Honestly logos are currently a very low entropy art form, much lower than graphic design which is already quite low compared to many forms of art (obviously my subjective opinion, but I'd like to think I have strong reasons). If anything, I think logo design is one of the first things ai can achieve human parity on. Obviously the style in this post was unorthodox for a logo, so I wouldn't even rule DALL-E out, with the right prompt engineering.
However, once you reach a certain budget, it's much more involved to *choose* a logo that "fits" how the company wants to present itself, than it is to generate candidate logos of sufficient quality. I can assure you that the "many-chefs problem" for a high budget design project is very real, and the major cost driver. You have a mix of "design by committee", internal politics, what designers wants on their portfolios, etc etc.
However, once you reach a certain budget, it's much more involved to *choose* a logo that "fits" how the company wants to present itself, than it is to generate candidate logos of sufficient quality. I can assure you that the "many-chefs problem" for a high budget design project is very real, and the major cost driver. You have a mix of "design by committee", internal politics, what designers wants on their portfolios, etc etc.