Source? Any content on memory safety concerns in "C" servers or problems that lead to catastrophic results in production? I'm interested in reading about it.
Uh, google “heartbleed bug”, that’s just one example of a massive and catastrophic result of lack of memory safety in C. It probably costed something on the order of $1B for remediation efforts globally.
Heartbleed was in openssl. I didn't ask about memory safety in C. Caddy author was pretty accurate with his statement, I asked for proof. Heartbleed is not the only memory leak, there's plenty, C's been around like software written in it. I'm aware of shortcomings.
Sorry, I don’t get understand your response. Most Caddy’s competitors use OpenSSL, and so are vulnerable to bugs in it. A lot of those bugs, like for example heartbleed, are only possible due to the nature of the C language. Those kinds of bugs, the memory safety bugs, are prevented when using memory safe languages like Go. These bugs are real and serious, and collectively cost billions of dollars in damages.
There's not a single proof except heartbleed in OpenSSL. I merely asked the author to provide the proof, not for you and I to engage in Go's memory safety and billions in damages and inherent nature of C and so on.
If we were to sum all the "damages" caused by faulty software, we'd arrive at a number that exceeds the total sum of money on planet Earth, let's not use that false metric for this discussion.
Is there an actual problem right now with nginx that Caddy circumvents with its architecture? Yes or no? That's the question.