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Ask HN: What can you realistically manufacture in your garage?
352 points by abdullahkhalids on July 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 418 comments
Given a two-car garage, what can a small team (2-3 people) manufacture that can be sold for some amount of profit? Imagine access to capital of 20-50k USD at maximum.

Interesting would be items whose manufacture could be automatized to some extent, but this is not necessary.

I am not particularly interested in the legality of this at the moment. But safety considerations could be important.

I've given this advice elsewhere, and I'll give it here. Go look at the small business initiatives by each branch of the U.S. military; many are now posting lists of open contracts that you can bid on for an incredible array of things.

Browse through those lists and find something you can build.

I really believe the U.S. military is in the midst of a large scale transfer of military spending from traditional large defense contractors to smaller, innovative companies. The Air Force has even opened its own venture capital arm and is actively investing in small businesses. Most, if not every, branch in the military publicly posts contracts for small businesses to bid on.

I think Anduril is a great example of the possibilities in the "new" defense space.

What's interesting is this shift is very reminiscent of military manufacturing in Japan during World War 2; much of the manufacturing was actually done by small businesses of < 30 employees in "garages" scattered around the country instead of very large factories. That was one of the reasons American bombing by Superfortresses was so ineffective at first, and one of the reasons incendiary bombs began being used.

Happy to provide more detail on this. I've been thinking about this space for awhile.

I used to be a contracting specialist in the USAF. Anything you'll find on SAM is incredibly competitive and CO's will receive anywhere around 20 bids for anything that is purchased. I would recommend going after state and local. You can use bonfire, deltek or govspend to find those more local contracts with less competition.

I've been IN this space for a while and I can tell you while we are trying, it's not a clear cut as you make it seem.

For the most part there is no more low hanging fruit like you would see in movies like 'War dogs' etc... simply because Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budgets are basically gone, and that's where a lot of the fast money was.

Now, you need to know what you're doing because you're competing with the companies that survived the last few decades and live off of these smaller SBIR/STTR/OTA funding lines

To be clear this is not what Palantir and Anduril do. Both groups have professional and skilled proposal writers and very deep technical policy expertise when it comes to winning (and defending and contesting) awards and doing it in a way that will ensure that their products can get an Authority to Operate and actually work

You're not the first person I've heard this from; when you say "many are now posting lists of open contracts you can bid on" where are they posting these things? https://sam.gov/content/home is what my cursory Googling found, is this what you mean, or is there some other, more relevant site involved?

I just searched "CNC", a bunch of contract opportunities showed up: https://sam.gov/search/?index=opp&sort=-modifiedDate&page=1&...

This is what my Dad does...and he has a lathe in the garage typically producing things for helicopters and airplanes.

There should be a program that's easily accessible (not behind lawyer language) that DoD sponsors: We'll buy you a CNC machine, a laptop and a bunch of bar stock on our dime if you produce these parts as per these quality requirements by this date and of this quantity. If we're happy, you can keep the equipment for your next DoD project and you'll get a priority as an experienced vendor (that we invested in).

The issue with CNC machines is that one error in your code can and will easily crash one part of the machine into another part of the machine and thus break it. Often requiring a technician from the company and a bunch of spare parts to fix it, which, trust me, is never cheap. So giving a CNC machine to just anyone without proper training is quite a bad idea.

The SBIR program is essentially what you describe… though with a research bent. Virtually zero red tape with a Phase I grant (apart from the application itself).

SBIR grants require a lot of expertise about the arcane application process.

There’s an entire service industry around helping businesses apply. The companies that I’ve seen be successful at it hired several people with SBIR experience specifically to handle the grant proposals.

I had 3 successful NSF proposals and could not have done it without an experienced team helping me just with the legalese and process.

My buddy and I did it last year. I wouldn't say you need a whole team. We picked an area and spent a two years honing an idea. He is a retired Air Force officer and had some contracting experience from the other side. I have a PhD in an unrelated field (math), a handful of papers and one unsuccessful NSF attempt. He learned all the application rules and took care of 100% of that stuff. I formulated the technical proposal and work plan, wrote the budget and the bulk of the technical writing.

My partner reached out to a few small business development centers but, while they were very eager to help, we ultimately received only very minor feedback and a general thumbs up. I'd say in the two years it took us to hone a winning technical proposal, my partner was able to become somewhat of an expert in the rules. During that time we also applied for a non-SBIR government grant, unsuccessfully, where we lost a lot of points for being a 2-man team. If you're willing to put in the time, it's very doable to write an application which follows the rules.

In fact, I'd say one thing we ran into was finding ourselves "inventing" rules because we were overly cautious with our compliance to what we thought were the rules. The application truly is the most difficult part of compliance for a SBIR Phase I.

The problems with our Phase I were purely technical. We weren't able to advance the state-of-the-art enough to be able to write a convincing commercialization plan. And I don't think there was any consulting firm we could have hired to fix that problem.

I did one once and it was a huge PITA and a very slow timeline. The free money part was nice, but the overhead and timeline mean I’ll probably stick to other funding sources in the future. If your founding team has extra PhDs and you want to pay them to do “research” it might work.

Not understanding what the benefit to the taxpayer is for this, when right now plenty of entrepreneurs willingly take on these startup costs themselves?

Huge benefits: Increase competition, overthrow incumbents, equip populace with basic skills and manufacturing capacity in case of when shit hits the fan, cheaper parts. Downsides I can think of: Exploitation of the program through various means by bad actors. It is no different than SBA low interest loans, just instead of capital, you get machines for specific purpose. Another one is injection molding, the entire industry has been shipped overseas. IM is fundamental to producing parts in large quantities and the dark art of making molds is almost extinct in USA.

I urge everyone to study WWII history. Overnight, they converted button/zip manufacturers to making carbureator parts for Airplanes. Literally, overnight. At 8pm, they were producing mother of pearl buttons. By noon next day, they were making first batch of pins for the deflector plate.

Today's generation has no clue what happens in trying times. They need to study history to see what really happened, almost overnight.

> I urge everyone to study WWII history

I read a lot of WW2 history, but not about the manufacturing part. Any good books you’d recommend?

Freedom’s Forge is one I’d recommend, I started reading it and couldn’t put it down until the end.

Your reply in no way addresses my question...

Why not, as a taxpayer, my interest is in defense of the nation and getting more “bang for the buck” so to speak :-) instead of giant defense companies milking billable hours.

Yes it does, at length

No, it doesn't.

I asked what the benefit would be of funding private enterprises that private enterprises are already willing to fund. And he provided a nonsensical spiel about WW2-era policies without explaining why those policies were necessary today, given that private enterprises are already willing to spend the money to fund those activities.

His suggestion would result in massive amounts of fraud and wealthy techbros getting free toys they don't need from the U.S. government courtesy of their fellow taxpayers.

How would this possibly be achieved when everyone in congress has pockets lined with defense contractor lobby money?

Keep the pork projects and run the investment aids as a separate program.

There is even a movie about this https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005151/

While an awesome movie; Wardogs (actual Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz) were mostly just arms dealers not really innovative new technology.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efraim_Diveroli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Packouz

Eh, I was thinking more like, "Build us a web portal for viewing the status of <random thing> and requesting more <random thing>." than, "Run guns for us cheaply."

hmm facilitating war, even if it means defence just doesn't sit quite right with me. shame we live in a world where this is even a thing

War happens when one of two nations assumes that they are more capable of winning than another.

If you stop spending in the US and assume that Russia and China will sit idly by without invading our allies, you are living in a land of fantasy.

> War happens when one of two nations assumes that they are more capable of winning than another.

That’s only part of the equation - said country needs to have a desire or need to go to war as well.

Indeed. Look at the US immediately after WW2.

Huge power imbalance between USA (sole holder of all nuclear arms), and the rest of the world.

So ... yeah, kinda proves your point.

Nuclear weapons were developed by the Soviets before the end of the 40's, so it was a very narrow window where the US was the sole holder of all nuclear arms (about five years).

Five years is an eternity though. The major factor was more likely we didn't have the capacity to produce a large number of nuclear weapons to tip the balance

> Nuclear weapons were developed by the Soviets before the end of the 40's


It's definitely a land of fantasy today, I agree but one can always hope that maybe one day instead of killing each other we'd learn to live together and work together. Imagine how much more productive we'd be. To be honest I nearly didn't post this message because it's a bit off topic and definitely divisive. I definitely support all the brave people fighting for me to be safe because I sure as hell wouldn't feel comfortable killing someone else myself to protect my "country".

Looking at human history, that will never happen. As long as there is scarcity in the world, and as long as sovereign states exist, geopolitics and thus the looming threat of war will always exist.

Perhaps with that attitude. There's a lot of amazing things humans have accomplished that were once thought impossible. We are likely very, very early on in the anthropocene. Thousands of years from now I'm optimistic that the world will be a better place and that they'll look back on us as barbaric environment destroyers.

Either that, or the one-eyed cannibal mutants will keep our descendants in fattening pens.

Kumbaya, m-fer.

judging by recent political events in the UK and the US combined with the level of obesity and overconsumption in these nations I'd say we're already there

I don't buy that history is a good guide for the future here. All but the most recent history was in an era where we couldn't talk to eachother without physically travelling for weeks/months. The nature of diplomacy, politics, countries, and war have all fundamentally changed. The world has not "settled into" a new steady-state since those changes have been made (partially because significant changes are still happening).

You could reasonably extrapolate from bodies like the EU and think there is a chance we end up with a single global order that doesn't include war in the future.

That said I think you can look at the current and say with some confidence that there are at least a few wars left - there are too many current armed conflicts, and too many threats of armed conflict, to seriously believe otherwise.

> You could reasonably extrapolate from bodies like the EU and think there is a chance we end up with a single global order that doesn't include war in the future.

How, precisely, does one extrapolate from the EU (of all places) to a one world government? The variation across the world in everything from cultural and religious norms to even technical approaches to solving problems is extreme, and it has been like this since forever. The genesis of the EU seems, in my view, an evolution of American dominance of the continent after WWII. Is that what you mean? Further American influence tends to encourage (or coerce) countries into further integration?

I’d put the odds of any of that happening on a global scale at approximately zero, because there actually have been globe spanning empires in the past (multiple iterations, in point of fact), and they all collapsed or shed their empires when it became clear ruling it was no longer in the interest of the Sovereign or the Subjects.

Who said anything about an empire? That is obviously not going to work and is not what the EU is.

The EU is far from perfect but is an early iteration of a workable model. I can’t see this happening even in somewhere with a pretty similar societal model as the US currently as the political siuation is so polarised.

That would require the introduction of negative interest on cash and land value taxes including a citizen's dividend.

This makes no sense. Using this logic, why don’t more countries attack, say Costa Rica, which doesn’t even have a military?

I think the OP probably doesn’t have a problem with actual defense projects, but if you’ve been paying any attention over the last 70 years, you will know that the US has attacked many countries under the guise of “defense”.

Because Costa Rica has agreed to act as a client state of the US and is protected as long as they do what the US government says.

> Using this logic, why don’t more countries attack, say Costa Rica, which doesn’t even have a military?

You might want to read up on the "Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance". Essentially, "the rest of the Americas".

That mostly works because the set of potential aggressors is small. (Nicaragua and Panama). OK, fine, the US might want to, but they're close enough partners that they don't need to.

> they're close enough partners that they don't need to

I think that might be the crux of what GP was getting at. There's more to it than the ability to win (and in a hopeful dreamy world, I'd wish we can all get to the state where collaboration is always the obvious better choice, but that's obviously at least a few hundred years off... something to strive for, though)

To the US, "winning" is basically defined as having access to local resources (including workers) at market rates without the responsibility of governing.

AKA -- free trade. Global free trade exists because the US wants it to. In that sense, it's currently winning/won. The size of the US military and economy (and it's close allies) are largely what enforces that world order.

Personally, I think it's better than the old model of imperialism (it's certainly way less violent and has rapidly increased living standards across the globe). But it's still a case of the big powerful countries enforcing their will on smaller countries.

Free trade lives on the back of enormous military spending. Particularly commercial shipping lanes are protected by the power of the US Navy.

The past few years have seem drastically reduced US Naval spending, particularly on the protection of commercial shipping (the shipping and military news sites are almost ready to agree that the US Navy has abandoned this part of the mission entirely). Under Obama's administration we balked at protecting the commercial fishing rights of our allies in the Philippines and it's expected that this kind of policy in reaction to Chinese aggression in SEA will continue.

Then COVID hit us and we might actually see a real unravelling or the last 60 years of global economic policy.

This means that we should probably expect more conflict rather than less.

> why don’t more countries attack, say Costa Rica, which doesn’t even have a military?

Because of the Monroe Doctrine [1], which has been applied in some form or another for the past couple of hundred years.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine

> "This makes no sense. Using this logic" ...

I was almost-directly quoting the co-founder of Anduril.

This is a hippie ideology that seems to only be held by people who live in secure circumstances that they take for granted and are oblivious to what it costs other people to create.

Hippies were the children of WW2 vets and were an entire generation who seemingly failed to understand that the world they lived in was forged at great personal cost by the previous generation and the anvil upon which it was forged was The Great Depression and WW2. The Hippie antiwar stance was like the collective voice of the subconscious of the previous generation that was deeply scarred by WW2 and wanted to just fight no more forever.

My country was actually raped, pillaged and involuntarily ruled by the British for a very long time. I am no child of a WW2 vet. There is a world outside of the United States of America. Please take your derogatory chat elsewhere. In another comment in this thread I pay respect to those that have fought in wars. You are reading too much (or perhaps too little) into my original comment and combining that with small minded pessimism.

I wasn't suggesting you were the child of a WW2 vet. Just disagreeing with the idea posited and doing my best to explain my reasons why, which is always a risky exercise on the internet.

Have a good day.

Perhaps my reply was a bit too defensive - I’ll use the excuse that it’s uncharacteristically hot where I am and I can’t sleep. I do feel like you were being derogatory in your labelling of this as a Hippie ideology which I still think isn’t quite fair since you go on to generalise this negatively. I’m definitely aware that there have been many sacrifices made by older generations for the younger generations to live better lives - yet I do think that we can all do better at trying to build a world where we wouldn’t need as much conflict to make the world a better place for future generations.

Have a good day, too, stranger.

FWIW, I am the child of a WW2 vet and also a former military wife. People who know me well have described me as a pro military hippie tree hugger.

It is my understanding that Shaolin priests believe "A man of peace must be strong" and both willing and able to defend his views in a fight to the death.

I hope you get some sleep. Stay hydrated.

Ah, the shape of hackernews flamewars. So refreshing ;)

"man of peace" is a hell of a way to describe a government that completely destroys and destabilizes nations on the other side of the world.

It's a shame you feel so dismissive toward people who prefer peace. The world would be a much better place if people didn't feel like it was ok to take what they want from others by force, or if people didn't follow ideologies that make them want to attack other people.

I'm not the person you're replying to, but I feel like you've put many words into their mouth that may not have been there. It's perfectly reasonable to acknowledge that the current world order was built on the back of centuries (millennia, really) of aggression and violence, while still wishing it did not have to be that way -- or at least hoping the future could hold something better. I don't think that's naive, as long as we continue to make choices that recognize the actual state of the world, while still holding our hopes dear.

I, too, would not feel ok starting a company whose sole or primary purpose was to build for the military. Fortunately we live in a world where many, many people can choose not to fuel the military industrial complex without damaging our countries' preparedness for the wars they might need to fight, as there will always be others who ok with this line of work.

>even if it means defence

Can you elaborate on why you feel uncomfortable with the idea of defense? Related[0]

0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_operations_other_than...

As a US citizen in a place that's more or less evenly red/blue split, and given the trajectory of US politics lately, I'm worried that if I help improve US military technology, it will later be used against me or my neighbors.

Even if the current posture for whatever nation is predominately that of defense, you have no idea what is going to happen in the next few years geopolitically, or even just when your country has new leadership. The defensive capabilities you help build today could easily be used for offense tomorrow.

I wonder, of the many hundreds of billions of dollars the US spends on defense every year, how much goes to those military operations to which you linked.

We're gonna have a global hegemon, that's just how 21st-century geopolitics is, and I'd certainly rather it be USA than PRC.

Lesser of two evils I guess.

> hmm facilitating war, even if it means defence just doesn't sit quite right with me. shame we live in a world where this is even a thing

I don't know what this is supposed to even mean. Do you mean "it's a shame to live in a world where defence is necessary" or "it's a shame to live in a world where aggressors face defence"?

Everywhere you look around the world right now there is a money making machine. Imo more and more companies start choosing non ethical ways to earn currency. There hasn't been many sacred things in world nor lately nor ever..

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

We live in dangerous times, with multiple situations that can devolve into all-out wars very VERY quickly, and as Ukraine has shown it is extremely wise to prepare:

- obviously, everyone with a border to Russia has to fear invading orcs. Moldavia and the Baltic nations are at particular threat, given the speeches by Russian officials and think-tank representatives that suggest Russia wants to build back its Russian Empire glory days. Additionally, everyone is at threat from Russian cyber actors and Russian-backed separatist and far-right organizations.

- China has not only the Taiwan question, but also ongoing border skirmishes with India and resource-grabbing operations in the entire Pacific - hell they have been caught illegally fishing in waters as far away as Africa [1]. The risk of Chinese cyber attacks is just as high as Russia, although China seems to focus more on industrial espionage for now.

- The entire situation around Israel and Iran is highly volatile. Israel routinely strikes against targets both in Iran and Syria, and at least for the latter Putin has pretty much clarified that they won't keep looking away for much longer. And everyone in the region is worried about Iran, to the tune that it's likely that the idea of a "middle Eastern NATO" is already reality in secret.

- Almost all of Africa is under threat from internal conflict, both ongoing and future. Dictatorships of various kinds, border fights, civil wars, religious wars - name your idea of conflict cause and you will find it in Africa somewhere. Add to that economic insecurity and pressure from the effects of climate change, and the entire continent is an explosion just waiting to happen. The US doesn't have to take care much, but Europe will have to deal with a lot of refugees sooner or later (and to make it worse, we still haven't decided on how to deal with refugees in a way that doesn't threaten to destabilize our interior politics and complies with the ideals laid down in various international treaties).

- Half of South America is a similar bomb waiting to explode. Failed states (Venezuela), narco states (Mexico), states collapsing to gang warfare (Haiti), and the open possibility that it might need world-wide military intervention to stop Brazil from burning down the Amazon rainforest.

[1] https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/gambia-chinas-trawler-fischen...

Yeah agreed. It's a shame though isn't it. Imagine a world where hundreds of billions of US defense spending could go into public services like free healthcare.

The problem isn't defense spending, the problem is resource misallocation, fraud and waste. The US is at the top of the healthcare expenditure per capita comparison by far [1] - there is enough money "in the system", it just ends up at the completely wrong places.

The US spends almost double as much money per citizen as countries as Germany, and yet, the quality of healthcare and accessibility are so much better here than the horror stories that regularly pop up here or on Reddit. Not to say our system is perfect - it's far from what I would consider to be decent - but the objective measurements of how the US' health care system performs are speaking clear and loud [2].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_hea...

[2] https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2...

Sure, but just consider how many billions (trillions when we consider global spending?) of dollars are spent on either ways to kill other humans, or ways to defend from other people killing humans. What an amazing civilization we might be able to be, hundreds of years beyond our current level, if we could put that money toward literally anything else.

Yes, the grandparent mentioned health care, but there's a lot more that's possible. And hell, even if no one fixed the health care system in the US such that spending could go down to reasonable levels, I'd still imagine we could have free -- if expensive -- health care for all if we didn't have to allocate so much money to the military.

But that's not the world we live in; military preparedness is an absolute necessity.

Indeed, I agree with you on this and also read this report recently. But I think we're going down a bit of a rabbit hole here. My initial post was merely a comment on the unfortunate human condition currently, with the undertone of my desire that it shouldn't be this way.

Every institution with a big enough research budget gives SBIR grants. I got money from NASA last year (project didn’t work out, unfortunately).

Hi, if it's not too much to ask, could you please post some direct links for the open contracts for small businesses? I am merely curious but others might find those more useful.

On the SAM site above you can do an advanced filter for small business set aside and leave the search string empty. Not in this space so someone correct me if this is not what it means.

Former DoD contract specialist here, Sam.gov is the correct jumping off point for both information on how the process works and for where to find opportunities. The small business set aside is very important, since the regulations require that small businesses be considered to the maximum amount practicable, before larger companies can even be considered (Federal Prison Industries gets first dibs though). Veteran, woman, and minority owned businesses also get higher precedence, and those qualifiers can stack up - a minority woman veteran owned small business is golden, assuming the company can actually bid and perform properly. There are some other areas, such as HUBzone/economically disadvantaged areas that are also considered, but that's better to learn about direct from the information on Sam.gov than from a HN post.

It is a daunting task to register and follow the procedures, and you must be very attentive to detail as a small business owner; however, there are a ton of resources from the Small Business Administration to assist. Don't hesitate to contact them. Be persistent, patient, and proactive.

It used to be much harder than it is today, which is why it might seem to most people that federal contracting is a corrupt good ol' boy network; newcomers simply didn't follow the instructions right, due to complexity and/or confusion. Today though, it's a perfect time to get in the door.

Note that the "minority veteran woman" thing can be gamed a bit (and is) - I know of a few small businesses that are officially owned by the spouse of the actual leader so that they can qualify higher.

So even if your spouse doesn't check all three boxes, having the company officially be owned by your wife can help.

There is a bit more to the requirement than the company being owned by a woman, namely the requirements for women to be in control of the day to day operations of the business.

It is a similar requirement for veteran owned small businesses and I imagine “gaming” this would be tantamount to fraud.

About as far as I’ve seen be acceptable for “gaming” things is to use a joint venture that is 51% owned/controlled by whatever interest group (e.g., veteran, women, disadvantaged, all of the above, etc.).

Not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s not a common occurrence from my experience (15+ years active duty, as government employee, and working for a contractor on the actual contract/BD side).

Yeah, see my other comment here, but you make a good point about the definition of "owned" - it can't just be a name, it has to be a legally binding level of control over the operation s and finances. Unfortunately there's not really any standard metric for that which is enforceable.

Claiming a preference can be fraud, and is often abused, but... in reality, nobody's really checking unless there's a justifiable reason to. Not that I'm endorsing such fraud, and you're right, 51% is usually the safe way to go, but many LLC type setups don't have any easy way to help determine that. It's really quite time consuming and intrusive to determine "control" as the person writing or signing the contract. It's very much based on the assumption of honesty, unless there's some clear indication otherwise (and yes, due diligence is performed and documented, at least to some extent - it isn't just a Google search for "companies that sell widgets near me").

For an extreme example, I won't know that a company is a sweatshop using undocumented drug addicted children if their representations and warranties documentation says they don't.

Of course, and you are right on many/most accounts.

However, it is worth mentioning that it is definitely a dangerous game to play, even if the government doesn’t do anything.

Government contracting world is pretty cut throat and all it takes is a competitor, a partner, or an employee catching wind of the foul play and you make your company pretty vulnerable to a few things:

1) extortion for work share (e.g., a partner company threatening to out you to the contracting officer if they don’t give more work share % or some other form of monetary compensation)

2) A competitor contesting the contract award due to the awarded company not meeting the set aside requirements. This can be very costly and lead to the government being forced to look into things more thoroughly. It’s also public record and could seriously damage a company’s reputation in perpetuity.

3) A company employee filing a qui tam suit under the False Claims Act. This can lead to at best, a costly settlement, and at worse, repaying the government even after the work has already been performed.

It’s definitely not a route I recommend taking!

Oh yeah, if someone else catches wind and argues, you're screwed as a contractor unless you can back it all up well. This is the dark side, the crab bucket, which often results in "the big guys" getting the contract in the end.

One simple example is a time I was trying to by doors. Simple doors, no special requirements, just doors, materials and installation, with knobs requiring a keyed access. The chosen provider bid properly, gave their description of key control and associated maintenance ("who has keys and what happens if we lose the keys"). Small business, local, etc. won the award. Competitor had a fit and submitted (after award) significant proof that the winning bidder was falsifying their minority owned status and had changed their business name several times to avoid previous poor past performance marks. TLDR the complainant was right, and eventually won the award.

It doesn't take a lot to get ruined, so please, just be honest. If you aren't, someone will know.

Disgruntled employees and competitors can do that regardless of whether or not it is true.

Yep that's almost standard practice by now, so there's lots of competition in that space. And most of the time you (the person researching/drafting/approving the contract) can't really verify it. For me I didn't mind, since it's on them if they committed fraud, not me. Plenty times I would ask to speak to the owner and find out it was "co-owned" with the wife's name on the business license to get woman-owned, and the husband's name (or wife's name, in many cases) to get veteran-owned. Hey, fine with me. Mostly all I wanted was that the work was to spec and delivered on time. If you can game the system without sacrificing legality or quality, go for it!


While most local governments will post a Request for Quote list, and this often includes IT related services. I disagree this is the good choice for a first business project, as missing a deadline can incur egregious fines.

Local specialized custom hr/tax/legal/retail/city software is always popular, as it is region specific and constantly changing. ;)

Defense money is not worth the ethics

That username...

This is basically the origin of the M16 rifle, in its original incarnation as the 7.62mm chambered AR-10. The original prototypes were designed and built by Eugene Stoner and half a dozen other people in basically a garage.

> The Air Force has even opened its own venture capital arm and is actively investing in small businesses.

In-Q-Tel is the VC arm of the CIA. I've never directly done a deal with them but the employees I've met seem really nice and helpful

I just finished Dan Carlin's Hardcore History episode series titled "Supernova in the East". It details the context and history around Japanese involvement in World War 2.

It was absolutely fascinating. I highly recommend giving it a listen, even to people who think they aren't interested in war history.

The ASTRO America and Additive Manufacturing programs are great examples of this evolution, with 5 major Department of Defense contractors committed to sourcing 3D-printed parts from domestic suppliers.


Shameless plug - come work for us at Anduril, we're steadily hiring. It's been the best job I've ever had.

> I think Anduril is a great example of the possibilities in the "new" defense space.

With "Anduril," are you referring to Toykeeper's (technically deprecated) LED driver (flashlight, torch) interface? If not, then what? If so, then please give me some idea how a flashlight interface may be employed in national defense. Thanks.

I think by Anduril, the parent meant Anduril Industries, founded by Palmer Luckey (formerly of Oculus), which is producing drones


I’m pretty sure they’re referring to the defense contractor named Anduril[1].

1: https://www.anduril.com/

Can we not do this sort of thing here? Yes, I get that everyone has not heard of every single company in the world, but a quick web search for "anduril defense" or "anduril company" can solve that particular issue. There's no need to pedantically feign annoyance that someone used a term you aren't familiar with and need to do the most trivial of research.

> Can we not do this sort of thing here?

Can we please not do this sort of thing here?!? HN has mods, and I'm sure everyone would appreciate if you didn't try to do their jobs for them. Thank you.

> but a quick web search for "anduril defense" or "anduril company"

OP gave no hint that it was a company or had anything to do with defense, and was talking about innovation. I'm not going to defend my ignorance, but I'm also not going to apologize for asking for clarification, not will I change my posting behavior based on your irrational sensibilities. Try to be a little tougher next time and not get so bent out of shape by an innocent question.

What type of issues are involved when you don’t deliver to the government on time?

Other poster summed it up nicely, as there's a range of remedies from fees to lowering the payment you get to investigation to prison, but by far the most significant impact is this key metric:

Past Performance.

You can probably get away with screwing over the government once, maybe even twice. But good luck once you're legally and nationally blacklisted.

You might get paid extra to complete. Or you might get investigated by the Feds and The Congress.


It seems like I'm constantly hearing about large companies bidding at price x and then winning the bid, only to have the budget run over 10 times the original bid. So it seems in some cases the issue is becoming filthy rich as you rake in billions in profit from deliberately going over time and over budget.

Somewhere between late fees to congressional hearings depending on how badly things go.

sssssjhhhhh, the next rfp for afwerx closes in August:p

Link to the list.

I used to be the education director at a makerspace and now run a 3D printing company selling small plastic parts and teaching entrepreneurs how to start small manufacturing businesses at home.

Few thoughts:

- Focus on your hobbies and other industries you know well. What problems exist? Where can you make things better? Are there problems people mention over and over again?

- CAD modeling is often THE fundamental skill needed for people to bring their ideas to market. You can make CAD models that look almost real using software you can get for free. This allows you to work backwards, first determining if there's a market, and also working out many of the design flaws before making something

If you're just excited to make stuff, and want to get your hands on something, you can do all kinds of things in a tight space.

- 3D printers are small and provide many automated opportunities - Laser cutters are dead simple to set up and use to make real products and are easy to automate. - CNC machines can be had for under 5k and are super powerful - Portable MIG welders have a small footprint and welding tends to be in high demand - Leather working tends to be high perceived value though automation is limited - Soldering and electronics repair requires little space but again, automation is limited

I've got loads of other ideas too but I'm guessing that's good for now. My contact information is in my profile if you'd like to talk more.

For CAD modeling, what software do you suggest for a beginner?

Onshape (onshape.com) is generally a good starting point - its cloud based, so the usual PC performance requirement issues don't apply. Free accounts require you to have publicly viewable documents, so if you're working on something for profit, you might want to splurge for the paid version after you get up to speed.

I’m a big fan of Fusion360. It’s easy enough to learn, full of online resources, and is free for tue first year. It’s also powerful enough to do machining (CAM), which is incredibly useful for manufacturing and scaling down the line.

CNC machines for under $5k? Where might we find some of these?

If you’re not interested in DIY shapeoko and x-carve are options well under $5k as well.

I second the MPCNC recommendation. Though if your goal is production and not tinkering with a CNC machine, it may not be the best fit.

For something that isn't a desktop toy, under $5k might be a bit of a stretch but it shouldn't be too hard to find a used CNC mill for well under 10k if you're willing to wait around for a deal. Of course when you factor in shipping and tools that's probably going to add a few thousand as well. Further if you don't know what you're looking at, you run the risk of buying something with a bent frame or some damage that'll cost more to repair than it's worth. I'd recommend anyone starting out without much prior experience to suck it up and go for an entry level model from a company like Tormach, it'll further add to your cost, probably pushing you beyond 30 when all's said and done, but with financing that might still be easier on the wallet than 10-15k upfront, and you'll know it works.

MPCNC and friends

Wow, TIL — homemade CNC for under $500! The same project also covers homemade 3d printers.

Are there any other projects similar to this, making normally-expensive pieces of equipment approachable for hobbyists?

PrintNC is the next step up from MPCNC. It still needs some 3D printed parts but is mostly locally-sourced steel profile and electronics bought from Alibaba: https://wiki.printnc.info/. Last time I looked the parts cost circa $1000 but that was a few years ago and I expect inflation has probably doubled that.

I started making jet ski tread mats out of astro turf in my garage last year. Dead simple to cut, margin is super high ($60 for a standard set of three on ~$8 worth of material), and time spent per unit from roll to package is something like 15-20 minutes. It was fun and made about $30k over the summer months but I stopped when I moved back to the west coast.

I could have handled the whole operation in a spare bedroom if I didn't have a garage, and there are plenty of areas where I could have dropped the time required or the cost. I never bought the turf in bulk and I used household scissors to cut from a template so buying a roll and cutting with something more effective may have netted me more. Niche leisure products in spend-y verticals typically do well.

My buddy did something similar.

He lived near a town where a mine had shut down a few years earlier. Him and his buddy went out and found a ton of heavy duty, industrial conveyor belts. They took as much as their two trucks could haul. Went back and cut them into lengths suitable for truck beds. Sold them at $100 a pop for any truck. Same thing. They'd just told the customer to measure their bed and they'd cut them to fit.

Not sure how much they made, but the rubber was like an inch thick, heavy enough to stay in place without any glue or tie downs and the rubber was really grippy on the one side. It was prefect for what they did with it. You could put a tool box smack in the middle of the bed it wouldn't move an inch on that rubber.

I've always wondered if you could do something similar with wholesale conveyor mats these days or if this was just a "right place, right time" kind of a deal for my friend.

"Found" a ton of heavy duty, industrial conveyor belts.

On my way to the rust belt with a hackszall right now.

Might as well steal some copper while you're at it

It's not stealing if it "fell off the back of the truck"...

Out of curiosity, how did you determine which skis you'd make mats for? Did you have to generate your own templates? Also, where did you sell?

My first prototype was for my own ('98 Kawasaki STX900) so I just asked if anyone was interested buying a set in a Kawasaki forum I frequented heavily. When custom orders started coming in I just asked for a picture of their current footwell/tread mat and cross-referenced measurements online. I erred on the side of leaving some models larger so the customer could trim it on their end, but the majority follow a really general form.

I sold about 70 through the forums, 300 from word of mouth, and another 250 on eBay. They make 90's-era skis really lean into that Dixie-cup aesthetic and they work surprisingly well, so a customer's buddy or dock neighbor would ask and I'd catch a referral that way. I think I priced them just right too.

Thanks for sharing! One last question. How did the astro-turf compare as a slip-free material compared to more conventional materials?

Surprisingly well, actually. The traction material I removed from my 24-year-old ski was some sort of neoprene-like foam rubber and worked fine despite being original equipment. Each individual astroturf blade has less grip compared to the rubber, but exponentially more surface area; your feet and toes almost sink into the grass instead of resting on top of a rubber mat that's typically covered in water. The benefits are particularly noticeable when leaning into the curves at higher speeds or just hooning it in general.

Because the turf is a highly-textured surface, there's far less tendency for your feet to slip in any direction when the mat is waterlogged and/or during high lateral-g maneuvering, while still retaining the "self-cleaning" characteristics of the foam rubber. The backing surface of the turf is very similar to the original rubber, just arranged in a square cell pattern. Slap some contact cement in the footwells and you've got a replacement that (IMO) exceeds the traction of the OEM mats and looks 100x cooler. I've been running them on my ski for two years now and have yet to see a blade come off after a ride, no matter how hard I push it.

Should have patented in and went on shark tank or something then sell it off and retire

Okay, so I'm doing it wrong. Interesting story!

I don't know what you can do in your garage, but in my two car garage I can do:

  * Basic blacksmithing (small furnace & anvil)
  * Woodwork using power tools & manual tools (table saw, miter saw, router table, band saw, planer, etc)
  * Metal working
  * Ceramics casting
  * Jewelry making
  * 3D printing (resin and reel)
  * Laser cutting (48 x 24)
  * Vacuum forming
  * Robotics
  * Paint spraying (just bought a five stage paint blower)
  * CNC (small format, would like to add a 5-axis eventually)
  * Shoot build videos
  * Electronics design & diagnostics (just finished my new ESD workbench with component storage)
  * Laundry
  * Mini-CostCo with freezer section
Will be adding a 48x48 CNC in the coming weeks, once I finish some more cabinets

What I cannot do in my garage:

  * Park a car
  * Find enough time to do what I want

If you've got a 4x8 CNC and/or large format laser cutter, you pretty much have a small business at that point. It is then up to you how you monetize it.

That's not a garage, that's better equipped than many hacker spaces where people pool money to finance shared equipment. This is not like an ordinary thing everyone can just do if they want to, at least not if it's not part of a business plan to manufacture a particular thing with it.

my garage looks like yours. noice.

I used to work for a manufacturing company that started out as a married couple making Christmas ornaments with a $2000 laser cutter/engraver.

Screen printing is a pretty easy business to do out of a garage - you can either print and sell your own designs or print for others. Unless there are already a lot of screen printers in your area odds are there are businesses and organizations that would love to make some cheap swag with their logos. I haven't checked but I have to imagine there's a "xometry for screen printing" service out there that you could probably get semi-consistent work from.

Honestly though, so long as you don't need to quit your day job today, you can probably find some good deals on some used cnc equipment that will let you make anything while staying in your current price range. The difficulty is not in determining what's possible but rather what's profitable. Most garage manufacturing companies tend to make some incredibly niche thing like a bracket that allows you to stick a camera on a particular item used for a particular hobby; stuff that anyone could make but no big companies care enough to develop. Most of the time these are tinkerers who make lots of little widgets to solve their own problems and one of them eventually takes off.

If your goal is just to make money, I would suggest selling products that can be made by some service like xometry until you stumble across something that's popular, then you can bring manufacturing in house to increase your margins.

> The difficulty is not in determining what's possible but rather what's profitable.

If you troll Etsy or eBay or places like that, you'll quickly begin to realize the quantity of things that are obviously made on a CNC milling machine, or a laser cutter, etc.

The customizability can be the selling point - and if you can fit everything on a trailer, you can even haul it to state fairs, town fun fests, etc.

Think those fancy wood name plates you can buy at Disneyland kind of thing. But the big advantage can be you are local instead of some online thing.

The legality should interest you. I saw someone have their small business shut down by police because they were running it out of their basement. It wasn't the noise or pollution (which realistically are the nuisances you're going to be inflicting on neighbors) but the excess cars parked and delivery trucks coming and going down the street. One neighbor ratted them out.

The problem with the space isn't really the capital but noise abatement, waste disposal, and inventory. The ideal product would be quiet to make, not use tough chemicals to dispose, and materials you can buy in bulk and small enough not to take up a ton of space in the worksite.

The way I read it OP isn't saying they are going to ignore legal issues, but that they are looking for ideas and don't want to get into the weeds of legal issues for the moment.

I assume they intend to narrow down ideas based on their specific situation.

In reviewing neighborhood covenants whilst searching for a new home, I was surprised to see some of them make explicit the fact that running a business in your home is allowed, provided that it doesn't generate significant traffic/parking.

Gotta have a carve-out for the folks participating in an MLM scheme out of their house. They're quite popular.

Of course it also benefits remote tech workers who have an LLC or whatever. And handymen, et c.

There's also the angle of "we told you what kind of harmless businesses you can have, and automotive repair isn't on the list, so you can't do that even though the rules don't explicitly say so".

This is almost always exactly what it's for, and those with ears to hear can use it to their advantage.

The key is to fly under the radar and not cause problems.

The key is to never buy a house in an HOA, and write your lawmakers to pass laws to limit their power as much as possible.

I never really understood the idea of a HOA for single-family homes, or even duplexes. It makes sense if you have a condo building, even with a small number of units, since you'll invariably have shared space that needs to be cared for.

I've seen some large HOAs that cover lots of homes where they provide free or discounted community services, like a gym, pool, tennis courts, etc. But it seems silly to structure that as a HOA rather than some sort of voluntary community organization. Or just do it more traditionally and charge membership or use fees to use the amenities. If that's not financially feasible, then perhaps there aren't enough people who actually want them, and so maybe they shouldn't exist.

And I get that many homeowners want to control their neighbors in order to keep the neighborhood frozen in some particular state, but it's... pretty gross. I hear the line "protecting home values" trotted out all the time, but that just feels like an excuse for busybodies who want to control others' lives. Things like not allowing a garage-based business that produces lots of noise and pollution should just be covered by regular zoning laws.

And piano teachers

I suspect that is because home based businesses are explicitly protected in many localities in the US. AKA, the HOA couldn't actually tell you that you couldn't do it if they wanted to.

I actually got something along these lines into my deed--which was for a software business before that was pretty normal and not the sort of thing even worth mentioning.

Yeah it has been weird to me how many HOAs explicitly call out hairdresser as something you can’t do from home.

This is indeed the case in my HOA as well and I was (pleasantly) surprised to see it codified as such.

There are also zones for businesses that do or do not allow living there.

>The legality should interest you. I saw someone have their small business shut down by police because they were running it out of their basement. It wasn't the noise or pollution (which realistically are the nuisances you're going to be inflicting on neighbors) but the excess cars parked and delivery trucks coming and going down the street. One neighbor ratted them out.

Nobody is checking what's going on in garages and basements in Detroit and the police in that kind of place would laugh off a call like that. Not having snooty busybody neighbors (an impossibility in most of the "nice neighborhoods" and "good school districts" that HNers generally buy into) seems to matter more than legality in practice. Nobody else cares if you're legal as long as you're reasonable.

My next house is going to be so far from my neighbors that if they were complaining about noise from my basement they would be admitting to trespassing.

I don't think "there are some place where law enforcement doesn't give a shit" is a good reason to just not care about legality. At the very least, it would behoove someone living in a place Detroit to at least think about it -- and perhaps decide "nah, no one is going to bother me" -- before starting something.

I'm curious, what legal issues are we talking about here? What is not legal about running a business out of one's basement, and what law were they "ratted out" for breaking?

Not who you're replying to, but I would imagine its an issue of registry and/or zoning depending on the type of business (and maybe tax stuff too). I'm from Australia so probably pretty different laws, but here at least you have to register the businesses address of operations and a part of that process is identifying your 'primary operation or activity', ie what the business does, some operations will be excluded from being conducted in residentially zoned areas regardless (large scale manufacturing, waste disposal & recycling, etc) but most trades will be permitted, I know a number of car mechanics that operate largely from home.

Most local governments have zoning restrictions that dictate what kind of structures can be built and limit what activities can be done in an area. Typically there are certain activities permitted as a right, some that require special approval, and others that are just flat out banned. The single family dteched housing zones where most garages are located tend to be the most restrictive zones with regards to commercial activity. Typically if you violate a zoning law you'll get some standard number of days to comply or you'll get hit with a large fine.

You need a "Home Occupation Permit". The details will vary by municipality, but here are the requirements for Sacramento CA, just to pick a random example: https://www.cityofsacramento.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/EDD...

"The following occupations are eligible for a Home Occupation Permit subject to restrictions discussed in the next section. If the occupation is followed by an asterisk, the use is also subject to special conditions also discussed below. Eligible home occupations are:

1. General office uses, such as accountant, administrative assistant, answering service, appraiser, architect, attorney, bookkeeper, broker or agent (real estate, insurance, etc.), counselor, consultant, drafting service, engineer, interior decorator, secretarial service, word processing service, and other office uses whose characteristics are substantially similar to those listed.

2. Commission merchant, direct sale product distribution, internet, or mail order business.

3. Dressmaker, tailor, fashion designer.

4. Mobile vehicle glass installation and mobile vehicle detailing.*

5. Pet services, such as pet sitting, pet grooming, pet training, and veterinarian care.*

6. Office for contractor, handyperson, janitorial service, landscape contractor, gardening service.*

7. Artist.

8. Tutoring.*

9. Small equipment, appliance, and computer assembly, repair, or reconstruction.*

10. Healing arts professional, including physician, surgeon, chiropractor, physical therapist, acupuncturist, and somatic practitioner.*

11. Hair stylist, barber, and manicurist.

12. Swimming instructor.*

13. Cottage food operation as defined in section 113758 of the California Health and Safety Code."


I saw somebody get dinged for this once for running a Twitch stream out of their garage and accepting donations, one of the only times I've seen the modern "contractor" trend work out in anyone's favor:

- https://nitter.net/happyf333tz/status/1036846647945261056

- https://nitter.net/happyf333tz/status/1040074413599678465

Keep in mind that most of the world and even most of the US doesn't have to deal with this level of totalitarian regulation, simply because they won't tolerate being treated like livestock or prisoners.

compressed gas storage, flammables, chemical storage, hot work, etc are often governed by local law over and above needing a property zoned for light industry.

And if you run into any problems with the above that damages the property or other properties, you will be uninsured, and/or sued (and no liability cover).

I currently manufacturer a fairly niche product with nothing but a 7 year old $250 3d printer, some off the shelf parts, and a bit of custom electronics. Very high profit margin, as I am the only producer of this item (!).

I'd love to move to a more "robust" process, but options for materials and widespread access to 3d printing provides a lot of versatility for a single-person business where I want to control the entire product and process end-to-end.

Just need to find your niche.

How does making your own product on a home 3D printer compare to the cost per unit of having something like Shapeways or similar do it? Out of curiosity, I took my design for a Dremel gig that is about 4 - 5 hours of total printing time (biggest part is 3 hours, and several 1/2 hour pieces), and a single unit cost from an online quote was roughly $35. Plus there is a good selection of materials, including metal options (much more expensive though), but biggest advantage would be consistency of builds (I still find 3D printing at home to be finicky at best).

The material costs for 3D printing are really small. A 1kg spool of PLA is in the order of 20-30 USD, and most 3D prints have only a small amount of infill, so they're surprisingly light for their volume.

For example, I designed a set of sprockets to drive my blinds, and the total weight of the sprockets to drive 3 sets of blinds is less than 15 grams of plastic. This goose-shaped figurine is about 35g of plastic: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3906053

The labor costs aren't, however. I've helped maintain various maker spaces. Most 3D printers were nightmares that were constantly breaking down. The most reliable we've found have been the Prusas, and even they require regular work. We have 4 at the moment, and at any given time at least 1 is usually down for some reason or other.

For my application, it's much cheaper and I have the added flexibility of being able to adjust my design and rapdily prototype should the other components need to change due to unavailability -- I have already had to do this.

For something that costs me $0.17 at home, Etsy people want to charge upwards of $4 plus shipping and Shapeways or the like are $20+.

I’m very intrigued, as I have a couple ideas for things I could manufacture with my 3D printer + some custom electronics too, but have never invested the time into. Could you by any chance please share what you’re making? Or just a rough idea if you want to protect your niche? Thanks

I sell the only "generic" version of an item that is both costly in money and time to obtain.

Imagine you had a bunch of arcade machines with a proprietary button to turn each on. You can buy the button, but the manufacturer requires their service people physically install and bind it your arcade. Most operators want multiple buttons cause they always break, but they also don't want to deal with downtime during replacement.

I sell the button for 1/3 of the cost with modifications allowing anyone to install it.

Thanks for explaining! That indeed sounds like quite a niche. Can I trouble you to ask how you discovered this niche? Is it very difficult to interface to these propriety systems?

I saw the need after wanting something similar, but nobody was offering it. Guess I have some cross-domain knowledge to know it was possible to do.

For me, reverse engineering it was easy, the most difficult part was/is sourcing electronics with custom specs.

This is basically how Lulzbot started: 3d printing parts for 3d printers. I know at one point they were experimenting with making molds and pouring parts, I think out of resin. But when I toured their new facility a few years later, they had a giant farm of 3D printers, so I gather that didn't work out.

I have since gotten into 3d printing and have printed molds and poured silicone with good luck. Some of that silicone has been the final part, some were then used as molds for pouring resin in. I've even added glass fiber to some of that resin before pouring to make some pretty sturdy parts.

Maybe some of the parts you are 3d printing now could be done with resin? Bondo makes a product with glass fiber in it, but most of the parts I'm doing are fairly small, and the bondo has long fibers in it, when I make my own fibers, I just cut fiberglass and can make it whatever length fiber I want.

Thanks for this suggestion!

I have looked at SLA printing and "bench/desktop" injections molding setups like MicroMolder, but I've ruled those out cause I don't have enough ventilation or appropriate space for handling resin -- I don't actually do this in a garage, but a spare room.

C'mon Jack, the resin fume high is like a bonus! :-)

That fiber reinforced Bondo is some pretty nasty stuff in the fume dept. If you really wanted to go that direction you could vent out a window or use some active carbon filtration I presume. But it starts adding up, depending on the quality you need you might also need a pressure/vacuum vessel as well and a pump.

I've managed without, for my micro volume of personal stuff I do.

If it's custom Guitar Hero guitars I'd like to get in touch to buy one. If not, I hope someone reading this does.

I've thought of making various custom (and ruggedized) game peripherals. The electronics and switches I could do (assuming the ICs are available), but designing housings to be 3d printed might be tricky.

For a guitar, however... possibly having the body made of wood like a real electric guitar could be a selling point.

I've always thought the way to go is take a normal controller say, and tear out the internal electronics, replace the switches if needed with stronger/better ones, and put it in a custom 3D printed housing.

There are plenty of guides for 3d printed guitars specifically, and from the perspective of someone who's never 3d printed anything they don't seem too complex. Not sure about other controllers though.

How did you discover the market for this product? Are you part of some interest-based-community whose members want/need this part?

I scratched my own itch.

I wanted the product and knew others in the industry would too. Once I was able to get it in the hands of a few operators to see and use, it started selling "organically" through word of mouth.

I know what they do. They make aftermarket attachments for simulated racing gear

How did you come to have the skills to design and build whatever it is you manufacture? I'm guessing you have a mix of mechanical and electrical background.

I always have ideas for little products (some involve electronics others not) I'd like to build, but how to go from raw idea in my head to working assembly, I'm lost on: choosing motors, control board, mechanical reliability, etc. Maybe I just need to read some ME books, but if they are like math and physics texts, there is gulf between the text how to do build something practical.

I have a background in electrical engineering, but a) it's 20 years out of date (I got the degree and immediately went into software), and b) my training was somewhat niche in that I focused on microprocessor design. So I'd never (for example) learned how to lay out a circuit board, or deal with mixed digital & analog effects (well, at least not at the scale of a PCB).

Recently I had a small project idea that involved a pretty basic PCB. I was surprised at how easy it was to teach myself board layout (using KiCAD) and several related skills. You can get one(ish)-off PCBs manufactured by PCBWay or OSH Park on the cheap. I haven't finished the project yet (supply chain issues), but I'm pretty sure it'll be successful, and fairly cheap, considering.

There are lots of resources online if you need more external help learning. Two I was pointed to (but haven't really dug into too deeply yet) are All About Circuits (https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/) and Ultimate Electronics (https://ultimateelectronicsbook.com/). For the more physical aspects, YouTube has been a great resource -- for example I needed to solder a 5mm x 5mm QFN IC to a breakout board, and didn't want to spend the money on a high-end rework station. A random video on YouTube taught me how to do it with some flux, solder paste, and a cheap hot air gun I bought on Amazon.

Next I'm going to look into getting a 3D printer, and learn how to design stuff for that. I expect the learning curve there will be higher (at least for me), but I don't see it as out of reach.

> Next I'm going to look into getting a 3D printer, and learn how to design stuff for that.

I'm in the high power rocketry hobby and a 3d printer was a game changer for me. I have a prusa i3 mk3s+ and can't recommend it enough. For software i originally started with onshape but then went to Fusion360 because that's what everyone else in the hobby uses. Learning curve is steep but there's tons and tons of good material to help you learn. My workflow is Fusion360 then PrusaSlicer then save to sdcard then print. You can really optimize further but i don't sell 3d printed parts so it's good for me.

On the other hand, i do have a big arse laser and i stood up a little website and sell a simple cutting service to my buddies in the rocketry hobby. I like my website, i have no database! I actually use some metadata features of the stripe api for my order database hah.


It's a little hyperbolic, but the idea was too good for me to ignore, so I had to do it, learning curve be damned.

I would like to hear any advice you/others have about finding a product in your niche to manufacture!

usually you find a market by scratching your own itch.

helps if you have breadth of knowledge and experience in a variety of fields also. interdisciplinary solutions still have plenty of untapped market potential

other than that there is no magic formula that i know of. its kind of one of those "if you have to ask..." type things.

To expand on this, make sure you itch like people with lots of money but no time/knowhow.

For example, hang out at small-town airports or boat harbors, or with lawyers and doctors. If you can find some small part that would help them use their boat, then $300-500 for it might not even be an extreme price especially if they see you using it first.

(This is not an argument to go buy a boat and plane).

Riders of high-end motorcycles as well. People absolutely love customising their motorcycles with things like GPS mounts, bigger/smaller windshields, auxiliary lights, footpeg extensions to make the bike more comfortable for taller/smaller riders, more comfortable seats, etc etc. The market for luggage and luggage mounts is probably quite well served, but especially for rarer or older bikes, it can be difficult to find the more obscure accessories.

An awful lot of stuff. I wouldn't even know where to begin, especially if you're willing to consider a hybrid model where some parts / sub-assemblies are manufactured elsewhere and delivered to you (for example, having PCB's produced by OSHpark or PCBway, etc.) and you do final assembly in the garage.

If it were me, I'd also be looking at scenarios that involve any kind of "thing" that I could acquire cheaply and re-purpose somehow. Making lamps out of old wine bottles, that sort of thing.

Robots, unmanned vehicles of various sorts, all sorts of small electronic gadgets, probably some auto accessories... really, the range of things you could (at least hypothetically) manufacture in a space that size is huge.

Now whether or not you could manufacture the thing at scale may be a different question. You could probably easily accommodate doing something the size of a small home appliance (think: washing machine size) if you only had to do one at a time. But doing that at scale might well require more space. So is the intent to stay in the garage and run an enduring business there, or just to ship a prototype, prove the model, and then maybe expand? Or is this purely an academic thought experiment?

I’m doing something very much like what you describe. Small footprint IoT device, we get the custom designed PCB’s shipped in and most of our BoM is generic off the shelf stuff that is already available on Alibaba/AliExpress. Our enclosure and other plastics are designed in house and injection molded in my two car garage with molds printed on a resin printer. Soldering is custom ordered overseas where possible and hand soldered when not.

The Buster Beagle was a real game changer in this space, though if your parts are really small there are other even cheaper options.

The goal is to, as you say, prove the prototype and then get a larger dedicated space. The product I have is not super niche and could theoretically grow a lot, but we are planning to be pretty adaptable by focusing a lot on COTS components, the kind that you can go onto Alibaba and find 5 factories for whatever you need.

Small batch soaps, candles, "bath oils" and such can be done with minimal capital and little regulatory oversight.

Print shop type things, especially specialized like vinyl cutting and large banners, could be a good business depending on where you're at. Might be able to buy used or lease equipment too.

Woodworking / furniture shop and / or antique furniture restoration might not be terribly capital intensive.

A friend and I manufacture a laser party light that makes your feet glow in a space smaller than most garages.

Just a 3d printer, some custom cut metal pieces, the actual electronic components and some soldering irons. [0]

[0] https://toeglo.com

Hah, that's a really cute little product :)

you know, that could be a very useful nightlight for the middle of the night when you can't see your feet, stairs, or... lego pieces.

Where do you purcahse the laser beam from

We buy them wholesale from various Chinese manufacturers. I believe the first ones were through Alibaba or Ali Express.

You're thinking of this in reverse. First find something you want to manufacture, then figure out how to build it in your garage.

Don't be the solution searching for a problem!

Prototyping can be done easily. CNC or 3D Printing? Protolabs. PCBs? Oshpark. Get a prototype made first, it is going to be a little expensive, but less than investing in a bunch of manufacturing equipment.

Isn't a job a solution to the problem of needing money?

You take stock of your skills, hit the job boards, ...

That's one kind of person. A different person sees what they want to do for their lifetime and figures out how to live off it. The problem is wanting to make art for a living and the solution is figuring out how to get paid for it.

Came here to say something similar.

First, the ask is to help find things that can make money in the garage. I think that would be like finding ‘problems’ then applying a ‘location:garage’ filter to narrow the choices down.

Then, after choosing the product, it’s to tool the garage to manufacture the ‘solution’

New framing:

the problem is "convince partner that I need a sweet shop in the garage", solution is "become entrepreneur requiring sweet shop in garage" ;)

I'm going to use this in the future.

》First find something you want to manufacture

I'd add that it's something that you want to manufacture for which there are buyers, otherwise the inventory won't go anywhere and they'll waste their investment.

Seeds, saplings, etc. Small houseplants and barely sprouted houseplants sell for a lot on Etsy and other sites and require very moderate amounts space and money. The difficulty is skill. Plants can be hard to grow and it’s easy to make a mistake that ruins lots of your crop!

Do note that commercial nurseries are generally licensed and inspected by your state agriculture department or some agency.

Not spreading plant diseases around ends up being a big deal.

However, the inspection and license is not very hard or expensive.

(My dad grows and sells seedlings of a particular and somewhat obscure native fruit as a side business.)

That's a good suggestion. Check out this guy, he has a way to root ornamental shrubs in garbage bags. One could go around town with pair or pruning shears and get cuttings of many different plants and trees to root.


The only problem with living things though is then you have to care for them. Even if you don't feel like it that day. And if they don't sell you still have to water them or throw them out.

There are people who breed specialty plants also and make a (modest) living from their backyard. I know a retired guy who does this and sells his developed cultivars (ships once a year) on Facebook marketplace. He does like 20-30K in sales a year from his yard but it took him years of growing to start developing the cultivars.

I had an acquaintance who made a very handsome living cultivating apple tree starts. I don't know how much exactly but he lived very well.

Plus 1 on this! I use my back yard in this way, but plan to set up some indoor areas also. So far I have not been trying to sell things, just playing and seeing what works best. There are some plants that are very easy to propogate that people enjoy such as rosemary.

Or, you know, marijuana.

> ...not particularly interested in the legality of this...

A couple years ago I became quite interested in building my own grow lights for starting garden veggie seedlings. The YouTube recommendations surrounding such videos were quite interesting... It turns out another plant needs high power as well.

Selling cannbis clones and support etc could be very lucrative.

And potentially legal, depending on locale.

The issue is that business teaches people how to fish. People can take their own clones from the first clone. If you sell fancy fertilizer eventually people will realize they can get away with regular cheap dry amendments once they realize what they are actually doing with fertilizing.

Yep, you start off buying obscure soils and obsessing about ph levels and light and moisture and years later I use the cheapest 4-4-4 fertilizer I can find and water when I stick my finger in and it’s dry.

I get better product now than I used to. Mostly it’s about genetics anyway.

The number one bit of advice I give to new gardeners (my garden is pretty well developed) is ‘less is more’. Basically leave the plant alone as much as you can. Water deeply instead of frequently and use many seeds to start with whittling down to the best genetics.

For example for my 5 pumpkin plants I planted around 50 seeds from last year. Waited a couple weeks and then pulled the smaller plants. Do the same again a couple weeks later. Then when transplanting cull once more. Plant three in every hole. Two weeks later cull until there’s one plant in each spot.

Then for advanced mode you use the seeds from this selection process next year, and they get more and more adapted to your micro climate.

Is your view on this unique to marijuana or pretty much all plants? I'm looking to grow some berries but would love to avoid some rabbit holes that lead to nowhere. The 'less is more' concept is definitely appealing, but does that mean the latest wave of agtech startups optimizing every part of growth fall under the hype umbrella?

> Is your view on this unique to marijuana or pretty much all plants?

>> for my 5 pumpkin plants

Is this some sort of code-speak, or marijuana variety, or are they really just talking about pumpkins?

I’m really talking about pumpkins and gardening in general. Sorry I live in Oregon thus I don’t really think of cannabis as any different to other crop plants.

I deffo could have made that more clear though!!

I want to say something between "There's a new sucker born every day" and "In a gold rush, sell shovels" to this comment.

There will always be new customers

Here's a tour of the late Grant Imahara's workshop. He worked on robotics and, I believe, props in there?

He's got a pretty significant amount of capability -- "CNC mills, laser cutters, lathes, paints, electronics, work tables, and, of course, multiple 3D printers" -- built into a space that looks closer to a 1-car garage than a 2-car garage.

edit: here's the actual link https://youtu.be/hsCSTO8SaQU

I think that's more 4 car garage than 2 or 1 car. It also has quite a tall ceiling and industrial power and ventilation hookups.

I have a workshop/gym in my 2-car garage and his space doesn't look much bigger than mine. (It is, however, infinitely cooler than mine)

He's got the tall ceiling, yeah, but he wasn't using it in any way that I can see.

Power hookups likely wouldn't be an obstacle if one was recreating this in a residential garage. Would just need 220V for some of the machines I bet. Key here is that for Grant's line he surely you running all of the power-hungry machines at once as he was (to the best of my knowledge) working on bespoke one-off projects.

In the video, they call out that it's "about 5 or 6 hundred square feet". An average 2 car garage is ~360 square feet, so it'd definitely closer to a 3-4 car garage.

You guys have garages? That would be the #1 issue for people in my circles. I get that the thread has that as a premise, but to assume that it's larger than the size of the vehicle you need to house in it surprises me. Also, where does the vehicle go? is what I've always wondered when hearing of american garage startups.

Edit: just re-read the OP, they do mention 2-car specifically actually

Seems like you're outside the US, so I can share some fun little garage facts:

(context: I live in the american quintessential "suburbs", cul-de-sac and all.)

Around my parts, garages are ironically barely, if EVER, used for the cars! Something that surprised us when we moved here. Many houses around here are good examples of american excess; I've seen a couple houses with like between 4-6 cars(!) and all of them are just parked in the driveway (remember with all that space we also have room for like 6-8 cars in a driveway parked 2-by-2 behind each other). People just park all ("all" lol) their cars in the driveway, and then the garage is used for any number of things: - "shops" for wood/metalworking, or crafts - table/chairs for those "garage startups" - giant freezers for meats/breads/etc for larger families - massive amounts of STUFF -- I've seen way too many garages here that are just filled with hoarder-levels of STUFF. It's disturbing.

Personally, our garage is a 2-car garage, and we put our 1 car in there, and I use the rest for my little hobbyist carpentry area. Not enough space for a full workshop, but when I need more room I pull the car out to the driveway for a bit, then put things away and pull the car back in when I'm finished. That works well enough for me for now.

American suburbs are a bizarre place for sure. Hope that clears some stuff up!

At a point, machine tools need three-phase power, which may not be available in a residential area. Little hobbiest machines don't, but heavy duty commercial grade machines often do.

In the UK lots of second hand industrial equipment requires 3 phase 415v. It can cost a lot to have this installed by your power company. I used a 3 phase converter.

Oh my gosh, thanks, can't believe I forgot it.

Sam Zeloof alone managed to manufacture chips with the early 1970s technology in his garage using old fab equipment bought cheap (sadly don't remember the exact budget): http://sam.zeloof.xyz/

Maybe with more people and more capital this could be scaled to something that can be sold, like replicas of classic CPUs.

That was my first thought upon reading the title, but you have ton ponder it, though. Does it fit the "reallistically" criteria? I mean, sure it's been done already so it is possible, but this is advanced work and probably not really accessible to the average hacker.

It's definitely one of the cooler ideas but there are much easier ways to make money if that's one of your primary goals.

Many small scale manufacturing suppliers operate on that scale - or at least could, with sufficient organization. And maybe fudging a bit and using the driveway as a loading dock to store materials and outgoing products.

Lathe, CNC Mill, Drill Press, Bandsaw, Bend Brake, CNC laser/plasma cutter. That'd be the basics of a fully featured metal shop. Buying used and upgrading as you bring in some revenue would keep you under your price target.

I would suggest looking at the mechanical puzzle community.

A quick look around https://puzzleparadise.net/ will reveal many people willing to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for bespoke homemade sequential discovery puzzles made with laser cutting, woodworking, 3D printing, CNC, mill, lathe, custom PCBs, etc.

To go further down the rabbit hole see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j5V0nECn9hqUCmPmxPqi...

I stumbled on this place, https://puzzledabq.com/, in Albuquerque earlier this year.

Probably one of the busiest establishments in the area from what I could tell.

So the retail side is probably pretty solid right now too.

This is so cool and a niche I never knew existed, thanks for posting.

With a really good graphic/packaging designer you could make small batch, die cut and laser cut packaging. Stores flat, materials are cheap. Bring some fancy samples to farmers markets and craft fairs, pitch people who want prototype or short run packaging on Kickstarter, etc.

You'll never outcompete a large market, but for people making < 1000 of a thing, there's not a lot of options.

Have you ever seen a MagLite flashlight? (Or a clone)? The batteries are kept in place by a threaded cap which is spring loaded. My neighbor manufactures the caps, alone, in his garage. Cuts the threads and installs the spring. As far as noise I do hear his air compressor occasionally. You can buy quiet air compressors but they are orders more expensive than a standard unit.

One of my favorite ideas was told to me by my uncle who works in the die cast industry. He met a guy who made lug nuts for Semi tractor tires in his garage. One item, and he made a living off of it. I have always thought that this idea was the perfect example of how to get started in an industry. If you were ambitious you could start adding more spare parts one at a time.

To expand on this, there are entire "fan clubs" around old military trucks - for example https://www.steelsoldiers.com - so you could infiltrate said groups and find what parts are starting to become rare/hard to find NOS anymore (new old/original stock) and start making replacements.

There is a big fan club for Kubota kb250 tractors on Facebook with people making custom mods and implements. I'm sure there are lots of similar things out there

This is the way in. Garden tractor enthusiasts, VW camper van enshusiasts, vintage motorcycle enthusiasts -- they all want to customize, and will spend to get it.

A trivial electronic gadget to turn an oil cooler pump on and off is a good start. Electronic assembly isn't noisy or stinky. At most you might need to bend sheet metal for a case.

Guitar players love audio processing gadgets they can turn on and off with their toes. Make something that can be adjusted to give them a unique sound. Distortion is easy to layer on.

I think super-niche small-run hobby/lifestyle/specialty products are the big answer if you want to monetize your skills and experience.

I'm really into analog photography and I can think of several products that people (including myself) would pay for but that it's just not economically feasible for a big company to hire a bunch of people and pay them wages, health insurance, and 401ks to make, on top of the actual cost of the product. I'm looking to gradually put together a workshop to try and make some of them, and if I do them, I might as well sell them. Even if it's $100 out the door for a $5 piece of metal, there's actually a market for that in terms of hobby income, it's just not a market that will sustain full-time employees and mass production.

Between 3d printing, stamping, a CNC mill and lathe, casting, a laser cutter, and a vacuum oven, you can really do a tremendous amount of stuff in your garage, especially if you are willing to leverage these tools together. 3D print a part and then cast it in a durable metal, machine it to clean it up. CNC mill yourself a stamping die. Use the vacuum oven to cure things, or dehydrate your filament, etc. Like on paper that's pretty much a tool-and-die shop, given sufficient effort you can make things that will let you make whatever else you want - much like chemistry you're never more than a couple tools away from the thing you want, you just have to make the thing that will let you make the thing you want.

Optical lithography is not that hard either as long as you're not working at semiconductor scale. There's that kid that is making chips in his garage over in the UK or something. But you can use that as a manufacturing technique for other stuff. Or use resist etching like for PCBs.

In a lot of cases, really the only limit is when you bump into something that's restricted or too hazardous to keep around even if it's unrestricted. Like boy, mercury intensifier works great but... I like my nervous system the way it is. Even selenium intensifier or pyrocat developer are pretty yikes in terms of the MSDS, very much a "better have a fume hood" thing, or do it outside (in a daylight tank).

Incidentally, but, my most insane "I'd love to do that in my garage" is custom lenses. I know the accuracy is probably just not there compared to what you'd realistically need for good results, but it really seems like single-point diamond turning should be something that is achievable with a high-end setup (say $25k) in this era of solid CNC mill or lathe setups for half that price. Maybe it's something you could build out of a CNC setup but again, is it accurate enough to make it worth it (not sure of the tolerances required, at least 1/1000th, probably 1/10,000 is better, 1/100k or finer should do it, which I guess isn't too far out of what you can do with a lathe, it's all just end work and you have to be precisely optically centered and aligned). Coating is one where you'd need the vacuum oven for sure, assuming it wasn't too toxic (iirc coatings are fluoride based). Growing optics-grade fluorite or calcite crystals also might be possible for lens blanks (although again, maybe too nasty) - or glass casting too. You'd need an optical bench too of course.

There is definitely a market for that I think - all-fluorite lenses are excellent for wide-spectrum photography (UV to IR in the same lens without focus shift - see the Coastal Optics lenses f.ex) and people (companies) pay big bucks for those, like $50k is entry-level for something in that class if you go out and buy it new. And with single-point you can make aspheric lenses as easily as spheric, so you could do all-aspheric designs that aren't commercially viable for mass-market lenses... as well as super-high-quality repros of classic lenses that are obscure or just classics. People would pay for a neo-retro Hypergon or modern takes on sonnar/heliar/etc if you could produce good results. Or you could make tools that let you do it in the traditional fashion with spheric surfaces.





Anyway though another place where some of this ends is "too difficult to make at home"... that's actually a more interesting question in some ways, a dedicated hobbyist with tool-and-diemaker level machinist skills fluency with modern CNC and 3D printing and the techniques enabled by that, and enough knowledge of chemistry/optical/electrical/RF to get yourself in trouble, can of course make an enormous amount of stuff. But things like single-crystal turbine blades for micro-turbine designs are difficult and without the "real deal" you are leaving performance on the table. In some cases (again, things that are too toxic to handle, or illegal) you do basically hit a wall, not all projects scale down to the hobbyist level.

Similarly - I was recently looking for a replacement pivot for my mountain bike, and found a machine shop in Whistler, BC (arguably the current Mecca of mountain biking) that specializes in making upgrades for parts that regularly fail in current models, as well as specialized accessories.


Yeah! For photography there is SK Grimes who does the same kind of thing - they're really a make-to-order machinery shop who just happens to be involved in photography stuff. They have both "standard" stuff they do all the time, but if you have some novel idea that you really need manufactured, they'll do a one-off for you.


I think specialist components for niche hobbies is a great niche generally - especially when the hobby has the potential to blow up into something bigger.

Bikepacking bags (and to some extent ultra-light hiking) are good examples that come to mind where people started things as hobby businesses in their garage and they quickly expanded because of demand.

How would a person with the ability/equipment to do this work at home get matched up with a company that wants to buy such things?

This seems like the sort of work that was spun off from some kind of existing business relationship.

Yes, that's the hard part. Often times harder than the mfg work. I believe he took over the contract from an acquaintance.

Yeah this seems so strange a thing to do. Maybe they're personalized/ruggedized in some nice way?

Dude, yeah, fixed wing VTOL drones airframes/kits.

The margins are really high.

Black Garlic maybe? But it's energy intensive, because it needs constant high temperatures for months.

Saying this because I recently discovered it, and like it, because it's basically garlic without the 'stink', useful for spicing up many things, again without the stink. Hard to describe. Anyways, it's seen as a gourmet thing. So one maybe could make some money with it, without much volume. OTOH energy isn't getting cheaper. Dunno. See and search for yourself.


With some woodworking equipment you could make loudspeaker enclosures. Add a CNC machine and you’ll be making enclosures just as good as the big brands.

I will add that there are a lot of excellent publicly-available DIY loudspeaker designs out there. Many of which do not have readily available flat pack DIY kits.

There might be an opportunity there.

The kits are frequently sold out, so I assume the demand is decent. It could be that margins aren't great so producers aren't eager to keep stocks high, but I've never looked into it. I just know that when I want them, they're sold out.

That size and capital outlay could be the basis for a very nice custom furniture/woodworking shop; but the skills necessary would require some work to gain.

Someone is basically doing that for keyboards, though they mainly rebox/ship from China.

I know guys that make small tables in their garage and they sell for a thousand bucks each

I guess at that scale your not looking to beat anyone on price. Your going for bespoke quality, I'd say. So you want something that people pay a lot for already so you can charge more and put the word "bespoke" in front of it.

One idea I had was bicycle frames, if you know arc welding. Custom size frames or of unique design go for a lot. I guess it depends on how fiddly they get, but if you can bang out the standard fittings then the main part should be quite quick to put togther.

With a fairly basic set of woodworking tools, you can turn out high-quality cutting boards and charcuterie boards pretty easily. Advantages of these include the fact that they're easy to produce in batches and don't take up a lot of space to store (so it's straightforward to keep some inventory on hand). I've done this and ended up with a steady drip-feed of local sales. It's a nice source of pocket money, though not a reliable one.

You can do this with knives as well, and probably other things that you can either lathe or piece together with a bit of value added craftsmanship.

My brother used to cast resin pen blanks in the garage. It's a pretty simple process that just needs a few silicone molds, a pressure vessel, and a vacuum pump. He sold them wholesale to a woodworking supply place for $5-10 each. He made enough over a couple years to pay for college.

I know a few people that must make good money resin-casting RPG dice. Some are super-fancy with all kinds of embedded decorations but one is just a clone of original D&D Basic Set dice (aka "Holmes dice"). Can't keep them in stock.

Can confirm. I've definitely bought some high end dice found on reddit/etsy. Helped there was a big DnD comeback after S1 of Stranger Things.

Small customized souvenirs for local tourist attractions or shops.

Ask in nearby townhalls if they would like some souvenirs for visiting important guests, some commemorative stuff for various contests.

Ask local hardware shop owners if they have ideas for custom brackets or some parts that could be easily machined but are unreasonably expensive.

Ask nearby sawmill owner if they need anything machined, typically they have requests from clients for some simple parts but don't have resources to have own people manning cnc's. Typically they will have requests for wooden or metal ornaments or curved parts of wooden windows, maybe artistic cabinet doors or house doors.

Wooden and metal signs for various shops.

Almost anything smaller than a breadbox. I’m not trying to be flippant, but those are better starting conditions than I had for the moderately profitable craft kit or outdoor product manufacturing businesses I’ve run. Inventory is more likely to constrain your space than equipment, and power supply is more likely to constrain your equipment than budget.

An apartment.

Might or might not be legal. The disadvantage is you can only make one, but the advantage is recurring revenue once you've made it.

Similarly, storage lockers. Might be simpler to set up, but probably less income.

That was the stated goal of Defense Distributed, to allow manufacture of firearms in your garage. Dunno what happened to them after one of the founders got arrested for personal legal problems. Thought it was an interesting concept, though.

Lionheart Kombucha in Portland Oregon started in a garage, and now is made out of his basement! He has a 3000gal fermenter down there that gets inspected. He used to give lessons at his house on how to make your own.

A machine shop with a lathe and a mill, especially CNC, can manufacture just about anything.

I personally refurbish electronics. It's nice and quiet.

I don't know if this would be within your budget but custom enclosures made of hot-bent plexi. they look really nice and I think there is demand within hobby electronic makers.

With 20-50k, poster could get the tools, heat tape, hydrogen torch, cyanoacrylate and plexi.

I know of at least a few businesses that got off the ground in a garage with a little 3-axis CNC mill and a few ideas. Find an area thats underserved and come up with a better idea.

My old neighbor makes custom collars for pets (and for certain group people as well). He lost his shoe repair business a few years back, but using his skills, he’s doing pretty well.

His collars aren’t just leather bells. He adds engraving, GPS, jewels and vegan options. it’s crazy how much people are willing to spend on their pets.

Here's an idea: Maybe look around for You Tubers who are creating one-off 3d models and pitching them to do a product run.

If you want to see what something like this could look like, Aaron Parecki designed a very clever stand for a video device called an ATEM Mini, and started with one-off 3d prototypes he was printing. He validated the idea, then sourced up to a small -- just a bit bigger than a garage -- "factory" that would be like what you're describing.

Here is a tour of the "factory" https://youtu.be/ljaEnoJZ8OY?t=1071

Might help you source ideas by looking at what some creators are prototyping on their channels, then pitching a small scale factory run of the devices.

I convert old photo negative enlargers to UV enlargers for printing with alternative processes (cyanotype in particular).

It doesn't take much space and I do it out of my small European town house basement. Which also serves as my photo lab for demonstrations.

That's neat. What do you use as the source? A bank of UV LEDs?

Never really thought about that but can you get larger "flashlight" style UV-spectrum LEDs from cree/etc? Of course you need to diffuse it and fewer larger elements are harder than more smaller elements but the output power is probably higher with the big LEDs, and I seem to remember some of the alt-processes are quite insensitive (like, leave it outside in the sun for a half hour).

The other way you can do it is, of course, printing a big negative and contact printing outside. It's a little lame with film since you have to go through an interpositive to get back to a negative (unless you use positive B+W slide process or similar - but those processes aren't great either in terms of quality), but ironically those processes are now extremely accessible through digital or hybrid-digital workflows. Scan your negative, print the scan (still negative) onto a transparency, and contact print, done. Or you can take a random digital image and invert it and then print it onto a transparency.

I should give laser-transparency cyanotype a go one of these days, that would be a few fun afternoons.

On the "how do I put out enough UV light for cyanotype enlargment" thing, I wonder if there's a way to get flashbulbs to put out UV light. One of the reasons older flash photos don't have the modern digital "flash" look is because the whole flashbulb lights up, and then the reflector actually spreads out the light from the flashbulb, so you don't have a point source like the xenon tube, it's a highly diffused source. And it's actually relatively intense by modern standards - another weird niche where flashbulb still is viable is infrared photography, IR flashbulbs put out a pretty massive amount of light.

There are UVA flashlights with insane output already in existence. Cree does not make UV but Nichia does and has some of the best 365nm high-output LEDs out there with some of the lowest visible light output/generation. Another contender is Prolight. I have one of their 60 degree UVA LEDs in a light I use for mineral exploration, it will make things glow from almost 50 feet out, but it also has some considerable visible light generation that interferes with detecting weaker fluorescence.

If you want a HUGE UVA bank, look at Wild Fire. They make UV LEDs for party places, like cosmic bowling nights, and such. One of those could likely be easily adapted to your purpose, though it might be a little pricey.

Point sources work better than arrays, so I use either one or four LEDs (from LG) depending on the power needed for the application (and how much someone is willing to pay). With enough power (more than 50W or so), cooling the negative is required given the long exposure times on the order of tens of minutes, so there are more modifications to do than just changing the light assembly.

Most people who do cyanotype print digital negatives with an inkjet printer as it has long been said that enlarging was not possible. Laser transparencies are too low in resolution to give good results.

The advantage of digital negatives is that you can adjust the contrast curve to match the response curve of cyanotype to get the best contrast, since it's different from that of silver.

But an all analog workflow is nice too.

I suspect you would avoid things that could be automatized, and rather focus on something that has relatively high margins due to either customization/personal touch or fit & finish reasons. It probably helps if the overall market isn't massive too, just plenty big enough for a small team.

e.g. find a sport or hobby that requires tools/components that can be manufactured in your 2-car/2 person setting. Then give them customization or very high quality. CNC is basically commodity now, as are 3D prints - you need something outside that box I think, or at least have it only be a component of what you are doing.

Given the nature of technology these days, with the ready available of grid power, next day shipping, and wide variety of information on demand, it's easier to describe the limits to what can be made.

Obviously - illegal stuff.

Anything bigger than about 8 foot in length, or more than 1000kg in mass. If you can pick it up solo, you might be able to build it.

Machining wise, you can buy tools to measure down to a micron, and harbor freight has stuff to get you to 25 microns. Used machine tools are widely available.

Integrated circuits are outside your time and dollar budget. But Sam Zeloof could give you pointers.

It's an amazing time to be a maker!

Get a commercial dehydrator. You can make dehydrated fruit and veg, trail food, jerky, dried herbs, tea and lots of other things.

You can grow gourmet or medicinal mushrooms with a handmade flow hood, a pressure cooker and two grow tents.

I'd do a lot of research in the market before starting a food business at home. Rules and regulations are pretty intense and if you're selling stuff for people to consume it usually has to be prepared in an approved and inspected kitchen, which is very difficult for home chefs. It's not impossible but prepare for a _ton_ of roadblocks. Most folks end up renting time in commercial kitchens that take care of crossing all the t's and dotting the i's so they are properly inspected and certified for commercial food prep, but you'll pay a premium for their service.

And the next major hurdle is actually selling product to stores. Good luck getting into real grocery stores, if you don't have a relationship with them or some kind of major in they won't even give you the time of day. You'd have to start small and super local, like an indie grocer that is willing to take a chance (and almost certainly have you take on 100%+ of the risk and pay to take back any unsold product).

I've listened to some folks on cooking podcasts that tried successfully (and unsuccessfully) to get into selling their own sauces, condiments, etc. and it is a hell of a difficult journey. They all spent easily six figures of their own cash to get it all bootstrapped and off the ground too. I don't think a single one ended up being happy in the end or felt like it was worth the trouble.

We've spent about $50k getting going, but we are on a farm so have options others don't. Our equipment was $10k, the rest went into refrigerated containers we turned into a kitchen grade dehydration space, prep room, coolroom and storage.

I'm fortunate to have a sister in the food retailing business who was our first customer. We started dehydrating lime slices to use up the excess limes from our yard and control fruit fly, and found we couldn't keep up with demand. From there it's gone really well.

We are in Australia though, YMMV.

> rest went into refrigerated containers we turned into a kitchen grade dehydration space, prep room, coolroom and storage.

I need to do something like this (I'm in Fiji). Do you happen to have any pics or videos showing your dehydrator and prep room? I assume you used Reefer containers.

BTW what does dehydrating limes have to do with fruit fly control?

I'm also in Australia. When there is a fruit fly outbreak, it is taken very seriously. There are restrictions on what fruit can be taken to schools, across suburb zones. There are teams of people that doorknock and put up traps on trees or get permission to go into your backyard and inspect dropped fruit, cutting it to look for fruit fly, etc. They wear hazmat-type garb and it all looks a bit dramatic for the suburbs.

Even without an outbreak, there are restrictions on buying fruit and taking it into a particular agricultural zone. Heavy fines for bringing fruit over the state border (my mother copped a $300 fine for forgetting she had mandarins in the car boot on a roadtrip).

I'm currently on holiday and don't have good photos on hand, but email me via leigh@stillard.com and I'll send you some when I get home.

Fallen fruit can be a reservoir for fruit fly, so I'm forever picking up fruit to bury it in compost so fruit fly can't get to it, or grow in it. By removing fallen fruit I'm not keeping fruit fly around to get into my orchard and ruin 50-70k of fruit. It's only a little orchard but we value add it by dehydration and add 75% margin on top. It adds up!

Awesome, will do!

We're in Australia with a very, very productive Meyer lemon tree. Any use in those? We had the fruit fly people around weekly at one point and were paying our kids to bin fruit that dropped so we didn't look too irresponsible.

Any licensing requirements for dehydrated citrus?

One of my friends does 3D printed and resin casted cosplay armor/props out of his garage. Low volume, high margins.

Check out your local farmers market and flea market. Everything there will be game. I bet granola would be pretty cheap. Inventory doesn't rot, shelf stable product, potential to automate the entire thing too.

In Ukraine we are building combat drones and UAVs. Lots of these startups around the country and some will successfully monetize after the war, especially given track of success on the battlefield.

How can we help? (With anything, not just drones)

- drone guys need hardware (electronics and manufacturing gear) delivered as fast as possible into Poland where our volunteers will pick up and move into Ukraine. We need everything from small electronic components to production line that will manufacture plastic or carbon drones.

- push for the West to help Ukraine more. More weapons and faster delivery. So call your senator, raise awareness, etc;

Would love to hear more about the specific needs and ways to help with hardware or manufacturing, if you can point me to somebody or drop me an email (address on my profile).

Thank you.

It's a chaos: so many people working on these drones and exploring different approaches. Right now my group is trying to figure out: 1) long range digital link with at least 115,200 baud rate given directional antennae on both sides and 2) different approach re manufacturing of actual planes. So many options ranging from styrofoam to carbon, all with different price tags and availability... chaos.

Anyway, emailing you now.

I saw a pontoon houseboat built in a 2-car garage by a shop teacher. Assembled outside of course. People even live in these puppies.

Can beat a lake-cabin, especially for people who live near lots of connected lakes.

I make pine bookshelves using 1"x12"xN" boards with dados.

T-shirt printing, leather craft, 3d printing long-tail plastic parts for things where spare parts are no longer available, small-scale electronics manufacturing, hydroponic production of fresh ingredients for local restaurants, embroidery, concrete countertop/sink production, glass work for smoking, classic car restoration, kit car production, hobby steam engine production, tiny wood shop, CNC production for sale on Etsy, jewelry crafting. Those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I know a few people who make stuff to do with hobbies. For example I know one person who makes fishing lures and another who makes ham radio antennas. Oh, and another friend who make rubber melee weapons for LARPing.

What they do is fairly simple and doesn't need CAD experience or the use of CNC machines/3D printers. The key thing is to make a good quality product, offer good customer service and work to get word of mouth advertising.

People with hobbies and disposable income are a good market to target.

Small powerboats. The biggest market for recreational boats is the 3.5 to 5m trailer boats. What people don't realise is while the market appears to be saturated with generic boat manufacturers, almost every boat buyer wants some kind of customisation that is often trivially cheap and quick to do with the right equipment.

The key skillset required is the ability to weld (for aluminium boats) and a garage set up to hold up boats while they're being assembled or customized.

One thing I've wanted someone to start making for years is good ski/snowboard racks for snowmobiles.

The ones that (almost) everyone I know have break frequently. They would be easy to make out of stainless with a couple small jigs.


The market is probably pretty small, but I'd definitely buy two sets ;)

I have a dream of producing custom recumbents. I don't know where to get thin-walled pipes, but a start capital is roughly as you have described.

McMaster-Carr supplies thin-wall chromoly tube [0] suitable for fabricating bicycle frames.

[0] tube is measured by the outer diameter; pipe is measured by the inner diameter

McMaster-Carr won’t sell to small companies, my friends and I have tried several times, only to have orders cancelled for the above-mentioned reason. It’s a shame because their website has a wealth of information (CAD drawings, measurements, etc.), one of the best I’ve seen.

What exactly have you tried to order? I've been ordering from McMaster both to a fairly small business and my personal home address with absolutely no issues for over 8 years.

Are you in the US? If you're trying to buy those tubes, are you trying to order very long lengths? UPS apparently has a limit of 108" total length, and a sum of 165" for length + "girth".

As for McMaster overall - I agree with some other sentiments here that they're great, though I do admit the "McMaster tax" (paying 10~200% what you could find the identical part somewhere else for) can be annoying at times, but is worth it when you want a reliable supplier with almost universally good quality products.

edit: Based on your reply to a sibling comment, I looked around, and found this thread that seems to reinforce your experience that McMaster shipping to Canada is...unreliable: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/mcmaster-carr-supplying-to-int...

I would try the recommendation there of ensuring you have a business name on the order, or, contact their support - I've had to contact them a couple times and they were generally quite helpful.

Good luck.

The website and all the part details are amazing. I've made many purchases from McMaster for personal / hobby use so I'm surprised to hear about difficulties purchasing from them.

We are in Ontario, Canada, if it matters. I know Quinn from blondiehacks orders from them without difficulty, so I’m not sure what it is about us that they don’t like. They tend to be very curt/nearing unfriendly in their responses.

There may be difficulties shipping cross-border (customs is hell) - so maybe you "need" to find an address just over the border in the US to ship to instead?

I do have a US PO Box, so I will try this next time. Thanks for the suggestion.

Those also don't usually allow "package" delivery (think UPS) but maybe something can be worked out. Some small post offices will accept a UPS delivery to "unit PO BOX number" but I don't think they're supposed to.

Some USPS locations do offer a Street Addressing option that allows for receiving parcels to a PO Box:


Quinn is in LA. They just don't like bothering with international shipping.

Ah, my mistake, thanks for letting me know.

I have successfully ordered and received parts from McMaster-Carr as an individual.

I'm not sure if this is a super variable experience or if it has changed over time (I first ordered from them in 2020).

Since you're in Canada too, my experience might be relevant. My first McMaster order last year was cancelled with the following response:

"Due to the cost and complexity of shipping our products to Canada, we are only able to accept orders from businesses and schools. We’ve canceled your order. If this material is not for personal use, please resubmit your order online using the business or school name."

After that, I added my company's legal name to both shipping and billing address, put "Please note: this order is for business" in order comments the first couple times, and had no problems since.

I wish we had something similar in Canada that has a good selection and isn't a pain to deal with, but as it stands, McMaster is too good to give up on.

ETA: Having read your other comment, it appears they might have restricted their policy since then, but grandfathered existing clients. That would be really sad for Canadians.

I am a business of one and I've bought from McMaster-Carr often. A long time ago (like 25 years ago) it was harder to buy from them as a tiny company, but these days they take credit cards on an online shopping list like everyone else.

I just ordered 40 SS J Bolts from them for my home project after spending a couple of weeks fruitlessly trying to get them from a local company. I placed an order on the website and they showed up in 2 days.

Did they explicitly tell you that's why the order was cancelled? I've placed many personal orders with them and never had issues.

Their reply, verbatim:

Hi xxxx,

We only ship to large businesses and schools in Canada. We can't accept your order. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You might want to try Fastenal or Motion Canada.


I can pretty much guarantee that this is due to customs/import charges. Consumers will cancel orders over a surprise bill from that, a big business won't care at all or will have their own broker.

I could be confusing them with DigiKey, but I think McMaster handle customs themselves, no customer action needed.

If that's a problem to them, I'm guessing they don't have a fully automated solution to that like e.g. DigiKey does.

Were you ordering as an individual? They definitely ship to small businesses on both sides of the border, but might be leery of an individual handling the customs stuff properly. Maybe solve that with a UPS account?

FWIW, one of the benefits of Fastenal is being able to walk in and browse the shelves (just ask them when they're not busy. Never had a problem)

idk. they made me get a commercial account. and their stock for my local shop leans heavily towards grade-8 construction fasteners and not the smaller machine screws that I generally use.

Aircraft spruce sells tubing in a variety of lengths, and ship to Canada. They're a good source for tubes that don't fit normal framebuilding supply inventories. They ship to Canada directly:


I've built a bike frame with their 4130 tubes.

bicycle tube for making bikes out of chromoly can be bought from many makers. The good stuff doesn't have uniform wall thickness but has thinner sides and thicker top/bottom for lower weight/stiffness. It should also have butted ends, meaning that it has thicker walls at the ends.

Local metals dealer?

But at this point carbon fiber is pretty easy to manufacture. For a bike frame the hard part would be design optimization and stress calculations. It might even be easier once you have the molds. I'm not really sure I understand why some upstart carbon bike company hasn't cleaned up given how inexpensively some of the no-name carbon parts from china are (and how they appear to be at least as good if not better than some of the name brand stuff in some cases).

I see some high end custom jobs where they swapped some of the carbon fiber with some kind of coating on some kind of styrofoam. Its much more bulky to get usable strength but its not that heavy and it makes no noise.

Are you going to make the old-timey recombants with the steering below the seat, unlike the modern ones with the huge handlebars? I miss those. Like this one:


(I met this guy in Cambridge Mass in the 80's).

> Are you going to make the old-timey recombants with the steering below the seat, unlike the modern ones with the huge handlebars?

I think that steer is something easily replaceable. I want to do lowriders - when the lowest point of butt is lower than a line between two axles. This is an incredible fast form-factor for totally good roads. Thanks HN for a discussion.

Funny how most of that gear could just be an iPhone now!

I remember this from the 80’s too, I was 8 when I met him and it was the coolest thing ever.

It's insane, right? GPS antenna tech evolved crazy fast after high-res GPS was made available to the public in the mid-90's. Not to mention all the 3G/LTS/4G/5G investment.

Things could still be made smaller if there were more antennae nearby: hence lower transmit power. But I think the smartphone format is pretty dang near perfect.

Last year I was looking for DIY techniques for waterproofing camping gear and I found this vidy about 'welding' rip-stop nylon. After this I had a few days of daydreaming about making backpacking and camping equipment. I would add 'textiles' to the list of garage-doable manufacturing. You need sewing machine, workbench, and other hand tools.

The thing I got stuck on was inventory. You need to have raw materials (either buying in bulk or buying bulk when you get a good deal) and unless you're MTO, you're keeping inventory. That fills up space and ties up your cash. Not a fun daydream after that point.

For the adventure seekers among us who like to prototype their own gear I found the link: https://youtu.be/Ne2J01h1tZ0

I've a good few friends that either started or run small mnufactruing businesses out of a garage or spare room. Those that moved to dedicated premises only did so once it made sense financially and were already supporting their family. Some moved rural, supporting a bigger workshop.

I have 3 car garage, with one car in it, the rest is workshop. That fits ample tracking, several metalworking machines, bench space and tool storage. I don't run a full fledged business, just hobby jobs, but it could easily support as much.

I've seen clean rooms, home built automated manufacturing rigs and labs I'd wish for at work, all in people's sheds. I truly believe a small workshop can do wonders. The capabilities of small modern equipment, and the ability to outsource jobs/parts by email only makes this easier.

(edit: formatting)

Dietary supplements. US regs are lax as hell and a capsule filling machine is 20k. Tablet making machine is cheaper. But if you’re not worried about legality, pressing ecstasy pills is a better business lol. But seriously, you can make your own blends of herbs etc according to market demand.

If you want to create an economically viable business, focus first on how you're going to profitably locate, attract and sell to a growing pool of new customers. The vast majority of businesses which fail, do so due to a lack of Customers not a lack of Product.

cutting gemstones has a pretty low capital cost to get started, a couple of workbenches worth of grinding and polishing equipment plus a diamond-saw

there's lots of tutorials on youtube, seems like a gratifying hobby with a potential for profit if you take it seriously as a day job

>not particularly interested in the legality

Counterfeit board games.

Board game mechanics aren't copyrightable anyway. You can make this fully legal if you don't infringe copyright on any of the artwork.

About a million things? Art, furniture, metal gears, food, seedlings, chickens, printed t-shirts, shoes, electronics, bicycles, pottery, brooms, woven fabric, a bespoke suit. A car.

It'd be easier to list what you can't manufacture in a 2 car garage.

>metal gears

It is surprising how much you have to know to make gears to be used in mechanical power transmission. It's not magic, and definitely doable, but you can't just cut them out out of sheet stock on a CNC router and expect them to work for years.

A family member of mine did motorcycle trailer hitches and other related things for years out of a two car garage. Eventually they got big enough that they needed to expand and did so, at least to some success.

Meal kits for low income groups. Buy ingredients directly from producers. Sell the kits directly to local consumers if you can reach them. Sell indirectly via regional resellers that could be registered online and place their orders via a web channel as simple as a Google form. About the meals, don't worry about anything fashionable or attractive to middle class consumers like "low carb", "organic" or the like. Make something hunger oriented. A meal that could satisfy an empty stomach as a priority.

Anything food related at least in the US is incredibly difficult. Things like needing an alcohol license to sell kombucha and having to go to an industrial kitchen to even qualify to sell it.

Made in USA safety razor.

There have been a few pop up, seemingly sell really well, then disappear for unknown reasons. I think Weber was the last one, and they became highly sought after.

Charge 150 bucks a pop, people will buy it.

Don't have any insight, but likely getting acquired.


Build unfinished receivers for firearms. Might not stay legal much longer though.

Anything you can 3D print or make with a small machining center I would assume. It's amazing how compact and efficient that stuff is.

Have a look at 3dhubs. (www.hubs.com)

You need the correct property zoning to operate a business from your basement.

Your house is very likely in a residential zone, which limits it to residential use only (some exceptions apply, allowing home office scenarios for people who live there, but limits employees from travelling to your house for work).

Why do these rules exist? Well, to regulate industrial expansion, limit noise, traffic and road congestion (parking) in residential areas.


It's only profitable if your time is worth nothing, but you can build a kit plane like the Vans RV-7 in a garage for around that startup cost.

Wall Art, like posters, could be manufactured at home.

> I am not particularly interested in the legality of this at the moment. But safety considerations could be important.

Very illegal: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/ar-15-full-auto-sear-...

A CNC plasma cutter, sand blasting, and paint booth (with additional supporting equipment) can support a business for making really fancy signs for businesses.

This guy on YouTube is basically exactly that: https://www.youtube.com/c/42Fab

Niche, NLA car parts for older cars. 3d print to prototype, machine with a mill and/or lathe. Or better, CNC mill.

Custom length power/data cables like SATA/SAS with various connectors. The biggest obstacle would be that you'd need to test them, but you could start doing so with second-hand hardware. Pair it with a nice website with instant pricing calculator, and I bet you will see business.

Low resistance across each of the pins in the finished connector is not enough for testing? That's how cable tester devices, like for CAT5, work afaik. Maybe add another test for ground (like add another multimeter that is connected to ground and make sure it's not being shorted to ground) but that's all you need for most regular dumb cables, I would think?

Of course, if the cable itself is also a device and the cable has a protocol of its own that it needs to speak (looking at USB-C here, I read these stupid things need chips now to indicate they can safely carry more power), then things get more complicated

My son manufactures pattern-welded steel billets for knife makers (so-called Damascus). In his garage.

3D print tabletop game pieces. Lots of tabletop games use cards. Having physical pieces adds a nice touch.

Either an electromagnetic gadget that reduces any object's weight or a wonky time machine. /s

Is that what the thing in Primer was supposed to do? Reduce weight?

I thought they were making jtag headers, at least to start with.

Yeah, I think readers. Like cheap SEGGERS. Gotta watch than again.

Well, it was MacGuffin, but yeah.

If you're not interested in legality, then technically cooking meth or something similar (amphetamine, mephedrone or other drugs popular in the neighborhood) would bring the best ROI, but it might not best from safety perspective for a variety or reasons.

This might be the scifi author in me speaking, but I think fungi and other similar natural resources are a valuable target. This is actually something I want to look into in the future, even if only in theory.

Small mechanical and 3D-printed parts. Lockpicking kits, custom engraved objects.

If you're ignoring legality, then the list is very long. Choose something that you know and are interested in. Figuring out how to produce it quickly and in large quantities is a secondary concern.

My understanding is not that OP is looking to produce goods of questionable legality.

My understanding is that OP is setting aside legal issues such as zoning, etc for the moment and focusing on feasible business ideas.

However, I could be wrong.

OP did ask "realistically".

I mean, building a jet engine from an old car turbocharger is not that difficult, you only have to manufacture the combustion chamber.

Airplanes. E/AB are slow enough to build that even if you are working full time they are still one-of-a-kind creations and can be built and sold.

Zombie box type stuff. (generator quieting devices)

I've also been curios, for some time now, but got no concrete good examples. Good question! Hope you'll get some good answers!

well, you can manufacture a gun [0] from materials procured from your hardware store. Of course that would likely be illegal in many juridictions first to manufacture, then to sell.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Luty#Firearms_design

Manufacturing tends to be legal in most states as long as it's not an NFA item. Selling requires the appropriate FFL license and often times a fairly high class, requiring a business address.

There are a few makers who operate as small "satellite" FFLs but typically it's more profitable to just be a reseller or do transfers for $30 a pop.

Making and selling accessories though is very doable and can probably make solid money. Lots of random little connectors or mounts that you can charge an arm and a leg for.

With CNC machines and/or 3D printers, you can make much nicer guns than Philip Luty could pull off.

Hot sauce or other condiments or pastries.

Tech augmentations where you add features to a product, tear down, solder up, assemble back and QA.

Stupid question if you'd ask me. You can build anything, really. Whatever you set your mind to mate.

3D printing for vintage cars. But you sorta need to be embedded in it to know what’s needed.

HP started in a garage. So did Apple.

And some dude built a nuke in his. Have fun.

>And some dude built a nuke in his.

David Hahn[1] made an EPA Superfund site, not a nuclear weapon. Generally, the resources of a nation-state are required to build nuclear weapons. I hope it stays that way.

  [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hahn

Live edge wood tables.

Tiny wooden boxes.

You can CNC cut carbon fiber for custom UAVs.

New kind of transport/sports devices.

Grow medical weed or mushrooms.

You can manufacture metal-core PCB LED modules and fixtures with your starting mentioned capital. For power, you can either do an on-board solution or provide external power drivers matched to your LED layout.

Bare unbranded extruded aluminum fixtures can be had COTS and cheap, and you can either get a board house to design boards for you, or link up starboards to populate the fixtures. A small SMT oven can be had for starting at $500 out of China, though making an SMT oven to solder components to a metal PCB is as simple and cheap as a couple of half-silvered halogen bulbs in a workshop fixture, and a reflective metal top replacing the cage. Due to the nature of metal-PCB rework and how it basically ignores thermal profile recommendations, don't worry too much about following a specific thermal reflow profile on the first reflow attempt, just make sure you're getting hot enough at a decent-but-not-blistering speed to ensure all solders down, and then back off the heat immediately and allow the board to cool down. Adjust the height of the board from the light fixture or adjust exposure time or both as necessary to deal with soldering issues.

Plastic stencils that match your LED/component pad profile/layout are easy and cheap to manufacture (or buy pre-made.) Solder paste is fairly cheap (though there are some that get expensive, like the indium-bearing solders.) Most components are relatively simple to hand-place as long as your solder stencil job is properly-done and the components aren't too tightly-packed together and tiny, though small high-speed dual-nozzle pick and place SMT machines can be had for around $5K ($2500 or so used.)

I suggest looking into servicing the UV market, as that is the market that is blooming. The pandemic has boosted the need for disinfection-capable UV LEDs (specifically UVC,) and also this becomes a boon for other markets, like fluorescent mineral photography, minerals location (things like scheelite are easier to find via their glow when excited by UV radiation at certain wavelengths.) UVA is also showing some experimental results at disinfection, and despite the need for more power to achieve the results, UVA LEDs are much more efficient than UVC, and much cheaper to obtain, so there might be potential there as well if more research is performed and validated.

Alternatively, you can go the simpler route of being an assembly house instead of a manufacturing house, buy fixtures, and pre-populated boards that are designed to mount in said fixtures, make working units, sell those. I did precisely this with another person, literally out of their garage, making aquarium lighting for a while - LED strips, screws, extruded aluminum heatsinks, plastic 'lens' inserts, power wire with switch, water-sealing grommets, power supplies, extrusion end caps. If you work hard, make the right development decisions, and advertise effectively, you can easily grow into something that is sustainable and rewarding.


- Kombucha leather



A car? Google wikispeed

Shrooms. Good stuff.

Smart surfboards!

JTAG boards.

Cosplay gear




The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has some fairly stringent requirements if you want to get into that line of work.[1]

  [1] - https://www.ttb.gov/distilled-spirits/laws-regulations-and-public-guidance

Isn't the distillation process prone to explosions? How would one get started? How much capital is needed?

It's fairly safe if you operate in a well ventilated environment, have fail-safes in your still in case there is a pressure build up, and use electric elements instead of gas.

Plenty of people use gas, but I don't see why given the increased risk and cost.

For gin you need to make or buy neutral spirit first. Buying it is ideal as larger providers can make it cheaper and cleaner than you, but needs a license so you won't do this while you're developing a product.

Then you will likely use a pot still to make your final product. You can use the same equipment to do both processes if you have a modular design.

None of the above is set in stone - gin is a bit like jazz and breaking the rules is common.

Good post, this person know what they are talking about. Source: I make gin

Capital needed for distillation? Just watch an episode of Moonshiners on Discovery channel and you'll be set. Nothing you couldn't buy at Home Depot or the local hardware store for about $100.

My neighbour just mentioned having been recently granted approval to make gin at home. Wonder if I should be concerned...

You can buy an alcohol still from Home Depot for $200.


Delta 8 vape carts. The license to do it legally is easy to get. You can buy all the material you'll need from Marijuana Packaging and Fresh Bros. I used to run a small CBD business out of a rented shop in Minnesota.



If you can mentally handle the next multi-billion dollar opportunity, I suggest:

The 1st free & clean energy device: https://www.KryonEngine.org

How's yours coming along?

I'm not a mechanical engineer at all, unfortunately (most of HN readers are probably working in IT). And I don't have access to mechanical engineer friends, or the budget to pay people. So I hope someone is getting on it really fast now, because I'd say we need this urgently.

What are your thoughts on the potential for this technology to unlock absolutely untold devastation? As with the fission and fusion atomic reactions, the weaponization of this technology could potentially threaten all life on earth. An ICBM-delivered payload of a gyroscopically stabilized flywheel spun up to arbitrary (relativistic?) velocities would have literally no ceiling on potential yield with infinite free energy. Might Iran and North Korea already be working on such a doomsday weapon now?

Well, this is only my humble opinion, but what I see here is a pretty low-tech (and thus rather easy to build) way to produce free energy. Which means 0 pollution (once it is built), which to my knowledge doesn't exist elsewhere in this manner.

I don't see "arbitrary (relativistic?) velocities" as you say. There must be mechanical limits to the speed of the rotation here. What is unlimited is the duration that the engine spins.

When you say "weaponization of this technology could potentially threaten all life on earth", I actually think of nuclear energy, as in the one we have right now.

Why would there be mechanical limits to how fast a flywheel can spin? If the wheel is suspended, say, in a frictionless magnetic harness, there should be no limit to how far it can be spun up. Thus, a single device should be capable of cracking the Earth's crust and ending all life on Earth, without the expense and engineering necessary for fusion weaponry. I don't believe you've thought through the dangers here.

> When you say "weaponization of this technology could potentially threaten all life on earth", I actually think of nuclear energy, as in the one we have right now.

The difference is that nuclear engineering is expensive and difficult. Magnets are cheap and ubiquitous. A nuclear reaction can continue only so long as there's fuel. Infinite free energy is, well... Infinite.

Like Monty Python said: Always look on the bright side of life. Assuming you're right, then your first buyer would be the US Army. You would never have to work a single day in your life ever again. :-)

> Monty Python

Somehow, I don't think you're taking this seriously. If you really believe in the potential of this technology, it should scare the daylights out of you.

I'm generally hard to scare, but why not talk it over with a couple of engineers? Either they're going to tell you "it's not going to work b/c that's what we've been told in school" and you'll sleep better, or you're going to be very rich and you'll also sleep better.

I don't need to talk to anyone to sleep just fine, because Elon Musk, Exxon, the CCP and the US Department of Defense aren't idiots and would have bought up all of the rare earth magnets already if this was anything but obvious crank.

Was looking for some guffaws this morning

Thanks for supplying!

i bet i could bring a kryonengine desk fan to market by monday :)

Outside of small scale Etsy-tier tech/non-tech stuff? Nothing. What a garage is good for though is prototyping and prototyping related R&D. Given that you have a 20k-50k USD budget, perhaps you should look for cheap commercial property for rent.

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