I have a couple pieces of code where we had to add rate limiting because it was just too easy to make too many async calls all at once, and things only got 'worse' as I fixed performance issues in the traversal code that were creating an ersatz backpressure situation.
Philosophically, the main problem is that promise caches are a primary enabler of the whole cache anti-pattern situation. People make the mistake of thinking that 'dynamic programming' means memoization and 'memoization' means caching. "Everything you said is wrong." Trying to explain this to people has been a recurring challenge, because it's such a common, shallow but strongly-held misunderstanding.
Youtube recently suggested this video to me, which does a pretty good job of explaining beginning and intermediate DP:
What I love most about this video is that it introduces memoization about 10 minutes in, but by 20% of the way through it has already abandoned it for something better: tabulation. Tabulation is an interative traversal of the problem that gathers the important data not only in one place but within a single stack frame. It telegraphs a information architecture, while recursive calls represent emergent behavior. The reliance on cache to function not only obscures the information architecture, it does so by introducing global shared state. Global shared state and emergent behavior are both poison to the long-term health of a project, and here we have a single data structure that represents both in spades.
We are supposed to be fighting accidental coupling, and especially global variables, not engaging in word games to hide what we are doing.
So I think my answer to OP's question is 'tabulation', which is part data structure and part algorithm.
Philosophically, the main problem is that promise caches are a primary enabler of the whole cache anti-pattern situation. People make the mistake of thinking that 'dynamic programming' means memoization and 'memoization' means caching. "Everything you said is wrong." Trying to explain this to people has been a recurring challenge, because it's such a common, shallow but strongly-held misunderstanding.
Youtube recently suggested this video to me, which does a pretty good job of explaining beginning and intermediate DP:
What I love most about this video is that it introduces memoization about 10 minutes in, but by 20% of the way through it has already abandoned it for something better: tabulation. Tabulation is an interative traversal of the problem that gathers the important data not only in one place but within a single stack frame. It telegraphs a information architecture, while recursive calls represent emergent behavior. The reliance on cache to function not only obscures the information architecture, it does so by introducing global shared state. Global shared state and emergent behavior are both poison to the long-term health of a project, and here we have a single data structure that represents both in spades.
We are supposed to be fighting accidental coupling, and especially global variables, not engaging in word games to hide what we are doing.
So I think my answer to OP's question is 'tabulation', which is part data structure and part algorithm.