> more data comes to light which suggests that earlier is better.
I have not seen studies like that. All the ones I’ve seen have participants stop eating 3 hours (minimum) before sleep. For example, With an 8 hour eating window and 10:00 sleep, that means eating between 11:00-7:00 giving you a 16 hour fast.
Here is the study I am referring to [1]. As far as studies go, this one is fairly rigorous and of what I would consider to be high quality based on several factors related to the study design.
This study in particular looked at early TR (6am-2pm) vs mid afternoon (1pm-8pm) TR vs no TR; and early TR had the greatest metabolic benefits by a long shot:
> "Furthermore, eTRF (early TR), but not mTRF (mid-day TR), improved fasting glucose, reduced total body mass and adiposity, ameliorated inflammation, and increased gut microbial diversity. No serious adverse events were reported during the trial. In conclusion, eTRF showed greater benefits for insulin resistance and related metabolic parameters compared with mTRF"
I have not seen studies like that. All the ones I’ve seen have participants stop eating 3 hours (minimum) before sleep. For example, With an 8 hour eating window and 10:00 sleep, that means eating between 11:00-7:00 giving you a 16 hour fast.