that arises from some gap in knowledge that the reviewer is able to pick up on and fill in. And to that end they're absolutely essential. They're not simply a box ticking exercise either - the amount of code reviews I've both done and received that picked up on actually important issues is in the high double digit percentages. I would take no code reviews to be a major red flag.
It was going so well until it turned into “old white men created Agile and they don’t understand POC’s and women”.
The ‘weirdos’ in the first paragraphs were primarily nerdy men. The landscape has changed tremendously since then - Agile is terrible for many things, but it does not incite racism or bias. Perhaps the only bad thing it does not do.
This is completely out of context. He said that before civil rights were realized, and Black Americans were regularly structurally discriminated against. The special thing that needed to be done was to not let things remain the status quo but to allow Black people to become full members of society.
I love it when people who have no idea about our profession start doing this race baiting bullshit. I’m really hoping (too optimistic, I know) that HN will collectively one day start flagging articles written by clueless people who spend an awful lot of words to say less than nothing.
No, you don't understand (/s), now he is in the 'in group' and gets brownie points, and because he used that logic, you can't criticise him or you are a racist/something other.
Agile as per the Agile Manifesto isn't bad. At all.
I saw the transition of the industry from a complete waterfall process to the overhyping of agile, the pushback and now the land where agile as per the manifesto is more-or-less a given. The old ways were so much worse...
The bad sprouts from agile are the multitude of processes and bullshit methodologies that tried to ride the hype and create "The Agile Way". Scrum and others are a side-effect of this and I'm very glad to see Scrum being shunned for the past 4-6 years and instead engineers being attracted towards much more lightweight processes.
The problem with agile is that it only works when people had experiences, bad and good, and a team can tailor how their agile process should look like given their constraints. Throwing a bunch of juniors under an agile methodology and telling them what's right or not only creates friction and useless rituals, you need experienced people (PMs, EMs and at least one engineer) to cut the bullshit and stick to the points that matter: collaboration, communication, re-assessment of priorities, etc.
It's vague as hell though. Everybody from the agile consultants to the CEO down to the lowliest engineer projected their desires and intrinsic meaning on to the agile manifesto.
If you ask 10 people what agile "really" means you'll get 10 different answers, many quite incompatible with each other.
Agile focuses on the continuous improvement of not just the software, but the process. They tried to be specifically not too verbose, as dedication to one size and shape of process that does not fit all is precisely what they were against. Agile can be thought of as a meta-process. It's an attitude and a process for improving your process. Think kaizen for your software development team. It's about the tight feedback loop about what's working, what's not working, and what can be improved.
Beyond that, 10 people might find that the processes they've refined from Agile really do differ. That might be because of differing (and broken) application of Agile itself, which is a common claim. It might be, though, that continuous improvement of process has lead different teams in different directions that function well or well enough for those teams.
Fully agree with you, Agile as first proposed was like opening a window in a house in the desert in July; such a breath of fresh air. In the early 2000s you were ahead of the curve if you could manage a point release every six months. Saying "continuous development" would have gotten you laughed out of the building.
>Agile as per the Agile Manifesto isn't bad. At all.
If you actually read it it really is just a bunch of words that doesn't specify much of anything at all. To me it reads as something incredibly vague and hand-wavy and how on earth modern Agile has been inferred out of the text of the agile manifesto is somewhat beyond me.
It's a product of its time, it has seeded practices that for us is common knowledge nowadays. In 2005 it wasn't, most software companies were still stuck with long feedback loops, hierarchical decision making and goal-setting, over-analysis of requirements and little to no maneuvering room to change requirements once development was started.
It's vague exactly because it's a manifesto, not a handbook on how to apply it.
95% of articles on Agile are incorrect and this is no different.
1. Mike (Miguel) Beedle was latino.
2. "Al Tenhundfeld, one of the manifesto’s authors" - NOPE.
I could go on but what's the point.
If you want to learn about agile I recommend reading Alistair Cockburn, James Coplien and Craig Larman. They're old school and know the history of this stuff amazingly well.
We are in an era of mythologizing that old white men are at the root of all problems, so thinkpieces like this have to mention old white men as a matter of course.
That said, however, the article is correct to assert that Agile, as implemented in real organizations, addresses the corporation's needs and only those needs. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been adopted at all, but dismissed as the snivelings of whiny insubordinate programmers who forgot just who signs the checks.
>We are in an era of mythologizing that old white men are at the root of all problems, so thinkpieces like this have to mention old white men as a matter of course.
That we've gotten to this point must also be old white men's fault.
When you boil it down, it probably is. I don't believe for a moment that the reason why Occupy was scuppered by social justice stuff has nothing to do with the fact that the sort of person who attends the WEF was very threatened by Occupy.
Indeed. But I remember the race/gender thing was inexistent, nobody cared if a programming language is race biased or gender biased. Those are first-world woke problems. Solving those problems will not solve the entire topic. People focus more on external issues with 0 correlation instead of the main topic. It's logic that we need to apply to solve problems, not feelings.
Having spent the better part of a decade working with agile teams in Asia I too find such statements to be decidedly off. My Scrum masters have all been POC and mostly female.
Agile's crisis (which is real) is because despite the generativity of the manifesto, the frameworks it spawned largely ignore how change happens in a healthy and sustainable way. It is deeply ironic how much the Agile industry leans into 1990's models of change (solution-driven, imposed, etc).
That explains an awful lot. When people think that it's enough that they're right, bad things happen. Agile doesn't actually need a theory of society to understand that, just a little humility.
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) includes review and change cycles driven by teams at the grass roots level. Of course some organizations skip that part, but you can't blame agile frameworks for management choices.
Every framework has some kind of inspect-and-adapt thing going, nothing special about SAFe in that regard. The bigger question is how the organisation is supposed to get from zero (not using the framework) to the point where it is working at every scale, necessary if claims of business agility etc are to be realised. If the answer is a rollout project, then the dissonance there (not to mention the pain) should not be underestimated.
Organizations starting from zero typically hire experienced trainers and consultants to guide them through the initial implementation and then a few cycles. That's expensive, but cheaper than failing. Of course if senior leadership isn't truly committed then it still won't work, but that's not the fault of the framework.
It's also only a couple of paragraphs in a long post and offers some evidence of parts of the agile methodology (retrospectives and code reviews) being used to harass people so it seems unfair to knock the article for those reasons in my opinion
That's a problem with top-down management in general. If your management is largely old white men who pull the strings, yes obviously it's going to account for their opinions the most.
Author misses the part where the majority of the working force is also "white men" who see no benefit from this either, because it turns out, the decisions of management aren't for "white men" or even "old white men". The decisions are for "our management".
Agreed. I am a white man but I don’t feel much connection to upper management. It doesn’t really matter if the leaders are white, not white, male or not. They are out for themselves and don’t really care about their underlings.
Talking about agile, I subscribe the ideas from Allen Holub (, especially because he doesn’t talk about a one-size fit all formula, instead he focuses in collaboration between peers, and short feedback cycles aiming to solve business challenges.
I felt like the justification for saying that agile was not good for underrepresented groups came very late, but it is there and it actually is not a bad argument.
> We’ve long known that eliminating bureaucracy, hierarchy, and documentation feels great, until you’re the person who needs rules for protection.
I think the article eventually makes good arguments for this, at least if you are willing to say that code review and pair programming are things that spring out of the spirit of the manifesto.
Basically they author is claiming that the goal of the agile manifesto is to remove oversight from developers so that they can focus on "the project". The downside is that you are losing oversight of bad behaviour, which gives space for work-place bullying. (and the other downside argued is that developers, who are also stakeholders, do not have a voice in questioning the utility of the project overall).
I never read it as "removing oversight", more like "removing excessive admin". And it explicitly says to value "individuals and interactions". Part of that means you need a facilitator in retrospectives who can detect conflicts between individuals which may not be being addressed in that forum - and ensure that they are addressed elsewhere.
I haven't read the article because TLDR; but agile, particularly in it's earlier incarnations like XP is the least bad methodology I've used for most of the problems I've worked on in non-tech firms and small tech firms. I never worked in a FAANG or a Microsoft so at that scale things may be different.
The usual rules apply, there is no silver bullet, nothing is all bad. Pick the most sensible process for the job and adapt as necessary.
Similarly, this is why I don't believe that a fully egalitarian group of engineers would work, either: All skill and no direction doth not a project make. Besides, true egalitarianism doesn't really exist. Some will be stronger than others; some will have weaknesses that are complemented by colleagues (hence the value of diversity); some will be brazen, while others shy. Inevitably, a de facto leader will emerge. In my experience, often the loudest, rather than the most effective.
Building complex software is a social problem more than a technical one.