>The idea that the army would belong to the people was alien at the time,
It's still alien to me now. We the people don't tell the armies where to go. If a single person can tell the armies where to go, it's not we the people. To even come close to a we the people decision, the orders would have to be from a committee of reps. Good gawd could you imagine the US military being told what to do by the senate or, gasp, the house of reps? If there's a 2/3 majority rule, the military would never do anything.
It's still alien to me now. We the people don't tell the armies where to go. If a single person can tell the armies where to go, it's not we the people. To even come close to a we the people decision, the orders would have to be from a committee of reps. Good gawd could you imagine the US military being told what to do by the senate or, gasp, the house of reps? If there's a 2/3 majority rule, the military would never do anything.