to be fair to Microsoft, the terminal developers didn’t have a lot of experience with approaches like the one Casey used. Casey had 25+ years of game development experience to draw from, and the Windows Terminal team didn’t.
game development is an entirely different paradigm than enterprise software development; they aren’t really comparable, other than they both produce software which successfully executes.
in games, any code which does not directly contribute to the final product is not written, or is removed after it is not needed. in enterprise software, tens of thousands of lines of code are produced simply so the project layout is familiar for everyone working on it, because that’s important, somehow?
Casey was right to complain about the performance, and to show them how it should work. licensing it so that they couldn’t even look at it was both 100% intentional and 100% a dick move, and i will not credit him for that. that code could have been used as a wakeup call regarding performance for a lot of people within Microsoft, but he licensed it so they can’t even look at it.
perfomance of microsoft software isn’t great, i’ll agree. poking fun at them then hiding the code that was easy enough to write for him, but completely not obvious to the Windows Terminal team, doesn’t really make Casey the Software Quality Hero you’ve portrayed him as. Casey writes excellent software, don’t get me wrong. this particular example and series of events is not a high point in his career, to me.
Paraphrasing: "To be fair to one of the consistently largest software giants of the last 40 years, with nearly unlimited budget and a reputation for paying its software engineers well, they actually suck ass at writing software".
You seem to roughly agree with this in your 3rd paragraph. Enterprise software is fucking awful despite spending an enormous amount of money on it, and that's because the developers and the development process and the SMEs and the managers and vice presidents are all fucking awful at their jobs. That's the reason. They're fucking shit-ass at making software. Just look at Microsoft Teams. This is not the defense you seem to think it is.
Besides, we're not talking about enterprise software driven by bloat from the demand-side. We're talking about notepad and the console.
> Enterprise software is fucking awful despite spending an enormous amount of money on it, and that's because the developers and the development process and the SMEs and the managers and vice presidents are all fucking awful at their jobs
Enterprise software written 20 years ago still runs and works. I can still install it from an Msi package
Half the android apps I bought 5 years ago don't exist any more.
In Google they would have cancelled, closed, relaunched and cancelled again.
Games are hit and miss, admittedly some run for decades.
Games can avoid a lot of maintenance patterns that look like cruft simply because many games are fire and forget and not truly expected to have a long shelf life.
PS: you wouldn't believe how many tries it took to get my phone to accept the word "cruft" instead of autocorrecting it to craft. Dammit!
> This is not the defense you seem to think it is.
it’s not a defense at all, it’s my whole point.
enterprise software is absolutely lost, because following enormous sets of rules and enforcing those rules via management is FAR CHEAPER AND EASIER than hiring skilled people who don’t need those rules to produce good software.
if that isn’t the very definition of bad management and business practices, i don’t know what is.
enterprise software being a total shitshow is my point, because a shitshow is far better for shareholders in the short term. filling seats with dopes you hope to train is easy to measure. carefully harvesting the best talent is slow, expensive, and difficult to measure.
microsoft does that. all large publicly traded companies optimize for short-term gain at the expense of long-term loss.
game companies, the good ones, the smaller ones, don’t operate like that. there are shit managers there, too, but game companies attract the exact talent they need, almost by default. they care about what they create because not caring means bad reviews, low sales, no bonuses, and layoffs.
the punishment for writing shit software at any enterprise company is continued employment, and at worst, an involuntary lateral move to another position where software quality does not matter.
microsoft is an enterprise software developer. they are burdened with that management style just like a lot of our employers are.
I'm the "main tech guy" of a financial firm and I can answer this question.
It's because people like me don't care about user experience.
We get Teams for free in our M365 subscription. It's integrated with other stuff, it has APIs for automation and I can't be blamed for choosing MS.
I know this is a shitty argument... but seriously, I have many battles to fight, not wasting my energy choosing the best chat software.
Devs think a lot a about software quality and stuff, but that's often irrelevant for business. GP is wrong, MS knows exactly what they need to do to increase profits.
optimizing for short-term gain is growing profit. what do you think short-term gain is? it's gain!
what it isn't is investing in quality and long-term success; it's betting that you'll be able to find some other short-term optimization in the future, and it relies on the stock market having a memory that lasts no longer than one year
Microsoft doesn't do _everything_ with an eye on short-term gain, is why.
Everything Microsoft did in the 1990s was based on returning profit sooner rather than later. That's the whole point of "embrace, extend, extinguish": liquidate this technology and turn it into money as fast as possible.
Every time you make a decision which gives you money or profit today, and that decision is based on money alone, you are optimizing for the short term at the expense of the long term.
It is easier to think about when you think of personal finances. You can have a slightly bigger paycheck every pay period or you can set aside money for retirement. You can maximize profit today if you borrow from your own future.
I should not have said that Microsoft do this exclusively (and at this very second I'm not sure I said that) because they don't do that exclusively. It is a common approach to decisions regarding stock price and "shareholder value" however.
> Everything Microsoft did in the 1990s was based on returning profit sooner rather than later.
Are you aware of what happened to MSFT stock during the 1990s? The claim is not credible.
> It is easier to think about when you think of personal finances. You can have a slightly bigger paycheck every pay period or you can set aside money for retirement. You can maximize profit today if you borrow from your own future.
Games developers have a very different tradeoff between bugginess and speed than most developers. Security bugs are completely fine, inconsistent and unreproducible behaviour is mostly fine, especially if it's funny.
Can be fine. There are plenty of computer game genres where security bugs are not fine at all and where you need to be super careful to not introduce nondeterminism as that would break the whole game, all while maintaining performance.
perhaps you are not familiar with what the GPL requires of its users, and how wildly incompatible that is with what a company like Microsoft does.
Microsoft employees are forbidden from looking at GPL code (as well as other virally licensed code) because they may unwittingly reproduce some GPL code they saw in a large Microsoft codebase.
If that happens, and they are taken to trial over it, and lose, that entire codebase is now GPL. This is enough of a risk to them that MS employees have computers which simply can not view GPL code.
that is also why they would not watch the video; it isn’t about his voice, it is about the code visible on stream. additionally, watching a video of GPL code being written could be perceived as an attempt to circumvent the restrictions on viewing GPL code, and would likely get the viewer into trouble.
you not already knowing this bothers me a lot, given all the things you’ve said in this discussion. you are making a lot of assumptions that are just not true and basing your opinions on the belief that those assumptions are true.
this is very similar to why software at microsoft is as bad as it is generally; a lot of people assuming they know things they don’t know, and producing results which are more flawed than they needed to be.
There's no reason other than lack of will for something like Windows Terminal to not be GPL compatible. The limits Microsoft places upon themselves are results of their own conscious choices.
Also, Microsoft employees work on GPL2-licensed Linux just fine, so something seems off in your story.
other Microsoft libraries are used in Windows Terminal, optionally in code form. cmd.exe is in the same source tree, and other proprietary code of Microsoft's relies on that code; it's a non-zero portion of the command-line stuff that ships in Windows.
stuff that is not Windows Terminal but that lives in the Windows Terminal repo on GitHub gets shipped with Windows.
so, yes, there are very good reasons they can't license Windows Terminal via GPL.
None of what you said inherently prevents GPL licensing. I'm not sure you understand the implications of GPL license at all.
Also, it's not just WSL people who work on GPL software inside Microsoft. I guess they are magically expected not to subconsciously reproduce any GPL code in their work ever ;)
you're right, nothing i said inherently prevents GPL licensing, but the existing license terms of the code they write themselves and license from others does inherently prevent GPL licensing. I thought that was clear, but apparently I need to be more deliberate with my comments.
>They're free to look at the approach and simply rewrite it.
If by "look at the approach" you mean the "look at the code", then no. You're giving a step for your code to be considered a derivative work. If by "look at the approach" you mean someone read the code, made a specification, and then someone else that hasn't looked the code, made a program based on the specification, then yes. But arguably this isn't "simply rewrite".
Those aren't even baseless considerations. ReactOS project had paused development due to concerns that derived (read: rewritten) parts of leaked Windows code may have been used. It took years for ReactOS to show that everything was in fact a clean-room implementation (basically doing what wrote above). If they hadn't, they'll have made themselves open to be sued by Microsoft.
can you, as a lawyer for Microsoft, make a guarantee to the business that if allowed, a software developer at Microsoft who works on the Windows source code will not ever reproduce a method they saw in a GPL codebase in the code they write for their job?
You can not. So what do you do to prepare for a lawsuit which alleges that you've copied GPL code into the Windows codebase? You have technical and legal barriers in place so that those developers can't see GPL code where you can control that, and make them promise that they won't do anything to compromise the license of the Windows code that they work on. Technical and legal (read: contractual) measures to prevent this are the defense that one needs to have in order to defend against a case like this, in court.
So, because you, as a Microsoft attorney, can't guarantee that GPL code won't be reproduced verbatim in any quantity in the Windows codebase, you do what you can to dissuade your developers from looking at GPL code.
please think for 2 seconds on your own and I won't have to ELI5.
Wait, I'm also confused. I thought completely rewriting the implementation of an algorithm would not violate copyright. It may run afoul of other laws, but not copyright. Am I mistaken?
I don't mean simply renaming variables or changing a couple of lines.
"Derivative work" doesn't mean "a work made with knowledge of another work". WP explains, "In copyright law, a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major copyrightable elements of an original, previously created first work (the underlying work)." Canonical examples include translations into another language, dramatizations of novels, or phonorecords of sheet music.
Algorithms, being purely functional, are not copyrightable in any country that I know of. So a new implementation that uses the same algorithm as the original, but without copying any of its non-functional aspects, is not a derivative work of the original and does not infringe its copyright.
Cleanroom reimplementation is a defense against allegations of copying, because under, for example, US copyright law, access plus substantial similarity is sufficient to show copying. The "He's So Fine" lawsuit is one of the most extreme examples of this doctrine. Cleanroom reimplementations are a defense against copying by eliminating the access element. But copying the functional aspects of a program does not meet the "substantial similarity" bar.
Uh, no. You cannot e.g. listen to a Radiohead song and "look at the approach and simply rewrite it" for instance if you want to be entirely clear of copyright liability - same applies for software.
Isn't copyright about copying verbatim (or with trivial enough changes that it remains recognizably the same) large enough sections of the protected work?
At least not in my country (France). At the very least changing the pitch, and rhythm and interpretation of a melody is not enough to make it an original work there.
To give a very concrete example: french singer Claude François made the song Comme d'habitude:
It was translated and rewritten a few times but he still is recognized as one of the copyright owners on those covers, e.g. which are definitely not just a mechanical rewrite of the original score
There's a difference between creating a derivative work and analyzing how something is done in order to create something new based on that knowledge. You can make songs in style of Led Zeppelin that sound like they could be written and performed by Led Zeppelin without violating any copyrights (and to be able to do that you obviously need to know some Led Zeppelin songs beforehand), but you can't take "Dazed and Confused", change the guitar solo and part of the lyrics and call it done...
Well, at least unless you end up as big as Led Zeppelin was before someone catches you, I guess ;)
> Well, at least unless you end up as big as Led Zeppelin was before someone catches you, I guess ;)
Are you talking about the Led Zeppelin who get entangled in judicial pursuits for plagiarism every couple years? If it was as clear cut as you say it is it would never reach any judge.
There is even one case where someone was condemned for not copying any specific song but the general style of another musician : Pharrell Williams had to pay 5M to the Marvin Gaye estate because of this
> The Ninth Circuit stated that the appeal was decided “on narrow grounds” and that the “decision does not give license to copyright a musical style or ‘groove.’”
What a pile of bullshit. I wasn't aware of that case.
It seems perfectly fair to expect Microsoft to throw resources at heavily used apps. "They don't have the experience to make it good" is pretty chickenshit.
> It seems perfectly fair to expect Microsoft to throw resources at heavily used apps.
yes it does seem perfectly fair, doesn’t it? it isn’t. the amount of work that needs to be done always outscales the ability to do the work, forcing prioritization. the Windows Terminal team is not large, and just throwing people at the team will not make it faster.
> "They don't have the experience to make it good" is pretty chickenshit.
you’re very unpleasant already. second sentence, calling me chickenshit. classy.
how many people do you know who are capable of writing what Casey wrote in two weekends who also DON’T work on games full-time?
i don’t know any people like that. so, where do you think those people go to work? on Windows Terminal? like that’s a common career path for someone like Casey? i would be absolutely flabbergasted if there were someone on the Windows Terminal team who knew how to do what Casey did before he did it. “Hey, come work on the command prompt” does not attract people who understand how to dynamically generate a texture atlas of code points and use that atlas to render a texture representing the console window contents 60/120/144/240 frames per second. the people that know how to do that are already spoken for.
> i would be absolutely flabbergasted if there were someone on the Windows Terminal team who knew how to do what Casey did before he did it.
THAT is precisely the problem!
What Casey did was not some unique and special solution known only to dark wizards working on AAA game engines.
It's an obvious solution that has been implemented many times before by many people for many systems. All green-screen and DOS-era terminals work this way, for example.
Admittedly, I'm a former game engine developer, but I went into that career with essentially zero industry experience of any type. I just muddled my way through a C++ textbook and started writing a game engine.
I needed a text console for my game engine, and I also needed to display Unicode text because we were targetting an international market.
Completely naively I wrote a "text engine". It took about a week, and my solution was virtually identical to Casey's. The difference was that I was slower at implementing it, and Casey's is more feature complete, but the approach was identical.
I didn't go to Hogwarts School for Game Development Wizardry. I just thought about the problem and applied the obvious solution.
The difference between people like Casey and the Microsoft team is not necessarily aptitude, but attitude. The Microsoft team has no mechanical sympathy and no interest in quality.
They made arguments not just along the lines of "this is impossible", but also "nobody needs this".
Through every fibre of their being they believe that computers are slow and that this is fine.
The proof is in the putting sadly. Anyone with a concern about Quality would not have shipped. As they would be inflicting pain rather than resolving it.
Green-screen and DOS-era terminals don't work by having a custom shader running on a GPU, it's true, but they do have hardware that does the same thing Muratori's custom shader does: generate screen pixels by looking up texture data in a texture atlas indexed by a glyph index taken from a display buffer, which is updated by software. Consequently their display latency averages about 9 milliseconds.
Those character generators don't do rescaling and linear interpolation of the texels, and often they're only one-bit color, but that's extra work refterm is doing that DOS-era terminals weren't doing. It wasn't that Muratori invented a new, more efficient way to do things; he just reproduced the bitmap character-generator approach that was standard from 01975 to 01985, but runs it on faster hardware. So he got about 160 megabytes per second before optimizing, ten times faster than Windows Terminal, and 1600 megabytes per second after he "put in the most basic optimization [he] could think of".
It isn't necessary to do character generation on the GPU to be responsive, either. The Alto running Smalltalk took maybe a second for its ≈0.5 MIPS CPU to redraw a screenful of proportional text, say about 2kB. The original Macintosh took maybe 100 ms using a 1-MIPS CPU and hand-optimized assembly. But the laptop I'm typing this on is about 34000 MIPS so it ought to be able to do the job in ≈3 μs. My word-wrapped proportional-font experiment in gets 72 MB/s, which works out to ≈30 μs per 2-kB "screenful". Valgrind says it's running about 113 instructions per byte rendered, suggesting my C is closer to Smalltalk performance than QuickDraw. It's still 20× as slow as refterm but it's not using the GPU, but 5× as fast as Windows Terminal. (On the other hand, it doesn't draw to the actual display, just a memory buffer which it outputs to a PNM file at the end.)
My own unoptimized monospace terminal emulator running on the CPU with a full-color font takes 6.9 wallclock seconds and 3.1 CPU seconds to display the output of yes {1..90} | head -c 1000000. This is enormously slower, only 145 kilobytes per second or 323 kilobytes per CPU second, a whole 14 milliseconds per 2-kB screenful. (And its screen really is 2 kB.) This is 1000 times slower than refterm and 100 times slower than Windows Terminal, and it still doesn't handle the difficult cases like combining characters, double-width CJK characters, and RTL text. Probably I should optimize it!
I didn't call you chickenshit, I called giving them leeway chickenshit (by synthesizing a statement that I thought roughly reflected the leeway).
I have no idea who could match what, but Windows is just an utterly massive product, they have the resources to make the whole thing shine, even if people really don't want to work on it and need big bribes.
Casey wrote code and made it public. That is helping.
Regardless, this isn't about Casey. This is about MS releasing crap software. Text editors from 30 years ago were faster than WT. Something is horribly broken about the programmer's approach to writing code, or they are being horribly managed, or all of the above.
On the surface, it often feels like there is just an extreme lack of pride in workmanship. In code from lots of vendors I am constantly seeing interfaces with strange glaring issues, with bizarrely convoluted UI paths, with odd render bugs, etc... It feels like there is something unfortunate happening across the industry. Maybe I'm just a cranky older engineer, but seeing so many visual and functional failures being shipped makes me think the issue is far deeper than that.
> Is releasing software for free under the GPL-2.0 a "dick move" ?
it is when you know that Microsoft employees are forbidden from looking at GPL code because they may unconsciously recall it and use it in a Microsoft codebase.
Casey knew that at the time and admitted to licensing it GPL for that exact reason.
That is a “dick move” to me. maybe i’m wrong. you be the judge, i guess.
As you say, Casey is experienced and his code is valuable. MS should pay him if they want to look at his code! He said as much in his tweets… I mean, why should he be doing charity for MS by fixing their products for them?
> Casey is experienced and his code is valuable. MS should pay him if they want to look at his code! He said as much in his tweets… I mean, why should he be doing charity for MS by fixing their products for them?
so difficult that he wrote it so he could demonstrate how easy it is.
he gladly showed the rest of us how to do it, and he intentionally took action which prevented anything he did from being used within Microsoft. Microsoft is so shitty because they don’t know [thing] so i’m going to show everyone but them how to do [thing].
he could have chosen to help. he chose to not help. he chose to complain and ridicule while intentionally avoiding doing anything to change the situation he was unhappy with.
Casey did choose to help - explaining the issue and potential solution on github. It was only after his solution was dismissed, then catching the microsoft engineers using his solution and making a blog post about it that he complained.
they didn't use his solution. they began to adopt his approach. began to. they are still not even close to done with it all, and the changes they would need to make to fully line up with Casey's approach can't happen because of other things the code does.
they were not caught using his solution. they published a blog entry describing that they were made aware of performance problems and they didn't mention him. it was rabid fans of Casey that started foaming at the mouth then, even though Casey publicly stated he didn't want or need credit, because the idea wasn't his to begin with.
Personally I think that he owes them nothing, especially after the way he was treated in so I can't comprehend statements which claim that he was an asshole for using GPL.
He owes them nothing, you're right. I made no claim that he does.
I'm saying he could have helped the situation, and he deliberately chose to not only avoid helping, but to hinder anyone at Microsoft who wanted to look at that code and contribute to Windows Terminal. That was a choice he made intentionally.
He could have taken the high road, there. He chose not to. It's his choice, don't get me wrong, he was well within his rights. I just disagree with that choice. that's why I call that a "dick move". And if you disagree with me, that's fine. "Dick move" means different things to different people at different times.
Microsoft hires consultants sometimes to better understand Windows. They hire people to come lecture to them about their own software. (I'm not making fun of them, it's a good idea.) If they can't pony up for a few consulting hours to help their developers learn how to write the software they should have written, that's really on them.
The way Casey handled this issue was... not good. He's been a jerk about it and generally dragged this whole dumb argument on way longer than needed (I can't believe we're still talking about it).
He was right, but he does not seem remotely pleasant to work with and has been remarkably adversarial. Hasn't exactly fostered a "let's hire him as a consultant" relationship.
eh not really. it's more about being able to reasonably testify in court that no GPL code was introduced into a codebase that they want to license with a non-GPL license and not be lying.
the meme is that you can turn off the verbatim stuff and no one ever remembers that they are told about this, or that it is in the documentation, or that poking around the copilot settings you will see the setting in question.
actual users of copilot seem to know this little bit of information; commenters who like to make comments about things they have never used always overlook details like this, and perpetually restate the things they learned about the topic months or years prior, even when those details were incorrect at the time, and are still incorrect today.
>the meme is that you can turn off the verbatim stuff
I see. But the setting (which surprises me that is opt-in) merely checks whether the output is an exact match and forces the system to produce a new output. The system can and does (as seen on the tweet) output verbatim code. So the question that parent commenter asked is legit.
It is nice to be a dominant position like Microsoft because if they weren't they would have put aside their "feelings" and hired Casey to help them out. But they don't need to. Feelings of Microsoft seem more important than feelings of all their users who will just have to bear with it.
Come on man, the fact he's able to use GPL2 to annoy you is your problem. Just stop hitting yourself.
I will restate what many others have said here, Microsoft has used and interacted with GPL2 code longer than I have been alive. There is GPL2 licensed software in the Windows Store released by Microsoft.
Microsoft is the one doing the "dick move" by requiring special permission for new GPL2 interaction.
If Microsoft can interact with Linux, the biggest GPL2 project ever, they can interact with whatever Casey releases.
come on, man, the windows Terminal repo includes code that ships with windows and is not the windows Terminal application itself. cmd.exe lives in that repo, for example, along with some of the structure which supports all command-line applications on windows.
they can't adopt GPL in that repo and Microsoft has a very strong policy about segregation between developers who can read and write GPL code and those who cannot. those who cannot interact with GPL code get to work on stuff that ships with Windows, like the stuff in the Windows Terminal repo.
so, no. they can't look at GPL code, including Casey's refterm code. Casey knew all of this when he chose the GPL for that project.
What the repo contains should not be very relevant. Proprietary and GPLed software can be in the same repo/disk/etc. We even see this in the official git repo with non-free firmware. Instead the concern is about what code the terminal application ends up using and what it links with. If his terminal did not link to any weird stuff then it is probably the case that they could avoid it as well. Also don't forget that the GPL contains an exception for system libraries specifically.
As for the segregation policy, it sounds like a self-imposed problem.
This argument is pointless. Microsoft doesn't need a YouTube video to teach its engineers how to do their jobs. They have tons of people in house who can code circles around any famous open source engineer, and who'd be happy to explain how to make cmd.exe great again internally
Like others have said, there are organizational issues causing the company's output to be embarrassing trash. Personally, I blame the Ballmer years of "unregretted attrition", but that's just my pet theory as to how it became a dysfunctional bureaucratic treacherous pirate's den
not when it adds tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code to a project, and makes understanding everything more difficult, because every single action the code takes is indirect and abstracted thrice.
have you seen a large project grow ? it's all about organization so no one gets lost. none of it is needed if you have skilled developers, but skilled developers are expensive, so outside of silicon valley, companies hire shit developers and hope that they become semi-productive before their 5th anniversary.
the result is very large projects because no one knows how to write code, and tons of unnecessary abstraction and boilerplate stuck onto EVERYTHING.
just write what you need to solve the problem you need to solve, then stop.
They can totally look at it, but if they copy it into Windows Terminal, they need to relicense Windows Terminal under the GPL. That would be a great outcome for everyone. Microsoft is already shipping Linux under the GPL2 as WSL2 so this shouldn't be unthinkable.
Also, though, it does not require 25+ years of game development experience to figure out that you can write a non-laggy terminal emulator, which should be obvious because people have been building non-laggy terminal emulators since at least 01974 and people routinely watch 1080p videos at 60 fps on modern laptops and even modern hand computers.
We had terminal emulators with acceptable, even snappy, performance on X-Windows when I started using it in 01993. In 01994 I would commonly use an IRIS Indigo, which had a 150 MHz R4400, which was not superscalar, so it was maybe capable of 150 MIPS, or 300 MIPS if you count floating-point too. I preferred using it instead of the X terminals because it was faster. I'm typing this on an obsolete laptop whose CPU averages about 100 times faster than that. It's immediately obvious to the most casual observer that there is no excuse for software on this laptop to flub UI tasks the Indigo handled with ease.
The VT50 was released in 01974, and its microprogram emulated a Teletype with added features. (See my comment at A service manual for the 01975 version, the VT52, is at It had 60 frames per second (in the US), 240 scan lines per frame, 80 characters per scan line (at 15.36 kHz), and I think 8 pixels per character (in each scan line), one of which was always blank. So its output shift register ("VSR") operated at 9.8 MHz, or actually a little bit faster because of the 10-μs HBI, during which it checked the keyboard. Its microprogram, which had to load the appropriate 7 bits into the VSR 80 times per scan line (as well as processing escape sequences and printable characters during, I think, the VBI), had a 1.3 μs instruction cycle time (770 MHz), divided into 18 72-ns clock cycles (13.824 MHz) during which it did different things.
So I think that in most 72-ns clock cycles about a couple of dozen flip-flops would change state.
This laptop typically executes about 2400 CPU instructions in every 72-ns tick of the VT52's clock, 600 per core. You could compile an RTL-level logic simulation of the VT52 into C and compile it with a C compiler, and it would run faster than the original VT52.
But that would be sort of stupid because you have a framebuffer and a GPU with texture-mapping units; your CPU doesn't actually have to generate pixels one at a time to keep the screen refreshed because you have hardware to do that for you. A 1920×1080 video at 60 frames per second is displaying 124 million new pixels per second, which it has to get by decoding H.264 or H.265 or something. That's a bit over 1.5 million VT52 characters per second. But when you're displaying characters on a terminal that isn't very useful because people can only read about 30 characters per second; even updating a full-page 80×66 display at 60 frames per second is only 0.3 million characters per second.
In most cases the computation required to process a character is to verify that it's a printable plain ASCII character, update the screen image, and update the cursor position. Updating the screen image might involve blitting some texture data or, as in Muratori's refterm, updating a glyph index that gets consulted by a shader to figure out what texture data to draw when the time comes to render a frame. We're talking about an amount of computation that's small compared to a typical C subroutine call and return.
> They can totally look at it, but if they copy it into Windows Terminal, they need to relicense Windows Terminal under the GPL. That would be a great outcome for everyone.
no! it would not! the GPL is a truly awful license. "freedom" my white butt. it's a list of requirements, all of which restrict the freedoms and abilities of those who utilize it.
about rendering:
I'm not trying to say that it's hard. I'm trying to say that they believed they knew how to do it, when in reality they did not.
Everyone is laser focused on the details of what I am saying and completely missing the point of what I am saying, or trying to say. I am apparently speaking a language that is close to English but not actually English.
>no! it would not! the GPL is a truly awful license. "freedom" my white butt. it's a list of requirements, all of which restrict the freedoms and abilities of those who utilize it.
The only freedom the GPL restricts is the freedom to maintain a captive audience in a state of information asymmetry guaranteed helplessness.
GPL forces code others write for your project to also be GPL. that is a loss of freedom for that contributor.
if I license something with the MIT license, anyone can use it for any purpose, and they can take my code with their modifications private if they want, meaning those entities are free to do what they want, and the code I released is still freely available just like it was before. I lose nothing, and no freedoms were taken from anyone who uses my code.
Windows Terminal isn't licensed under any of the various MIT licenses, though; it's licensed under the Windows EULA. The Windows EULA forces code others write for Windows Terminal to never exist in the first place, and it forces the people on the Windows Terminal team to lose access to their own code if they leave Microsoft. So moving Windows Terminal to the GPL2 would be a gain of freedom for all those people. Only Satya Nadella would suffer a loss of freedom.
That sort of simple numerical counting isn't enough for an ethical argument, of course. If my house is converted to a public park, then everyone gains the freedom to drink beer in it, or at least everyone in Buenos Aires does, and only I lose any freedom, like the freedom to sleep in a dry bed when it's raining without raucous beer-drinkers guffawing all around me. But this is still a net loss because the benefits to everyone else are not as important as the loss to me.
In the Windows Terminal case, the situation is the other way around: Nadella would suffer a loss of freedom that affects him only in a de minimis way, while everyone else would gain substantially.
> Everyone is laser focused on the details of what I am saying and completely missing the point of what I am saying, or trying to say. I am apparently speaking a language that is close to English but not actually English.
Have you considered that people are disagreeing with you because you are wrong rather than because they don't understand you?
Well, it's true that I spent a lot of words attacking the claim that making a terminal emulator snappy (in the usual case, maybe not Zalgo cases) would be difficult, and it is also true that naikrovek didn't actually make that claim. Rather, they claimed that the Windows Terminal team didn't know how to do it. Which, I mean, maybe that's true, but it isn't that hard to figure out. I think it's more accurate that they didn't bother and made up rationalizations for their shitty software after the fact.
Oh, well, I agree that the Windows Terminal team overestimated their own competence. I just think they had to argue some pretty obviously implausible positions in order to do so. You have to dumb pretty hard to start believing that a 3 GHz 2-core superscalar i7 with AVX256, 24 MB of L3 cache, and a SIMT GPU can't handle the load of emulating a VT100.
And having the Windows Terminal licensed under the GPL instead of a Microsoft EULA would strictly increase the freedoms and abilities of its users: they could still legally do all the things with Windows Terminal they do now, plus lots of new things as well. Opt out of undesired updates, for example. Even the Windows Terminal team would have more freedom that way: they could go work at a different employer and keep hacking on the code they wrote as part of Windows Terminal.
game development is an entirely different paradigm than enterprise software development; they aren’t really comparable, other than they both produce software which successfully executes.
in games, any code which does not directly contribute to the final product is not written, or is removed after it is not needed. in enterprise software, tens of thousands of lines of code are produced simply so the project layout is familiar for everyone working on it, because that’s important, somehow?
Casey was right to complain about the performance, and to show them how it should work. licensing it so that they couldn’t even look at it was both 100% intentional and 100% a dick move, and i will not credit him for that. that code could have been used as a wakeup call regarding performance for a lot of people within Microsoft, but he licensed it so they can’t even look at it.
perfomance of microsoft software isn’t great, i’ll agree. poking fun at them then hiding the code that was easy enough to write for him, but completely not obvious to the Windows Terminal team, doesn’t really make Casey the Software Quality Hero you’ve portrayed him as. Casey writes excellent software, don’t get me wrong. this particular example and series of events is not a high point in his career, to me.