> But of course there's really no such thing as "complete equals". Put me in a foot race with any other healthy 35 year old, or compare my oil painting output with that of any trained artist, and you'll quickly see why.
Ah, well that's a bummer. You know, it's funny, when you only read someone online without any face to face context, you kind of mentally fill in a profile of them that probably has no bearing on reality. I had you mentally pictured as something from the Age of Pericles, a mix of track and field style athletics, a little painting, a little sculpting, a little philosophy, a little music, a strong understanding of people, a thorough writer of both poetry and practical arts, a solid craftsman, a strong orator with a bent for rationality and a nuanced sense of justice, and successful in commerce and trade. This is how you've come across in writing, to me at least.
Ah, well that's a bummer. You know, it's funny, when you only read someone online without any face to face context, you kind of mentally fill in a profile of them that probably has no bearing on reality. I had you mentally pictured as something from the Age of Pericles, a mix of track and field style athletics, a little painting, a little sculpting, a little philosophy, a little music, a strong understanding of people, a thorough writer of both poetry and practical arts, a solid craftsman, a strong orator with a bent for rationality and a nuanced sense of justice, and successful in commerce and trade. This is how you've come across in writing, to me at least.